Chapter :- 9

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Damn guys I didn't expect that my book will be in top 16 for amourshipping.
Really it's all thank to you guys.
So let's get started....


When I arrived on stage I was greeted by all the champion and professor. As they all know me. But the one to catch my attention was Lance. He came towards me and bowed slightly not noticing by other.
"Lance there is no need to be formal in public. Btw How is the organisation going??" I asked him.
" It's going pretty good. We have successfully demolished most of the evil organization" Lance told me
"That's good.... Let's talk about it after this." Ash said with this Lance nodded and go where other champions were standing. Now the assembly was going to start in which conducted by none other than our prof. Sycamore.

"Good morning all the students present here. (Prof. Said on mic so that everyone could hear him) You all must know all these people who are standing on the stage currently but the question you all asking is why they are here. Well to answer your questions we have invited all the champion because after 3 years there is gonna be a tournament called WORLD POKEMON LEAGUE and to train you all  they are here. From each region a student will be selected to be a disciple of his/her respected region champion. Now you all must be thinking how disciple would be selected. Well to do that after 6months a competition will be held in our university and in that every student in allowed to participate and then champion will pick out the person whom they found potential. In this tournament tiers are made like diamond tier which consists of champions then we have golden tier which consists of all the elite four and then we have silver tier which is consists of all the disciple and the last and the lowest tier we have is of bronze which consists of normal trainer. ( Crowed roared in excitement)
And in every tier their gonna be a ranking like in elite four. From most strong to least strong. In these teir a battle will be held and whoever win it will have battle the next tier winner. Like winner of bronze tier winner will match with silver tier winner and whoever wins will match next teir winner and so on until only one winner Is left and that would be the world champion. So without further delay let me introduce to all the champions.
First we have our reigning champion of kalos and director of our university DIANTHA. (Crowed applaud and cheered for her as diantha made her way to mic)

"Whoever want to be my disciple let me clear one thing with you that with alone power you may not win you must have a good decision making because you win or not depend on your decision. So I want a disciple who is good a making good decisions at right moment"( diantha said and again the auditorium echoed with applaud)
Now it's turn for our next champion......

(Guys lemme tell you one thing I'm a super lazy person so I'm not gonna write a whole paragraph about each champion and what speech they give ..... So let's get straight to point when ash will make his entry)

And now we have a champion which youngest among all the champion and he will also attend the university with all of you as he is just 21 so he need to do the basic studies... So let me welcome ASHTON KETCHUM the champion of alola( with this again crowed roared in excitement as ash make is make to mic)

"Good morning everyone now as prof. Introduced me most of you must know my name but I still wanna introduce myself properly. my name is Ashton Ketchum mostly known as ash Ketchum and I'm from pallet town in kanto and this (he point towards his shoulder where a yellow furr like Pokemon is) can anyone tell me which Pokemon it is, without looking at pokedex" ash asked the crowed and from the crowed one boy said it is dedenne then a other boy said it doest look like dedenne it must be the evolution of it. Hearing this ash was very surprised not with happiness but with sadness and pity that students here don't know about kanto then Ash looked towards profs. And Diantha they also have a long face that their students don't know about a kanto native Pokemon. To correct them ash told what pokemon Pikachu is.
" Ok... I guess nobody knows about it. Lemme tell you all that this is my buddy and my starter Pokemon pikachu which is an native kanto pokemon. Now moving to tell you guys what kind of disciple I want.( A side smile forms on ash's face). I want someone like champion diantha said who could make right decision at correct moment. But I also want someone who is ready to face defeat because winning and losing is like two faces of the coin. Sometimes you win sometimes you loose. But you shouldn't give up. If you don't believe my words see my past. I came 16th rank on my first Pokemon league which was indigo league, because my Charizard didn't listen to me. But I didn't give up my dream to become a Pokemon master and see now I have taken a step closer to my dream by becoming champion of a region. Listen guys, In this world nothing goes as planned.In this world, wherever there is light, there are always shadows to be found. As long as there is a concept of victory, the vanquished will also exist.
So what I'm trying to tell you is... it's ok to... Loose a match rather than loosing your spirit to continue which is a very great loss. So I want someone as my disciple who have courage and confidence in himself and his Pokemon. That's all so do hard training and remember don't give up till it's over" .Ash said and the whole auditorium echoed with applaud with standing ovation. Ash made his way where all other champions were standing. Now prof. Sycamore again came on mic and start his speech again.

Ok that was an amazing and inspiring speech given by ash. Now moving on to our topic students who ever wanna take on part in our university tournament to become disciple of any champion you need to give your info to vice principal miss Sophie. So this is all for today there will be no class but there will be a Pokemon match a random student would be chosen to battle any of the champion....
So let the dice roll....( The randomizer start working and stop on any certain person image)
So the lucky guy who would get the chance to battle the champions is......
Then calem made his appearance on stage.
Ok calem which champion do you wanna battle prof. Asked calem

"I would live to battle ash the champion of alola" calem said while giving ash a death glare


Yo guys this is your author here. How did you like this chapter amazing right. Well in next chapter there gonna be fight between ash and calem...

So EN signing off
Take care...☺️☺️

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