chapter:- 25

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Yo guys, how are you all. Finally we are about to reach 5k views and that's so amazing. Thanks guys. Now Without any more delay let's start from where we left.

(Ash POV)

The moment when I saw mom's face a tear escaped my eye. She was standing there with a small smile plastered on her face. I let my guard down and I ran to hug her but I stopped in my track when I heard footsteps. I looked back and saw Serena and Max with grenninja with the same shock expression as which I was in. This made me realise that the person standing in front of me is not my mother. But someone who is disguised as her. So I closed my eyes. Grenninja understood what I was doing so he also closed his eyes and then a veil of water surrounded grenninja. This made Serena and Max worry but when water got down there worry came to an end because in front of them was standing ash-grenninja the one who saved the kalos. I did this because I don't wanna take a chance against that person. I don't who is that person or what is she capable of. So I need to be prepared. Then I made an aura sphere and again asked her.

"Who are you and why are you disguised as my mother" I asked her.

At first she let out a sigh and then said.
"It's really sad ash. I came here after so many years to meet you and you........ Can't even see that I'm your real mother. Not someone disguised as."
She said.

"You are not my real mother. My mother died 8 years ago. You are just someone who is disguised as her. Now answer my question. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU and where are the pokemons who were here" I said to her yelling in the last part.

" if by pokemons you pikachu and sylveon then they both are asleep over there.(point towards the table) and I Guess I need to tell some secrets about you. So that you will realise that I am your real mom" she said.

"What secret are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Secrets like, in the age ten. On the day you would get your starter Pokemon you over slept which cause every starter pokemon to get out of stock so you came up with pikachu and in the age on 7 you used to wet your bed mostly everyday and in the age of 5 you--" before she could complete her line I interjected.

"Ok that's enough. I understood that you are my real mom" I yelled at her causing her to smile.
But now it made me realise if she is my real mom then how is she still alive. I'm pretty sure she died on that.... I myself gave funeral to her. How is she alive. Seeing my expression she understood what I'm going through.

"You must be confused how I'm still alive right?". She asked me and I couldn't help but nod at her sentence. She again smiled at my reaction.

Then she step back and after that she started levitating in air and soon bright white golden light surrounded her and her dress changed to one of Greek dress.

(Imagine that  there is bright light behind her back)

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(Imagine that  there is bright light behind her back)

"Ash you want to know why I am still alive. This is the answer of your question" she said and then golden coloured rings came in her back and they were just like those of...................

(Imagine that these types of rings came from her back)

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(Imagine that these types of rings came from her back)

Everyone in the room who saw seeing this mouth widened. I struggled to get my words and spoke.

"Tha.... That..... That's" I tried to speak but the words won't come out. She understood what I'm trying to say so she said.

" Yes ash, what you thinking is right. I am the creator of the world Arceus." She said still levitating.

"Ash now the time has came when I will reveal the secret of your past which I never told you" she said in a god like tone. Then we all gone in worm hole. When we get out of it. We saw a place fully destroyed.

(but arcues will be telling this story so this would be different than any flashback and now the TTP WILL START and there will be two Arceus.  One of present who is showing this vision and on of past who will experience all of this. I will write present one with small letters and past one with capital letters.)

"Do you know this place ash?" Acreus asked ash.

"I don't know......... It seem familiar wait......... it's PALLET TOWN" ash said realising what is infront of his eyes.

"But why is it destroyed like this" serena asked this question.

" It happen 24 years ago. It is because of the leader of team rocket GIOVANNI. He wanted to capture the legendary Pokemon mew and she was seen in pallet town. That's why he destroyed the whole pallet town because he thought that mew will come to save pallet town. But she didn't show up resulting in this." Acreus answered.

"But that is not important things which is important is about to happen" Arceus said.

Then I heavily injured woman came out of that destroyed place with two babies in her hand. She was very weak to walk so she went in the nearby cave and sat there. Her babies were crying. Seeing them she also cried a shed of tear.

"I'm sorry my children but I have nothing to feed you. And now I'm brink of death I just hope that somebody come and rescue you two" she said while crying.

After sometime the crying of both mother and her children stopped not because they tired of crying but because they were died now.

Now after sometime ARCEUS came she was seeing the destruction humans made this made her really sad. Then she took a turn but when she took a turn she notice something which is not right. So she moved in that direction. After sometime going in that direction she stopped infront of a cave. She entered it and when she entered it a tear also escaped her eyes. She saw a mother heavily mother with two dead babies. She felt very bad for them. that these babies didn't even saw the world but died. She then turned into her human form and held both the babies in her hand. She felt that this is not fare. These babies should have a chance to live. So she used her own blood to give life to those babies. When they both again started breathing she felt a relief.  But soon the babies started crying.  ARCEUS got confused why are they crying. Soon she understood why they were crying. It's because of hunger. So she fed her own milk which was made from her body. At that moment she felt like she is the mother of those babies. So she decided that she will raise them as their own children. So she took the form of the lady who was dead right now and went to the town to find the relative of these babies. When she got there she got a suprise that the mother of these babies who's she's disguised as is the sister in law of the queen of Rota Ileana. The name of that woman in cave was Delia Ketchum. The name of father of these babies were William Ketchum. And the name of these two babies were...........



Yo guys, how's this chapter. Now the Strom of twist will begin 😋😋 be prepared. And if you liked this chapter then pls don't forget to hit the vote button.
Ok now it's my time to leave,
Take care guys.

EN signing off.

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