chapter :- 29

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Last time
I see mom is here. So she must have told you everything. Now the choice is yours ash..... Come with me to make a new world or die..... As sacrifice for my new world

Present time
(Still Ash POV)

We were having our family chat but then everything went white. A explosion happened. I somehow managed to make an aura shield on Serena and Max but I wasn't able to make a shield on my own. But for me mom made a shield on me and one for her own. When everything went silent and smoke was everywhere then we all heard a voice.
"I see mom is here. So she must have told you everything about me. Now ash it is yours choice......... Come with me to make a new world or die......... As a sacrifice for my new world."
This voice came from smoke. Soon smoke cleared and we all could see a man of age 23-24 in air. He was wearing a cloak of black color. Then he starts to descend and remove hood from his face. So that his face could get visible. He was none other than RED.

When I heard this and saw him. I subconsciously activate my aura powers because of anger on him. Blue sparks could be seen flying from me and mom. Then mom speak.

"Red my son. You also know you are reincarnation of your great grandfather the dark lord. Please don't make the same mistakes he did. Please don't go in the path he went because in path you are going have nothing but emptiness. Please red don't let those shadow Pokemon take over your mind and control you." mom tried to talk to red. Then red speak.

"Mom no one is controlling me. I'm doing this on my own and I'm not on my great grandfather steps. I'm on my own way. The shadow Pokemon showed me the suffering of this world. The hatred people have for each. How they kill each other how they mistreated Pokemoms. Don't you think mom the world you created is now not the way it used to be. That's why I'm doing this. to end this all. To end everyone suffering I'm gonna create a new world where there would no fights no one will kill eachother. No pokemon would be mistreated. Everything would be alright. That's why I'm again asking you both. Join me and help me create this new world of mine."
Red replied to mom. Now my anger wasn't in my control so I speak to him.

"And you are gonna create this new world on the ashes of this world" I said to him in an angry tone. Then he looked at me and said.

"Yes. This world is nothing but imperfection ash. Don't you think that too.... When I was in hall of origin there was nothing to do so mom made a portal for me through that I could see you. From everything you went i saw it all. Everything happened to you never happens to anyone else you created your organization.... What was it's name...... Yea.... Kingsman. You also know that the crime in this world is on peak. That's why we should create a new world where there would be no crime."
He replied to me and then he looked towards max and serena.

"Ash don't think of you alone. Think of your family too.... You have son and a wife. You should think about them too" he said while looking at max and serena.
This made me a little nervous.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna do anything to them. If you join me" he said making me more nervous. But then I heard max.

" Dad don't submit to him. He is not right. I know our world have crime but our world also have humanity too... Dad don't worry about us. Just defeat him and tell him he is wrong. You always said to me NEVER GIVE UP UNTIL END so now you will also not give up" max shouted giving me courage after him I heard serena voice.

"Yes ash. Don't worry about us. Defeat him and show him that our world is not some result of imperfection" she said to me. Seeing both of them like that I couldn't help to smile but to ensure they are safe I moved my hand and teleport them to rota. To sis. So that they will be safe then I looked at red who was smiling a little.

"Really.... Being with you impacted their head. Now they have the same thinking as you." He said to me.

"And listen here You might be a hero for your son and wife. But infront of me. You are nothing but a small insect. Remember ash I'm your big brother. And I'm giving you both a last opportunity to come with me" he said with  looking straight into our eyes.

" Like hell we'll join you" I said while unleashing my aura power at 100% sparks around me changed from blue to one of the shade of blue-ish green Same followed by mom. She also unleashed her aura. But the colour of her sparks were golden yellow.

"Red you are my son. But to stop you I need to use my powers too." Mom said to red.

"Then let game begin
he said and charged at us releasing his power too but the colour of his sparks were black. Indicating evil intention


Yo guys. How are you all. Well there is a good news because of coronavirus my exams are cancelled 🥳🥳. So now I will again starts to do daily uploads.

EN signing off.

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