Alone At Last

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Shadow's P.O.V

After the whole Wedding Reception, I took Sonic to a cabin out in the woods where one I had rented for this occasion. He seemed so happy in my arms as I carried him inside. It wasn't exactly a homie feel, but it would do for tonight. We headed straight to the bedroom and changed into more comfortable clothes before getting into bed. "I love you." we both sighed. "I can't believe we almost lost each other..." Sonic sighed.

"You were caught off guard. Don't dwell on that anymore. What's important is that we're together now. Nothing can keep us apart." I reassured. He seemed happier and snuggled into me. I love the smell of his blue fur. It just had a calming scent to it.

I finally got what I wanted. My happiness. "I can't believe the wedding went smoothly. I was nervous about the entire thing!" Sonic told me. "You never had to be nervous. I knew we'd get through it somehow."

"Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky! You're the best husband ever!" he said, starting to cuddle into me more. "Same to you."

He smiled softly and just laid in my arms. "I love you." he murmured. "I love you too."

Sonic started kissing me more intensely, which I loved. I kept kissing him back. I nibbled his lip to ask for entry and slid my tongue in his mouth and showed him who was the dominant one. Nothing could ever spoil something like this for me. "We could stop right now while we can!"  Sonic gasped under me. "But where's the fun in that?" I chuckled, continuing to kiss him. Just as I expected, he didn't protest any further.

Silver's P.O.V

Blaze and I went back to the future, where our home was still in one piece. Surprisingly. She looked so beautiful in that dress. But I knew she wanted to get out of it. I settled down on the bed while waiting for her to come back from the bathroom. "Ugh! Finally, I was starting to die in the dress and heels!" she sighed, coming out in sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Well, no matter what you think about it, you'll always be beautiful in a dress." I said, kissing her forehead. "Uh-huh. Of course you do!" she smiled, nuzzling me.

"As if I could lie to you!" I scoffed, scratching her back. Her purrs were audible which made me happy knowing I was able to please her. "Hey... Silver?" she asked. "Yes?" For a minute she didn't say anything. "Hey, what's wrong?" She looked up at me with those knowing eyes. Even though she didn't seem upset, I was still wondering what was going on.

"Have you ever... considered about... us having kids?" The idea never really crossed my mind. But- "Do you want kids?"

For a while, she stayed quiet, unsure of what to say. Not that she needed to say much, I already guessed that it was a yes. "You could've just said it beforehand. I wouldn't have objected!" I reassured. "R-Really? But I thought you weren't really a kid person?" she asked. "Well, a while back, I would've said no. But, seeing how happy you are with kids and knowing how we'd make good parents, I won't reject the idea! In fact, I've wanted them for a while now." I said.

Her face lit up as she leaped up in my arms. "Oh Silver!" she cheered, kissing me multiple times. "W-Wait! Slow down! Oh gosh! B-Blaze!"

I'll let you imagine what happened afterward...

Amy's P.O.V

Sally took me back to her kingdom. Everyone had heard the news and were celebrating our marriage when we arrived. It was so beautiful over here where she lived! Flowers were everywhere, decorations were set up, and even the castle was made to look better for our arrival. It all felt surreal!

"Somebody pinch me!" I gasped. Instead of a pinch, I felt a peck on my cheek from Sally herself. I blushed and returned the favor.

Some servants lead us to a section of the castle where the room was built especially for us. It was just gorgeous! How did she plan all of this? "I wonder where you get the motivation to plan every single detail!" I awed as I took Sally by the arm. "I do it because of you! Why would there be a lack of beauty for someone like you?" she replied.

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