Chapter :- 16

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Hey guys good news. This chapter got completed before I was expecting so here I post it. Enjoy the chapter.

Last time

"Prof. Ash is sleeping in the class"

Present time

(Serena POV)

Really out of all the things you find HIM sleeping. Can't you do something else rather than trying to put my husband down, really. (As I was talking to myself I heard prof. Speaking something)
"Tierno if ash is asleep in class then he is responsible for his grades. As for you I think you should focus more on my lecture rather than complaining about who is asleep and who is not." Prof. Said leaving tierno in shocked.
This time prof. Rowan Really saved him. Really I know about him and I also know what he capable of. Really ash is not something you guys can afford to piss of. After all he is my husband 😋😋. The lecture continued and it was good. It's great to know our history right. Soon class ended so I decided to wake ash up.
"Wake up sleepy head" I said to him he got up and streched a bit but then he closed his eyes again
"I can't open my eyes without a sweet good morning kiss" he said to me I giggled at his childhood reaction.
I kissed him then after few minutes we broke our kiss and went in the second class it was of mathematics. I hate it. So we entered the room. There was some students including our friends and then we saw a man with white lab coat. He was prof. Birch
"Oh... Ash it's really great to see you again" prof. Said to ash
"Likewise prof." He said to prof. And walked on the seat.
The class starts and to my surprise ash wasn't asleep he was doing questions and to blow my mind more he was doing it before anyone else could do it. I guess he is just perfect in everything and here I'm stuck on the very first question of trigonometry. He moved towards me and saw that I was stuck at the first question. I was embarrassed but he just smiled a bit and said.
"It's ok sometimes to ask for help" he said with a cute smile. In response I just nodded shyly
" So the method you are using to solve this problem is of prof. Birch method. Well it's not your fault his methods are a bit complicated. So I usually do them with my own method. Look it's simple just to whatever I'm saying." He said to me while trying to encourage me that it's ok.
"First break all of them into sin and cos or simple terms. Then take whatever is common on them. Then take the LCM divide it and there is your answer." I did whatever he said and to my suprise answer came with so much easy so I jumped and hugged him. Not caring that we are still in classroom. So to break our moment prof. Spoke
"Um.... Guys you could do your lovey-dovey moments afterwards but first clear on these questions" Prof. Said
"Ok.... Prof." We both said in unison and blushed from my previous action.
Then with the help of ash method I solved all the problems and submit the paper. Then the bell ringed indicating the class is over so he took all the papers and we left for our nest class which was Pokemon science with the teacher prof. Oak and in this class ash slept again and I guess prof. Also noticed it but didn't said anything to me or ash. Seeing this tierno was very angry that why ash getting this type of special treatment. . So to break my self talk tierno stood up and said.
"Prof. You also know that ash is asleep in the class so why are you not taking action against it. He's a champion that doesn't mean he could sleep in class like that" now I was really angry he already did that before and got nothing but now he is again trying to do the same. Do he hate me and ash together that much. Then I heard prof. Speaking something
"Do you know why I'm ignoring his sleep in my class. It's because ash know more about Pokemon than any of us. He have traveled every region and caught every Pokemon. Maybe he knows more than me. So I suggest you to not disturb him" prof. Said to him
"That what I'm asking you. Why you all praise him like a god." Tierno said bursting out of anger.
"Listen tierno-----" before prof. Could complete his sentence I heard a voice from my side. But that was not me it was ash.
"Tierno listen people live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true... that is how they define reality. But what does it mean to be correct or true? Merely vague concepts... their reality may all be an illusion." Now all were dump folded by what ash said
"I guess, you didn't understand a single word I said. Ok I'll break it in simple for you. What I'm trying to say tierno is what you are seeing is what I chose to show you. So don't think you understand me."  He said in a cold tune which send shivers down everyone spine.


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EN signing off,
Take care.

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