Chapter :- 22

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"This is the place where you will die........... calem Xavier.

Present time
(Third person POV)

When calem heard those words he tilted his neck backward to see who said that. But when he saw who was standing there his eyes widened. It was "ASH".
Then calem struggle to get words and said.

"What are you doing here Ketchup" he said still he's neck at the backside.

"First it's KETCHUM. and second what will I do if you took my wife on a date" ash said to him now calem was confused. Few minutes ago ash hated serena now he loves her.

"Wife.... My foot. Why do you think she go on a date with me because she is fed up with you." Calem said to ash.

"Oh really...... Then willl you please look at her"  ash said to calem. And he laughed.

"Why not why not" he's laugh came to an end when he looked at Serena. She was holding gun on him.

"You bitch you dare to cheat on me" calem said in angry tone.

"Technically I didn't cheated on you because i never said that I love you. And for your kind information I was with ash from the very start don't forget I'm Mrs. Serene KETCHUM" serena said to calem and his face now was very confused.

"Let me explain things for you calem" ash said.

Flashback of that  night when serena made a call to her head quarter.

"I'm sure what I'm going to do now will definitely make you hate me. But this is all to help you. I hope you understand" serena mummered and kissed ash forehead. Serena said while thinking ash was asleep but he wasn't he got awake when serena moved from the bed to make a call. So when ash felt now that he should talk to her. So he get up. Seeing this Serena was shocked.
"You were awake the whole time" she said and ash nodded in response

"Then you must have heard everything" she said in a down tone.

"Look ash I don't want to keep things secret from you. But this I didn't want to tell you because I was gonna resign from this secret agent thing but when I heard that you were involved in one case   I again join it." She said to him.

"Look serena. I'm still angry at you that you hide a secret from me that you works at international police agency.  But Its not time for that. Tell me why are they looking for me and who's under is   this case " Ash said to serena.

" They are looking for you because of that massacre you did at team rocket base. And this case is under my childhood friend calem. He will help you if you surrender." She said to him

"Wait....... Did you say calem... Whom I  Matched earlier. Is that the same" ash asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, why" she replied.

"Then serena let me tell you. You are being deceived. Do you know calem full name. It's Xavier. He is son of Giovanni. He wants me to get arrested so then can freely move and do crime" ash said to serena.

"Wait...... Then why were he with me since the childhood" serena asked ash.

"It's because of your mother post. If he gets near you and some how make you fall in love with him then the whole international police force would be in his hands" ash answered her.

"Hm..... I think you are right. But now what should we do" she said after thinking for few seconds.

"I have a plan for that" ash said and a devious smile could be seen on his face.

Flashback ended.
Present time.

"Do you know calem. Why in chess game, king is called the king" ash asked calem.

"Because he got a queen to protect him in his hard times. And for me Serena is my queen" ash said and serena blushed from his line.

"Will you quit flirting in this kind of situation" calem said.
"No calem we can't. But don't worry you would be gone after few minutes as officer Jenny is on the way to arrest you because of what illegal work you do in the name of international police." Serena said to calem and just as she finished her sentence siren of police car could be heard.
"Guess they are here" again she said.

"What do you think. Those bars can stop me. Dream on. Just after few minutes I would be out of jail. Then me and my father will crush you." Calem said then he looked towards serena and said.
"And you slut I gave you a chance to leave this Ketchup and be with me but now you have rejected it. Then you will face the consequences" he said with poison in his tongue. Just then officer Jenny came and took the custody of calem  and thanked ash and serena for helping police to catch him. Just before they were about to leave ash said something in calem ear which made him shiver. Then officer Jenny left.

"What did you said in calem ear that made him shiver" serena asked ash.

"Nothing. Just gave him a warning" ash replied. But then something got on ash mind.

"Umm..... Serena did you saw that boy. Which I accepted as my disciple." Ash asked her.
"Yes" she replied
"Actually I adopted him" ash said and now serena was in shocked.
But then ash explained why he did. Telling her whole story about the matter with max parents to feeling attract towards him.
"Listen I won't allow it" serena said and now ash was frowned.
"Because we adopted him not you alone" she said completing her line with this ash jump in excitement.

"You are the best serena........." Ash said and hugged serena.

"You know what. I missed this feeling of getting hugged by you." She said.

Then they lean closer to eachother and finally kissed after so long period of time. Their kiss continued for few minutes after that ash broke their kiss and said.

"I really missed you.........."


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