chapter :- 23

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Yo guys. How are you all. How was the sudden twist in the story 😏😏. Well let's keep that aside for now. The picture above⬆️⬆️ is of max. Just imagine he wore green t shirt. He have raven hair like ash and cerulean eyes like serena. Overall he is different from the original anime character. Now let's start from where we left.

(Serena POV)

We were walking down the road to our way to our new home but the thing that makes me feel nervous is WILL MAX LIKE ME. WILL HE LET ME BE HIS MOTHER. really it's killing me. Ash saw my face and understood what I was going through, so he squeezed my hand a little and said.

"It's ok. Be calm. Everything would be alright" he said to me with a warm smile.

"But ash.... I just can't be calm. What if he didn't like me. What if he thinks I'm not worthy to become his mother. What if he hate me what if----" I was really anxious so he again looked at me and said.

"Look the thing max carving for is love right now. From what max have gone through made him depressed. So the thing which could fill the empty void in his heart is love. Especially parents love which his previous parents didn't gave him. So just be yourself and show him you love him very much. I'm pretty sure he will accept you" ash said and that was pretty much truth. Max previous parents treat him like a weapon. Preparing it for future but when he wasn't able to live up to their expectations they threw him out. Max is really in need of parental love.

After sometime of walking we eventually made our way to home. It was not big but also not small. It have a nice ward in font and pretty big space in back for Pokemon to run and play freely. Then we made our way to door. Ash opened it and just when he opened it, a small boy came and hugged him followed by pikachu.

"Welcome back dad" "pika pika pi" both said.
The moment I saw max I felt like I know him for ages now I know what ash meant by feel connected to max. Although we haven't properly even met..... But still I feel like.... He is my own son. My own blood. A piece of me

"Hey...... Did you do anything reckless behind my back" ash asked him and he respond with a no. Then moment of truth came.
"Um.... Max I wanna introduce you to someone" ash said while pointing towards me.

" Wait........ She is the same woman who we ran into, when we were walking in tunnel to locker room" he said.

"Yep. You are correct but she is not any woman her name is Serena.......... And........." Ash took a deep breath before saying the next part.

"Listen max I don't know how will you react after hearing this but she is my wife........." Ash said to max. He's eyes widened for a moment but then his mind analysis the situation.

"Wait.......... If she is your wife..... Then she becomes my......... mother" he said in suprise tone but what made me suprise was the thing he said next.

"Do you know....... I'm adopted son of him" he asked me with a down tone. This made ash a little bit sad that he still don't consider him as real Father. So I walk towards him and bend my knees to make myself of his height then I began to speak.

" For your question. Yes max. I know all about you but I don't care a thing about your past because now you are my... No OUR son. But the thing you said just now..... Adopted son. Please don't ever say this again Because I might not gave birth to you but still, me and ash both feel like you really is our son our own blood. It feels like we are connected somehow. Remember max the place where people thinks and worry about you is the place you calls home. And we want to make this place our home. Currently this is a house not a home. But if YOU want you could turn this into OUR home, So please..... We consider you as our real son so we want that you too consider us as your real parents. And never say that you are our adopted son. You are my blood. Remember" I said to him. And I could feel what I said he felt that too. After sometime he said.

"I'm sorry mother and dad. From now on I will never say that again" he said with his head down.

" Hey, max there is no need to feel down. Just remember you ARE our son. Our own blood" ash said to max in a comforting and fatherly tone.

"Yep!  Ash is correct max" I said to him.

" Um.......  mother If I calls you mom rather than mother. Then would it be ok" he asked me and I just can't help but hug him

"You can call me whatever you want son....." I said to him while hugging him.

"Hey, no hugs for me" ash said while pouting.

"This is only mother and son hug so there is no need for you" I said to ash which made both max and pikachu laugh.

"Hey, this is not fare" ash said and jumped in our hug and convert a mother and son hug to a big family hug.
After sometime our hug broke and the classis sound of Ash's stomach growl came followed by pikachu.... Both me and max giggled at this. Then I said.

"Looks like someone is hungry. I'll make dinner for you all. Wait a minute" I said and went to kitchen.

After sometime I made dinner for all three of us and Pokemon food for pokemons. We were eating peaceful but then I heard max.

"Dad did you bring ice cream for me" he asked ash which made ash sweat and laugh nervously.

"Um.... Sorry max I totally forgot that. I promise next time I will bring extra ice cream and snacks for you" ash said to him while joining his Both hands which made max pout. Then an idea came in my mind.

"Ash, max why don't we go for a walk after our dinner. There we can also have ice cream for you, max" I said to him which made him jump in excitement.

"Thanks mom you are the best." Max said with the same toothy grain just like ash. Seeing this I couldn't help but smile at my son's reaction.


Yo guys how was the chapter. Did you like it. In next few chapters the Ketchum family will start their own journey so stay tuned for it.
Till then. Take care and be healthy to read my new chapter 😋😋

EN signing off.

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