chapter :- 33

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Hey guys..... I know it's been a while since I have updated new chapter... But let's continue our talk in the end of the chapter.....
Now let's continue..

Last time

" I Promise that.... I will protect you and ash both"

Present time
(With ash and red)

Hearing this ash kinda felt attached to his brother but then he realise that his brother love them both so much. So what happened which made him hate us this much. So ash asked Red

"Red you promised that you will protect me and mom... So what happened which made you hate us this much"
Ash asked Red.. at first red stood there silently but then he begin to speak..

"I don't hate you guys..... And whatever I'm doing is to protect you... Shadow Pokemon showed me the reality of this world... Look ash we are demi Gods... And living with humans will only cause us trouble... WE ARE GODS but we are living our lives like mere HUMAN BEING... We should be on the top of everything... Everyone should worship us..... like it was used to be in the time of our wasn't able to get that status... but now we can get that. That's the reason I joined hands with shadow Pokemon so that we could regain our position.... were we should be... In top of all the living beings.." red said telling the reason why he go against everyone.... But this made ash chuckle.. seeing this Red got a bit frustrated so he asked ash.

"Why the hell are you chuckling so much.... Am I telling a joke to you" red asked ash.. ash looked at red and let out a sigh... And said..

"Red I didn't expect you would be this dumb" ash said this which made red boil with anger.. red furiously hold Ash's colar and said..
"Who the hell are you calling dumb... " Before Red could complete his sentence ash hold his hand and removed red's hand from his colar and said...

"You are really an idiot Red.... Mom never wanted to be an God.. she just wanted.... To live peaceful life with us---"
Before ash could complete his sentence red interject in between and said
"Not with us.... With only you" red said with anger

Ash again stared speaking

" Red.... Mom really loves you... I know she have kept you away.... but she have a reason for that....and you know that too... Everytime she sends you or hit you... She feels the pain... Even now.... Ever since mom sealed you... She was here... To look after you.... " Ash said and then looked above and said
"Mom there is no need to hide... I'm not an idiot like red.. who can't even sense your presence" ash said and then soon..
Delia starts to get visible. Seeing this red eyes widened

Red was unable to speak seeing the person he now hates the most was with him through all the time. Red was in a state of shock but the next thing Delia said gave him a thunderstruck.

"Red I know.... I have... Kept you away... All the time.. but now when I see everything happening... I think it would be better if I..... Let you live a normal life.... Like everyone... I know it's my mistake................
And I know that it's not easy for you to forgive me... But please don't destroy this whole world with shadow Pokemon...."
Delia said in a depressed and apologitic tone... She was about to cry.
Now seeing of things happening in front of him Red wasn't able to think straight. He was in a different kind of state. A battle was going on inside his heart to weather forgive his mother and do what she's saying... Or keep doing what he's doing.

When ash looked at red he understood what was happening to him. So he look towards Red and said.

" Red I know what you are going through.... But look man.... Just spend a month with us... With humans If you still think that we all are worthless... Then I'll help you destroy this world" ash said in sort of angry and frustrated tone
But this thing caught both Delia and Red attention and the first one to was Delia. She was about to speak but ash looked at her and stopped her and then he looked again at Red and said

"Tell me Red... What do you think about my offer" ash again asked Red
Then red begin to speak

"If I stay with you for one month and you guys wasn't able to change my heart..... Then you guys won't stop me right...."
Red asked ash and kind of surprised manner.

"Well yes .... We won't stop you... But I'm pretty sure you won't be same after staying with us for one month"
Ash said to red. Seeing this whole scenario Delia was getting worried so ahs looked at her and said.

"Don't worry mom... I'm 1000% sure. That after staying with us for one month he will definitely have a change of heart" he said to his mother with reassuring smile then again he looked at his brother and asked him

"Tell me Red do you accept my offer" ash again asked Red. Then red think for a moment and then said...

" I accept"


Hey guys... I know it's been I while since I have updated a chapter.... But this happens sometimes.... But now I'm back😎😎

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