Chapter :- 20

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Hello guys, let me give you a quick and important information. Max in this story is different than original in anime and other story and in last chapter when ash asked him his full name he only told him "Max". That's the only thing. Now let's continue


Hopelessness, depression and eternal sadness was the only thing that I could feel right now, with that last attack of that calem guy mega absol my sceptile fainted. Which made all my hope shattered. The hard work I did to make up till here will now go in vien,  now everyone will think that It was just my luck rather than my hard work. I was hopelessly staring at ground but then I heard the sound
"I choose max as my disciple he was runner up of this competition" I heard someone saying my name so I tilted my head upwards and saw Alola Champion Ash saying that he will select me as his disciple but then I again heard someone voice
"How could you select him he is just a child. By luck he came till finals but we can't always depend on luck. You should choose someone else"
Yes, I know everyone now thinks the same. That it's all just my luck. Really I'm beyond help. But then I heard something which I wasn't expecting at all.
"Listen guys. Whoever thinks that just because of luck max came here then no one is more idiot then you. I give you chance whoever thinks he or she have a good luck then come on stage and defeat me." I can't believe. Champion ash is defending me.
"He came all the way here by his own hard work. And I think I'm the champion and I have the right to choose my disciple"  saying this everyone got silent. Then he made his way to me.

"Sir please you shouldn't choose me I just came here by luck. What that guy said was true you should select someone with more potential rather than a ten year old kid like me" I said to champion ash while staring at ground.

"Listen kid. I know what you did wasn't just pure luck there was hard work and I could see that in your bond between Pokemon. It show that you are a great Pokemon trainer who care about his Pokemon. That's why I choose you. And don't even think what the people says because they will always find a way to put you down but you need to be at such a height that no hand can reach you to put you down. Listen max I was always in your situation when I was young I came in 16th rank of my first Pokemon league. But look now I'm a champion. So I know you can also reach that height or even higher than me. So let me be your teacher to teach you and train you into a awesome trainer." He said to me while making an eye contact with me and I can't be more thankful that he saw my hard work.

"What's your full name max" he asked me which made me frown.

"It's just........... Max...... Sir" I told him

"Ok... I guess but from now on please call me ash and get ready because from now on I'm gonna train you into an awesome trainer" he said to me with a small smile followed by his Pokemon Pikachu. And now I just can't help so I hugged and cried on his chest saying.

"Thank you.........ash" I told him between my crys.

"Listen max let's go to locker room. We can't discuss everything here...... On the center of battlefield" he said to me and I nodded in agreement.
Then we made our way to locker room when we reach the I saw a girl coming our way she had honey blonde hair and wore pink skirt and she was calling "ASH". They must have some history. When she were near us I could hear ash speak something to me.

"Max can you please go to locker room for now I will join you after a moment" he said to me. Now I'm hundred percent sure they definitely have something. So I did what he told me and go to locker room.

Serena POV

I was running to tunnel to meet ash and finally I met him. He was with a small kid maybe 10year old who he selected as his disciple. When I reached him he told that kid to go to locker room as we want some privacy then he said something.

"I know what your are here for. I forgive you, now please don't disturb me anymore" he said to me and every word he says was like knife which were going in my heart.

" Ash please I know you are angry on me and........... I know it's all my fault but please I want us to get reunited again. I want to feel those moments with you again please don't abandon me like that please......." I said to him while crying on the last part.

" Serena I'm not abandoning you. It's just that I don't want to be with you........... I'm pretty sure you also know I can't make myself to hate you but after all things happened. Now I also can't make love you anymore. I'm sorry" he said to me and went away taking my last hope to get reunited with him again.

Third person POV

As ash went away and serena was crying but they both didn't knew that someone from behind was watching the scene from the behind and he was none other than calem.
When he saw that ash went away like that, he thought it was a perfect opportunity to make a move on serena. Calem was waiting for a perfect time to hit on serena. Because if he didn't hit her on the time when she is most venerable serena will reject him but now it was best opportunity because serena is broken now and if he capture serena than Grace would be in his grasp and if Grace is his grasp than the whole international police would be on his hands.  So he make his way to serena and told her.

"Serena did you see that. That ash Ketchup whom you loved you much. Just abandoned you like that. Listen to me and leave that ash behind and please go out with me.  Look I have always loved you from childhood but you keep saying that you love that idiot. But now. I can't see you broken anymore. so please leave him and go on date with me" calem said to serena. Serena saw calem then she wiped her tear and said.

"Ok calem, but I'm really sorry I don't feel the same with you and also I can't leave ash I still love him but yes we could go on a date maybe that will freshen my mind and help me decide whether I should keep chasing him or not." Serena said and now calem was happy that atleast he got a chance to show serena.

"Great then we will go on a date tomorrow" calem said.


Yo guys. How was this chapter, I know most of you must hate me now as I'm putting calem and serena together but it's amourshipping so don't worry. I will make them together in future.
Till then, take care guys

EN signing off.

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