chapter :- 28

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Max, ash and serena are your real parents but....... From another dimension

Present time

When I heard another dimension the first thing came to my mind was the cave of reflaction. From there we can go to parallel dimensions. So if there is a kind of parallel dimensions, so must be other type of dimensions too.....
Then I looked towards max and serena they both have confuse look on there faces. I think they don't know about parallel cave. Or different dimensions

(Max POV)

Now my mind was working thousands mile per hour speed. I am not able to understand what is happening and what is she trying to tell. When I look towards mom she have a same expression as me but dad seems a little different like he knew something about this another dimension....
Then she continued on speaking.

"From all of your facial expression I could understand you don't know about different dimensions. Then let me tell you there are different kinds of dimensions like in some they are far in futures from this or in some other personality of a person changes from good to bad or bad to good. Or in some gender of the person changes or liek perallal dimensionlike that. Every person who is here in this dimension would be in other dimensions too....
You max is from the future dimension where ash and serena are married and have a son who is you." She said explaining things about dimensions but now things are getting more complicated. If I'm from another dimension what I'm doing here. In this dimension.. in frustration I asked her.

"Ok if you say. I'm son of mom and dad from another dimension. Then why I'm here" I asked her then her smile changed to serious expression.

"It's all because of shadow Pokemon. They are pokemons or I should say banished Pokemon of another dimension. They all think that this place is only for Pokemon not humans. They opposed Arceus of that dimension resulting in banishing them. But they were wicked they made a plan to come here in this dimension and use red to succeed there plan.
They help red to brake through hall of origin when I was not there and took him to there dimension. There they brainwashed red telling him this world is made of imperfections, pain, suffering and futility. At the end they made red belive that this world ours should be destroyed and a new world should be created where there is perfection. After that red destroyed that dimension. I felt something wrong with energy waves of that dimension so I go there. When I landed there. There was no sign of living beings. The whole place was covered with dead bodies of people..then I started to search me of that dimension. My search came to an end when I found me of that dimension. Heavily injured but with a baby in her hand. I walked towards her. She said.
Listen....... This baby.... Is of ash.. and serena.... They both... Entrusted him to me.. but as you see.... I'm not able to live any more.... So I want you..... To give this baby to ash and serena...... Of yours dimension.....
She said in her last breath and died. That baby in her hand was you Max. She gave you to me. And I was doing what she said to me but one shadow Pokemon attacked me when I was opening space time portal for us to return. But when that shadow Pokemon attacked me you felt form my hand to that portal.... That portal lead you to where you are now. It opened near a orphanage I saw that.... And thinking you are safe. I fought that shadow Pokemon. After that I tried to find you but now my search came to an end. You are the same max that I rescued that day. You have the same aura of your father ash. And same energy as your mother." She said making everything clear. But when she stopped I saw mom hugging and saying.

"I always knew from the start. You are my son...." She said quietly in my ear with tears in her eyes. Soon dad join the hug too. And I could also feel he's crying too.... I also started to crying too.... I don't it was tears of happiness that they are my real parents or tear of sadness that I made them feel so bad. So i tried to get my words and speak.

"Mom...... Dad......I....I.." I wasn't able to say anything thing but then mom spoke.

"It's alright son. We forgive you. But always remember you was our son. You are our son and you will be our son." She said gently. Now I wasn't able to hold my tears back so I cried my lungs out in my mother's embrace. Soon my tear also came on end. Then I looked towards dad's mom who was standing there smiling seeing us. With dad's Pikachu....... Wait when did pikachu got awake... Well now it wasn't time for that so I move form mom's embrace and walked towards dad's mom.

"Umm..... I'm really.. sorry for my behavior previously...." I was apologizing but Before I could complete it she said something.

"There is no need to apologise Max. But just from now on call me grandma. Alright" she said with the same smile.

"Ok.... Grandma" I said to her.
Now everything was perfect. Everything got solved. Dad got to meet her mother again. While for me the cloud which were on my mind disappeared as grandma told me about I am there real son.
This moment was the best moment of my life. But then.............
I saw a flash light followed by a big sound of explosion I closed my eyes as I was preparing myself for the things coming up next. But that didn't happen. I opened my eyes to see mom's hand warped all around my body in a protective manner but then I saw a blue color outline which was in the shape of dome around us which protected us form that explosion. Then I saw grandma and dad with blue sparks flying from there bodies. Then I heard a voice.

"I see mom is here. So she must have told you all about me.... So now the choice is yours..... My little brother.  Come with me to make a new world..."


Yo guys,  how's this chapter. Now some badass action is about to start so stay tuned for more chapters.
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EN signing off.

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