Chapter :- 24

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Last time

"Thanks mom, you are the best."

Present time

(Ash POV)

It's make me really happy seeing both Serena and max smile. We were eating our food peacefully. Talking about different things and laughing. I wish this moment never end. My thoughts came to an end when max said something.

"Dad shall we go to eat ice cream" he said to get my attention. I smiled at his reaction and said.

"Alright, c'mon let's go" I said and got up from my seat.

"C'mon let's go" Serena said while jumping and making fist in air.

"Sometimes I wonder who is the kid here, max or you" I said to Serena. Earning a chuckle from max and a pout face from Serena.

"C'mon it's ok sometimes to become kid" she said with a pout.

"I know Serena, I was just kidding." I said to her

After few more minutes of chit chat we made our way out of the house to ice cream parlour. We got our ice creams.
Max and me chose chocolate ice cream where as Serena chose an vanilla ice cream. I don't know why she picked that up and when I asked her she said
" Vanilla ice cream have less fat then any other ice cream and I don't want to be fatty that's why I choose this".
I can't understand her but I know one thing for damn sure that she really care about her figure.
Then after sometime of walking we made our way to nearby park and sat on a banch. And if anyone of you is thinking about Pikachu. He is at home enjoying his time with serena's sylveon.

It was night time. Stars were twinkling and I was sitting with my family eating ice cream. It made me remember my days with mom. I also used to eat ice cream with mom after eating dinner sitting in our lawn. I also used to look at stars and smile just like max. Because of which a tear escaped my eye. Max noticed it and asked me.

"Uh... Dad why are you crying. Is everything alright? " He asked me this also caught serena attention she worriedly saw me and asked the same thing.
" Ash why are you crying, what's wrong" she asked me in the same worried tone like max.
So I chuckled and said.

"It's nothing guys, it's...... Just that I remembered my days with mom. I was just like max. Same habit. Eating ice cream in this starry night after eating dinner with my mom. Remembering my mom a tear escaped my eye. It's nothing to worry. Nothing is wrong" I said to them with a reassuring smile and remembering my days with mom.

"Really I still miss her" I said while holding my locket But this caught max attention.

"Dad why you always wear that locket" he asked me which caused me to chuckled again.

"Max it's the last gift my mother or your grandmother gave me. It have a photo of me and your grandma when I was kid. Look" I told the story behind this Locket and showed him the photo.

 Look" I told the story behind this Locket and showed him the photo

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