chapter: 17

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Last time:-
"I guess, you didn't understand a single word I said. Ok I'll break it in simple for you. What I'm trying to say tierno is what you are seeing is what I chose to show you. So don't think you understand me"

Present time:-
(Third person POV)

As ash said these lines. Atmosphere of the room changed. Now air felt cold and blood could be sense in air and as for tierno he is shaking just from one view of ash. But then they all heard ringing of bell and now it was recess time.

"Hey serena it's recess time. So shall we get something to eat" ash said to serena in a jolly manner and changed his way of talking form cold and murderous tune to sweet tune. Hearing the word "FOOD" Pikachu jumps to ash's arm from excitement. On the other hand now serena is kinda got used to it so she replied.

"Yea and actually I made lunch of us too and a bottle of Ketchup for Pikachu" as serena said her line Pikachu jump from ash shoulder to serena's arms while snuggling his face on her. She giggled at his reaction.

"You change your party pretty quick buddy" ash said to pikachu who just showed him his tongue out.

Then they made their way to cafe leaving everyone dump folded that how could a man change his nature that quickly.


After that incident with tierno we went to have our lunch which is homemade food by serena. Really that is awesome. The best feeling in the world. Currently me and serena are under a sakura tree my head on her lap and she running her finger in my hair. Sitting in peacefully silence and I guess there is no need for anything else. Then serena said something.

"Umm...... Ash can I ask you for something" she asked me. With a slight worry in her voice.

" Sure ask right away" I said to her.

"Umm.... Ash you see. Since the day we got married people now see me as your wife. As Mrs. Serena Ketchum and I'm not complaining that it's just that I want to have my own Identity too. I want people to see that I'm worthy of you. So I was thinking if I could participate in Pokemon showcase to become kalos queen" she said with nervousness and now I understand why is she behaving like this. She thinks she does not deserve me. Ok I guess I need to courage her a bit. So I get up from her lap and said.

"Listen girl. There is no need to ask me for such trivial question. I know it's your dream to become kalos queen and I would never stop you to achieve it and as for that you think that you are not worthy of me. So let me tell YOU something. The one who does not deserve you is me" I said to her she looked in my Auburn eyes and I looked in her cerulean eyes.

"You know about my past and still you choose to support me. Really sometimes o think that I don't deserve such loyalty. Don't think what the world think. Remember you have me and I have you. And I don't wanna leave you. Do you wanna leave me." I asked her.

"I rather die " she replied and I couldn't help but smile at her. Then we kissed. It felt like all of her pain went away with that kiss which she was feeling. Then we broke the kiss and now I saw the thing which I longed for.
Her cute and heavenly smile which made my heart beat faster.

"If you are asking me about it then I guess you must have knowledge about where is your first proformance." I asked her and she nodded happily

"Yep!!. It's in Caumarine city. We could go there in our weekend." She exclaimed in joy.

"Wait.... Caumarine city is near your home town vineville town. We could also meet your mother there.... Wait...... Remembering that did you told your mother that we got married" I said to her while she saw sweating badly.

"I didn't and I also don't know how will she react after hearing that I got married." she replied while sweating badly.

"It's ok. Whatever happens we will face it together. And now that I mentioned your mother I also haven't told my sister yet". As I was saying this I got a call from sis.

"It's call from sis" i said to her and now she was sweating more.

"Will she accept me as you are royalty and I'm commoner. Will they accept me." She asked

"Don't worry she will accept you" I said to comfort her.

Then I attend sis call. At first she was surprised by my change in attitude and soon she realised why this change occured. She instantly accepted serena as my wife and her sister in law. Then we talked for few more minutes before ending the call. We said our goodbyes then ended the call and headed towards our next class. This is where we part our ways serena will pratice her proformance where as I will be battling..

Let's see what this special class have for us.


Yo guys this is your author here. How is this chapter. Did you like this, then pls vote for it. Until then see you

EN signing off

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