Chapter :- 6

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Yo guys it's great to see that you all are liking my work. Thank a lot..... Now let's start from where we left.

Ash pov

I was walking with serena to canteen because of hunger but when I arrived there I was greeted by some familiar faces followed by a famous line
"So.... It's true that you have taken admission here "ashy-boy".
" If it isn't famous Gary Oak tree" I said in reply and all of his friends laugh
"Hey, won't you dare to call me that" he said in anger.
"If you stop calling me that" i said to him
"Well ash meet my friends. This is misty( point towards misty), that is may(point towards her)... And so on. He introduced me to all his friends. "And to me it look like you already know serena " Gary said while point towards serena. "Yea she is my dorm mate" i said to him.

Third person POV

Ash sat on an empty seat which was next to misty and serena sat next to ash. Kinda clinging to him. They were talking about different topics and eating peaceful. But then ash asked misty a question.

"Hey misty you said you are cerulean gym leader In kanto but when I was traveling there was three sisters that runs the gym" ash asked misty
"Yea you are right. They are my sister when I'm on my journey or like my I'm in this university they used to take care of gym" misty said in reply
"Wait that means you have challenged the gym, have you also participate in league" dawn asked in amusement.
"Yea he participated and get top 16 rank in kanto league , didn't you ashy-boy" Gary said.
"At least I came in top 16 not like someone who just got knocked out in first round" ash said sarcastically.
"Hey, that's all about past. Now I'm damn strong trainer who can kick anyone wanna try ashy boy".Gary said with his usual ego.
"Yea.. yea, I'm not in the mood to battle you now" ash said while eating his food.

"Ash have you hit your head. I haven't seen you reject anyone battle request and eat for with this manner" to everyone suprise this was said by Paul.
"People change Paul" ash said still eating his food.
"I get it you are just a rookie trainer who don't want to battle. I understood now you are a scared pussy" calem said kinda taunting ash and everyone except Paul, serena and Gary laugh. But after hearing this Pikachu Stood up with sparks flying through his red cheeks ready to attack at any moment as he can't let anyone disrespect his trainer. But ash calmed him down saying.
"C'mon Pikachu he is not worth our time" while petting Pikachu. But from this calem got really angry and said.
"Hey, if you  guts and you are a real man then come and win a battle against me. You are just a idiot trainer and I know you won't be able to win against me with this kind of unevolved pathetic Pokemon" he said while pointing towards Pikachu. This time ash was a bit angry.
"Listen camel or whatever your name is. You could Insult me as much you want but don't you dare bad  word about my Pokemon. And listen here you little punk I not some kind of wild tyrantar who just start battling when he see someone" ash said while still eating his food but this time his voice was scary and cold like some kind of murderer with an killing intent and now there was dead silence with only sound of  sparks which were to be seen everywhere because Pikachu was now very angry. Chill was sent down everyone spine and everyone was really scared. And as for calem he was sacred shit out of him.
"calm down pikachu he is really not worth our time. Just forget him" ash said while wiping his mouth and standing up. Then he went outside with Pikachu to chill his mood.

Serena POV

Just what was that right now how can a really loving caring and cute person change to some kind of murderer.
I know ash he is not like that. I don't but I just know him for a while but seeing him before the caring nature he showed me, the love he showed to his Pikachu. Ash was not this kind of person. But what happen to him that changed him to say those words in such a scary voice like he was just about to get up a kill calem. What the mysterious he hide.....
I was thinking to myself. But then I heard Gary saying something.
"You are lucky calem because the last person who insult his Pokemon were hospitalized for 3months" after hearing this calem was more scared but he didn't showed it to everyone. But I noticed it because we have been friends for childhood.
But this again make me think.........


Hey guys how are you all doing. How was this chapter I tried to created ash with two personality. First caring. And loving guy. But when someone piss him of he turns into the scariest creature present on earth.
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