Chapter :- 11

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Last time
"I just hope ash don't kill him......"


In the battlefield

Calem was now trembling in fear as ash make his way to him... to save himself he throw a pokeball from which a absol came. Calem order him
"Absol battle for me" as absol tried to attack he was smash down by grenninja who just cleared way for his trainer.
Then again calem tried to bring out another Pokemon but before that ash had already made his way to calem. He picked him up by throat and slam him in ground, blood could be seen flying everywhere, then ash said something which could be only heard by calem.
"Listen here camel or whatever.... If you ever tried to come near her I'm gonna kill. Because everyday we would not be surrounded by so many people. But if YOU want your revenge on me I'm always ready to kick your ass but not everyday would be your lucky. Remember this is game of death if you are ready to kill someone. Then also be prepared because someone can kill you" ash said in a threatening tone and by now champions came and saved calem from Ash's warth.
"Ash leave him. He didn't know who you were." Lance said
"That's why I'm leaving him alive because he doesn't know who I am" ash said in cold and demonic tone.

Ash walked towards Pikachu and picked him up as he have no energy to continue and as for grenninja... He became a part of Ash's shadow and go from where he came.
As he walked to the end of tunnel he was caught off guard with an..................

BONE CRUSHING HUG but this time from serena. She cried in his embrace

"Baka.. baka.. baka... Idiot what if something happened to you out there" she said while crying and her face buried in ash ches.

"Ssh.... It's alright now. Serena. Look I'm.... At least alive." He said in a comforting tone.
But as their little lovey-dovey conversation was going on, crowd surrounded themas they found their hero of crisis but to escape them ash used his charizad. When charizad came out the first thing he did was to scare people away with his mighty roar. Then ash climbed on charizad back and forward his hand to serena she just looked in confusion. Seeing this ash chuckled a bit and said "didn't you remembered I promised a date after today's event" with this serena took Ash's hand and then climbed on charizad back and wrapped her hand across Ash's waist.
"Are we ready to go" ash asked serena and in response she nodded.
Then they start flying. At first serena was abit scared but as time goes on she become accustomed to it.
After sometime of flying they finally landed on the top of prism tower.
They did shopping. They had lunch in a restaurant.... And did many things

Time skip


It was time of evening. Sun was setting and giving a amazing romantic aroma in the air. This time I was not alone on the hill and crying but instead I was with the love of my life and enjoying the moment with her and if you are thinking about Pikachu he is asleep in my bag. We were sitting in peace But I guess this won't last forever as she asked the question which I didn't want to answer in million years.
"Ash I know it's not the time to ask about it. But I should know what happen to you at the battle with calem you ...... Nearly killed him. He deserves it I know but you shouldn't just kill him for that. I wanna know what change you from a loving boy to a cold murderer." She asked me about it. And in response I faced the ground not because I'm feeling shame for what I did. It's because if I told her all that she would leave me... But she should know it. As I was gathering my courage she said something.
" You are afraid that if you told me your truth I will leave you right" I don't know how but she read. And I nodded.
"There is no need to worry about that" she said and took my hand and start running.
"Where..... Where are you going Serena" I asked her.
"You will know when we reach there" she said to me.
Then we reached a..................... CHURCH
There she went in and start praying I just saw this in awe. Then She came towards me said something which was truly out of the blue.
"Let's get married" she said in my ear. While smiling.
"But you know we are just.... 21 and----" before I could complete my sentence she said something.
" Ash I know it's sudden.... But I see loneliness in your eyes and that coldness in attitude of your... It seems like you miss someone. You need someone. And I wanna become that someone. Because I loved you since my childhood and waited for you till now. So I wanna spend my life with you by marrying you" she said with smile I don't know how to react but a tear escaped my eye and it was not of sadness it was of happiness That there is someone in the world who care for me. I said yes and then the ritaul start
(I'm not writing the whole scenario. Just imagine it)

Now you kiss your bride ( priest said to me)
"Thanks for coming in my life" I said to serena and then I kissed her.

Now I pronounce you as husband and wife .............


Yo guys this is your author. I know many of you guys will not like the idea of serena and ash getting married. It's because of 3 reasons. First reason is that if ash and serena gets married then there would be no love rival in both the case all the fangirls behind ash will stop chasing him and all the fanboys behind serena will stop chasing her. Second reason is that I will give serena some powers in future as ash have some so I think serena should also have some. And third and the most important reason is that this is MY book so will do whatever I like.....

EN signing off,

(If you didn't like this idea then pls tell me in comment because this book is not mine only it is because you read it that why make it. But if you don't like I will make some arrangements. So pls tell me)

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