chapter :- 27

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Last time
You ash presents hope and light.
Whereas Red presents darkness and despair.

Present time
(Ash POV)

When I heard the last line my eyes widened. That we both are polar opposite and we have such responsibility. But then one thing ring bell in my mind.

"Wait mom.... Why are you telling this now. You could tell this later wards or earlier. But why now. And if you are telling me about me and my brother red's origin then why he isn't here." I questioned her and her facial expression changed to one of a very serious and now I could coldness in air.

"Your brother is not here anymore. That's the reason I'm telling you and your family this history. Red brake through hall of origin and went rampage. destroying everything that comes in his sight. He thinks that this world is imperfect. So he wanna destroy this world and make a new world with perfection. It's all because of shadow Pokemon. That he changed." She said telling why he is not here.

Max POV.

I was hearing to dad and Dad's mom conversation but when I heard her saying "shadow Pokemon". It kinda gave me a sting pain in head. It felt like I knew it somehow. So I asked her about it.

"Um.... Ma'am what is this shadow Pokemon. They kinda feels familiar to me. Like I have heard that word somewhere" I gathered my courage and asked her about it.

Everyone turn there face to me. Then she begin to speak.

"That's a good question Max but it will sound more pleasant if you call me grandma rather than some ma'am" she said to me with a smile on her face.
Then I heard dad's and mom's voice.

"Yes Max she is my mother so she would become your grandmother. you should call her grandma." Dad said.

"Yea Max. She is your grandmother not some ma'am" mom said.

"I know. It's just that.......... I don't feel like I'm someone who can call her grandma." I said while facing down.

"What do you mean by that Max" mom asked me.

"Mom...... You also know the truth.... I'm not your real son. I know you both love me a lot like I'm you real son. But the reality is different. I'm adopted. I don't even know how my real parents are. I dont-------" As I was saying I felt a pain on my cheek. I saw mom slapping me with tears in her eyes.

"We did so much for you. Just to know  that you are enjoying your time with. We did all this so that you don't feel lonely again and Max you. You don't even feel the bond that we feels.... Don't you think it's destiny that we met. Why you always feels like you aren't our son. You are my son. Our son. Crave that into that idiot mind of yours" mom said while crying.

This time I was struck there I don't what to say. Or what to do. I don't know why but seeing mom cry made my eyes wet too. Dad was also standing there with a sad look on his face. He didn't said anything to me but that look on his face could tell that he is broken from what I said he also feels the same what mom is feeling. Just the difference is that dad is standing with a sad face while mom is crying her lungs out. I don't know why but every tears of her feels like knife which are stabbing in my heart. So I build up my courage and begin to speak.

"Mom...... I also wanna be your....... Son.... I also feel...... The bond you both feel.....but......" As I was saying my sentence I was again got stopped. But this time it was because of Dad's mom. Arceus.

"Max whatever your mom is saying is truth. Your are their son. Ash and serena son." She said making me confused. So I wiped my tears and asked her.

"What do you..... Mean by that ma'am" I asked her. Now mom also stopped crying and now she was listening to our conversation.

"Max remember when I told you about shadow Pokemon. You felt like you knew them right.?" She asked me making me confused again

"Yes. I felt like I knew them. But what connection it have with me being real son of them." I asked her. She smiled at my reaction and then begin to speak.

"Max, ash and serena. You all three listen this carefully. What I'm gonna tell you might make your world upside down but it's the truth. Especially for you Max." She said and now me mom and dad gave her full attention. Showing that we are ready for whatever coming up next. Then she again begin to speak.

"Listen max your real parents are none other than. Ash and serena but.........

From another dimension.


Yo guys, how are you all. I know by mistake I uploaded it when it was half complete and thnx alot becuz you all understand what happened with me. So that's what all for today. I will try to upload one more chapter today as an apology. So stay tuned for more.

EN signing off

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