chapter :- 7 fateful reunion

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Yo boys and girls we are here again on a brand new chapter. Cmon let's Go......

Serena POV

Time went like butterfly in the sky. From afternoon to now late evening ash haven't arrived. I wanna have a word with him. Not like I wanna scold him or yell at him for what he said to calem. Actually calem deserve that and he shouldn't say anything bad about anyone especially to the one whom you don't know. As I was lost in my own world I notice a handkerchief of blue color and a Pokemon sign. It must have fall from my stuff because when I fall my stuff scattered everywhere. "I guess I wasn't able to clean the room". I sweatdrop😅 and cleaned the whole room. After cleaning, again I picked that handkerchief and began thinking about it. After a few minutes memories flooded my mind. Now I understand why I always feel this warm and fuzzy feeling around ash why I feel safe around him. Why I feel I have known him for ages.(guys im not gonna write the whole flashback. Most of you know it so I'm not wasting time in it. If anyone of you don't know lemme tell you guys ash and serena were childhood lovers. They met each other in Oak summer camp. But they got separated as we know serena is from kalos and she need to go back home with her mother. That's the only flashback).
As I was busy in my past memories i heard opening of door and when the figure come in view it was none other than ash.........
I just jump and hugged him not care in the world I just jump in his arms. But when realisation hit me I pushed myself away from him blushing furiously.


After the incident with that boy camel I headed out of canteen with Pikachu on my shoulder like always. I went outside in a near park. I was sitting peaceful when I heard my phone buzzing. It was call from sis. I answer it. The screen appeared showing a woman in her late 20s.
"Hey, ash how are you and pikachu. How is the university." She asked.
"I'm good and this mouse is also good and university is also... somewhat good." I said with a smile assuring her that I'm good.
" Ash you know you can't fool me with that fake smile of yours. Tell me what happen. Fight or something." She asked in concern.
" Ahh... It's nothing sis. It's just that university is starting from tomorrow but I came yesterday got settled and also get everything done but now I've got nothing to do. So... I was just sitting in the park with Pikachu" I said to her
Ok..... So why don't you..... Challenge gym as you were saying you will participate in kalos league" she said.
"That's an great idea sis. Thnx your the best. Now I'll get goin bye sis" I said to her while jumping and running. I opened my mobile gps and check where is the closest gym. It shows there a is gym in city name Santalune. With gym leader Viole. I went there and challenged her and won easily and as the proof of victory I got BUG BADGE from Viole. I guess because of mount.silver training I've become too...... Strong. But to my surprise I wasn't able to take record of time. It was already late in the evening when I reach dorm.
When I open the door and enter. To my suprise serena jumped and hugged me. I don't know why but I've never felt this kind of sensation for a long time. I know the feel and warmth when sis embraces me but this was different, I felt like when I used to feel when my mom hugged me this feeling of being loved by someone. But much to disappoint she quickly realised what she was doing and because of embarrassment she quickly let me go..... But the thing which caught me off guard was her yelling.
"Where have you been all this time. I was worried sick for you." She said
"Chill out girl. I went to gym to win this( shows her bug batch).I said to her
" It means your participating in league" she asked me.
"Yea.......wait where did you get that handkerchief" I was answering her but then my eyes fall on that blue handkerchief I know that handkerchief.
"It means you remembered me right." She said jumping in joy where as for me and pikachu we just tilted our head in confusion what she's trying to say. She was me and understood by my expression that I didn't understand I single word she said.
" You remembered this handkerchief right" she asked me
" Yea.... I remembered it I gave it to a..........wait WHAT THE YOUR THAT STRAW HAT GIRL" i said in joy and hugged her.

We hugged eachother for few minutes but then I felt my chest a little bit wet. I looked and saw serena was crying... *Sob* *Sob*
"Where have you been *Sob* you idiot. I have waited ages for you and now you came after 8 years *Sob* she said while crying.
"I'm sorry serena but what I could do you left me without telling me your name. We were so in love back then that we didn't care about eachother names. I still remember you used call hubby while I call you honey even our mothers thought that we will marry eachother. I said while chucking, but my eyes widened when I realised what i have said... I looked at her but she said something which might change my whole life
"Do you still love me" she said with a bit blush on her face and kinda a nervousness In her voice. It really out of the blue but she was one and only childhood love and because of her I never tried to hook up with any girl. Because she was the one who I wanna marry and have children with. I replied her without thinking a second thought.
"You were my one and only love from childhood serry-berry" I said while facing her. More words weren't needed and I could hear sound of music as face came near to her. I could feel her breath and I'm sure she is feeling the same. As we both lean closer and closer and closer......
Finally our lips meet and there I felt a jolt of electricity not like the one Pikachu give me daily which give me nothing but pain but this.... It's totally different I felt happy, joy out of the world......
I think this is the best thing in the world


Hey guys how are you. I know I'm not good and emotional or romantic scene but I tried my best to make it look good.

This song is just "perfect" in this situation. We'll take care and in next chapter there gonna be badass action so stay tuned for it.....

EN signing off,
Take care guys

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