Chapter :- 8

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Yo girls and boys. Here's your author. Enjoying my book.😋😋 Guys lemme tell you I'm not good at emotional or romantic scene so pls consider it pls.
Well let's start......

Next Day

Serena POV

I was sleeping peacefully but sun rays fall on my face to wake me up, I tried to get up but then realisation hit me and this time really hard, "OMA, IM SLEEPING ON ASH'S CHEST" then yesterday memories flooded my mind and a bit of blush appeared on my face and my hands made its way automatically to my lips I touch them and memory when ash and I kissed made me blush. WE DIDN'T DID ANYTHING BAD we just kissed for few minutes and went in bed together....
As I was talking to myself I felt some kind of movement followed by a yawn.
"Good morning beautiful" ash said to me while giving me a quick peck. God I just love this feeling.
"I'm sorry I waked you up" I said to him.
"It's ok and actually it's good because if I didn't be awake till now my alarm would wake me wide awake" as he was saying Pikachu walked in our room. At first he was shocked. I guess he wasn't expecting me sleeping with his trainer. First he was me and then he looked towards his trainer who just smiled with this pikachu ran and jump in my arms and start nuzzling my face.
" Pikachu you changed your party, huh... Buddy" ash said while Pikachu just showed him his tongue out. This made me giggled a bit.
"Well serena meet my alarm. If I don't wake up on time then he used to work as my alarm" he said to me
" You mean Pikachu wakes you up" I said
"Yea with a thunderbolt" he said while petting Pikachu which made him cooed
" Serena don't worry pikachu used to awake me like this since I started my journey. And now I'm immune to thunder" he said to me
" But still I will now not allow it. From now on I'm gonna wake him up pikachu." I said last line facing pikachu who just thumps up and smiled.
" C'mon let's get going today is our first day of university and I don't think you wanna be late for first day" he said to me.
We both got out from bed and start doing morning routine after that we went to canteen for breakfast with our hand intertwined.

Third Person POV

When they arrived in canteen and when ash saw the faces of serena's friends that moment were priceless. Gary ,Paul and Barry were shocked that the most dense person in the world got himself a girl. Where as on girls face it was both of shock and happiness for their friend. But for calem and tierno it was pure jealousy.
They asked them so many questions and to answer them ash shorten his and serena love story and told them.
" Listen guys let me tell you this story in short. Childhood lovers. Got separated. Met after many years and now In relationship." Ash told them everything in short. But just as he finished telling them dawn jumped and said something.
" Wait..... That means you're that boy who serena mention everytime we talk to her about why she don't get in relationship" she said and then may interject.
"Yea.. you are right ash is the boy who serena always mentioned as her knight in shining armour" they all started to tease serena. And serena's face turns to Tomato red.
" Well serena I didn't expect that you would love me that much" ash said earning few awws from the group.
" Well it's not only serena's case, ash also didn't hook up with any girl. And even in our journey I tried to hook him up but he said he have someone in his heart" Gary said and now it was ash turn to blush but he didn't blush madly like serena.
"Ok guys... Let's eat because university is gonna start in 20 minutes" ash said calmly. They did their breakfast. Talked about several things. After they completed their breakfast they made their way to auditorium for special assembly.
But as the group were walking towards the seats ash stopped them and said something catching whole group attention.
"Ok... This is where we part we serena I need to go on stage so I guess you will need to spend most of the assembly without me." Ash said
"Hey idiot, only champions or professors could step foot on stage. If any idiot like you step on the stage he would get kicked out and will also be blacklist so that your whole future will be destroyed." Calem said in a mocking way. Trying to tell him he is not someone who can step a feet on stage.
" Well calem just now you said only champions or professors are allowed to step on stage so I guess it's ok for me" ash said in a calm way.
" Ash Im not understanding, what are you trying to tell" serena said with a bit of confusion.
"Well... Guys let me again introduce you all to my friend The Ash Ketchum,. Champion of alola" Gary said while slightly bowing down in ash's respect.
Now the whole group was in shock. Their jaws hit the ground. But first one to overcome that situation is Serena.
" Ash why didn't you tell me that you are a champion" serena said with a bit of sadness in her voice.
"You never asked about it. And I'm not someone who keep bragging about himself" ash said and serena nodded in acknowledgement.
"Well but I hide something from you so in compensation I'll take you on a date after classes what do you say" ash said with a smile. And in response serena just hugged him and gave him a kiss.
"Will that answer your question" serena said.
"It surely does" ash said in reply and they could heard some awwes from behind.
"Hey, ash if you are a champion then why didn't you accept my challenge. I thought were some weak trainer . You are a champion so you should accept my challenge not reject it like a scared pussy" calem said while bursting in anger.
" Well calem I already said it before I didn't want to battle at that time didn't you see I rejected Gary request too. Because sometimes I get tired of being this so-called champion and that's the reason I came here so that I could get some quality time where people see me as Ash not like Champion". As ash was explaining the reason why he didn't battle they heard an announcement.
"Please all the champion and professor make their way on stage"
" Guess..... I'll need to go. See a you later guys." Ash said a gave a kiss to serena and dash towards the stage
"See you later ash" serena said while a smile plaster on her face with a tint of blush. But a certain person didn't like the scene he just saw in front of his eyes.

Calem POV
Ass ketchup I will kill you. First you pretend to be weak then you got my girl and now you revealed your secret that you are a champion and now you gave me a god damn speech to mock me.
You will pay for this Ketchup


Yo guys this is your author here. How is this chapter tell me in comment section and also don't forget to vote for it.
till then see in next chapter....

EN signing off,
Take care

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