chapter :- 30

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Serena POV

After we speak to ash. He smiled at both of us. And then he moved his hand and on next moment our body was in blue. So we both closed our eyes. When we opened our eyes we were in totally different place. And in front of us was a woman sitting on a throne. She was none other than Ash's sister Ileana. She knew about me and Max so when she saw us. At first she was surprised but then she took us into a hug.
Then she asked us.
"Not trying to be rude or anything but Serena. Why is only you and max are teleported here. Why ash isn't here." She asked us about why was we suddenly teleported here and why isn't ash here. I got nothing in my mind so I spoke the truth from Delia being Arceus to fight between red and them.
She was confused at first but soon she understood it too.
"So...... Ash send you both here to protect you" she said and we both nodded. After sometime time of silence she said.
"This situation is not good. We need to gather every pokemon of ash. Because if red was seeing ash throughout his journey then he also must know about this place. So to defend us. We need to gather every pokemon of ash. Including legendary Pokemon" she said now there was stars in Max eyes when he heard legendary Pokemon.
"Wait aunt..... Dad have legendary Pokemon. How many legendary Pokemon he have." he said. Ileana smiled at his reaction and said

"Well..... I didn't count them but... I guess he have most of every legendry Pokemon" she said hearing this our jaws dropped. She giggled at our reaction.

"How come he never used them. I have seen every league dad participated in but I didn't saw him using any legendary" max asked.

" Max It's because ash want a fare and equal match with everyone that's why he only uses his normal pokemon. But that too on very low power percent. Even one of his normal pokemon at full power is capable of taking down a army of pokemons" Ileana said while smiling this time our jaws really hit hard to ground. She chuckled at our reaction.

"C'mon let's go and call legendaries" she said and then we went outside.

(Now with ash, Delia and Red)
(Third Person POV)

Entire place where once a house was turned into a battlefield. Place near by was also destroyed and there was different colours sparks could be seen around the ground. Ash, Delia and Red all three was badly injured. Everyone of them was using full extent of there power destroying every inch of field.

"Red stop this, we don't want to take this any further. We can be family again whatever thing happened I can restore them. Just let it go my son" Delia said to Red.

"We can be family again....huh... We Never Were A FAMILY. You always see me as a bomb which is about to detonate any moment. That's the reason you kept me away from the world.....
Mom where there is light there are always shadows to be found. As long as the concept of winners exists, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars, and hatred is born to protect love. As I said this world is imperfect with all these things. That's why I'm gonna create a new world. And no one can stop me doing that" red said and now is body was covering in black and his eyes from Auburn changed to red colour.(imagine sharingan in this situation)

"I never wanted to use my full power but now you made me used it." He said and charged at us this time faster than before. He landed a punch on ash's stomach. And it was also stronger than before.
"Look mom ash. This is the power of dark cloak. The power of dark lord." He said. But this thing rang a bell in Ash's mind. If red can use the power of his predecessor then ash can also do this.
Currently ash was lying on ground and Delia was fighting red with all her got.
Ash was seeing this and a fire rise in him. He concentrated his power and soon white golden light could be seen warping ash body. When ash opened his eyes. His eyes color also changed from Auburn to blue color eye and from his eyes sparks coming of blue color ( imagine jougan eyes of boruto)

"Red I will never let you destroy this world of ours." Ash said and charged at him. Now ash was more powerful than red and with the help of Delia they turn the table. Now this new form of ash was super powerful. His speed was almost invisible and the power he could generate now is surpassing even Arceus power. They defeated red and somehow sealed him again but this time they sealed him in between space and time  but before closing of seal red said something which send shiver down the spine of both standing there.
"You somehow managed to suppress me this time. But this won't last forever. Whenever I come out. I will take my revenge. I will definitely destroy this world and will make my dream come true of making my new world........ When I will come out you won't be able to stop me......" He said these last lines before being sealed away  between space and time So that no one will be able to again release him. Now both ash and Delia were heavily injured and lying on floor they rest for a while. Then Delia got up and restore everything back to how they used be. Now it looked like nothing happened here. Delia erased everyone's memories who saw us fighting. She restored everything like they used to be. Like nothing happened. After that they teleported themselves back in Rota where Serena Max and Ileana was. The first thing ash got after teleporting was the hug by his wife and son. After that he got hugged by his sister. They all cried a few drops of tears. Then Ileana took Delia into a hug and said.
"You really are an idiot. Leaving your son behind like that" Ileana said while crying a bit.
"It was necessary." Delia said to Ileana.
Then the moment came when they asked them about Red. This made both of them a bit depressed but then ash said something.
" Currently Red is full of hatred. But I will make sure that he will understand the power of love and show him the beauty of our world" ash said making everyone in the room full with enthusiasm


Yo guys. Time to end this chapter and from now on I will try to do 1-2 chapter per day. Btw please hit the vote button if you like this chapter of mine. Now time to go.

EN signing off.

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