Unexpected and Locked Inside

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Cream's P.O.V

Me and Mr. Sonic went over to pick up Tails to go to Grandpa Eggman's lab. I was still upset about Mr. Shadow leaving us but I figured I'd have to stay strong for Mr. Sonic. Tails knew I was sad and he tried to cheer me up. "Hey, don't worry too much Cream. He said he'd come back! So it'll be okay in the end!" he reassured. "Thanks, Tails! I know he'll come back too. But it's... hard. I'm glad you could read me without a necklace!" I smiled giving him a hug.

"No worries Cream!" he said, hugging me back. We kept walking and I immediately ran up to Grandpa Eggman who had just stopped working on his stuff. "Grandpa!!" I cheered.

"Hey there! I was wondering when I'd get to see you! Say, that reminds me. I overheard that Orbot and Cubot needed help cleaning out some cookies they just made. And they said I can't have any apparently because they're worried about my cholesterol. Oh, what do they know! Either way, they were wondering when you'd get here!" he explained.

Both Tails and I licked our lips at the sound of cookies. "Are they in the kitchen?" Tails asked him. "As always!" Eggman replied, opening the door that led to the back.

Right away, we both were pushing each other out of the way in order to get to the kitchen. "I'll eat yours for you!" I said to Tails. "Not if I get there first!" he teased, getting in front of me as I picked up the pace.

Sonic's P.O.V

Good ol' Tails. "So, I assume you're ready for your check-up?" Eggman asked me. "Yeah, I am. Sorry if I'm a little less energetic. Shadow left earlier this morning." I sighed. "No worries blue friend! I have received word from him so I know all about it. Now, why don't you get set up in our usual room! I have to grab a few things before we start!" he said and I nodded my head in agreement.

As I walked to the other room, I could feel our baby kicking more rapidly than ever. "Hey little guy! You okay in there?" I asked. I knew my due date was approaching very soon. I was scared when the time would be. For now, I was happy to still have enough energy to get anywhere.

I waited for Eggman for a while. What in the world was he doing? "Egghead, you cool?" I shouted, wondering where he went. I could hear him shout back but whatever he was trying to say wasn't clear. What am I gonna do with this group? Suddenly, all the lights and power went out. I could barely see anything in front of me. This guy has no windows in his house!

"Eggman? Hello! Anyone there?!" I shouted as I tried to find my way around. "I've been waiting for a while but now I'm kind of worried! Where are you?" I shouted trying to look around. A flash emerged in my face which made me cover my eyes. "I wish I asked Knuckles for those Emeralds earlier rather than later. Good news is, nothing awful has happened within our base! The bad news, we've run out of power until we get more." he revealed. 

Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I felt better knowing someone was there. "So, what does that mean for everyone else here?" I asked. "Well, Orbot and Cubot won't run out of power for a long time. Maybe if we find them we can get them to contact someone from the outside." he suggested. I nodded my head and we ended up walking down the halls.

As we walked, I felt a sharp pain in my side. I thought the baby just kicked harder than normal. I wasn't supposed to have anything for a while anyway. I kept walking, thinking it was nothing.

Tails' P.O.V

Well, Cream, Cheese, and I were with Orbot and Cubot when all the lights went out. The only light was coming from their eyes since they had built-in flashlights. It was still really dark. We had decided to go looking through the halls wondering where everyone else was in this huge place. "How much longer? Why's this place so big anyway?" Cream whined. "Don't worry little rabbit! I'm sure we'll find something!" Orbot reassured.

"Maybe they'll find us before we find them!" Cubot chimed. "Chew chew chew!" Cheese cried. "Aw! Don't be scared Cheese! We're gonna be fine out here!" I told him. "C'mere Cheese! I'll hold you until we find Grandpa Eggman and Mr. Sonic!" Cream said. That's when we heard noises coming from the hall. "That must be them!" I said, then began running.

They all ran after me and we caught up with the others. "Ah, there you guys are!" Eggman said as we came up to him. "We're glad we found you! What happened?" Cream asked them. "Apparently Egghead forgot to pay the power bill!" Sonic teased. "Did not! More like I forgot to ask Knuckles for more Chaos Power." he groaned.

We all laughed at his forgetfulness before looking around. "So what does that mean for us? Are we stuck?" I asked. "Not really. If I can figure out where I put that generator, we can get some temporary power. Besides that, we can use Orbot and Cubot to try and reach out to Knuckles for some extra help." he explained. I nodded my head and that's when I noticed Sonic who seemed a little uneasy.

"Hey, Sonic, are you okay?" I asked. He nodded his head giving a thumbs up. But obviously, something was up. "Mr. Sonic, you look really upset." Cream chimed. 

"I-I'm fine don't worry! P-Probably shaky from the lights being out!" he said. "Hmm."

Eggman seemed a little bit more concerned than we did. "How far apart are those pains?" he asked. "U-Uh, they last a couple of seconds! But then they're back about 10 seconds later!" he whimpered, trying to stand up. I watched Eggman take out his watch and looked over at Sonic who was breathing heavier.

After a couple of seconds, we heard him gently whine. "They're precisely 17.5 seconds apart. You need to lie down." he said.

Eggman told his robots to watch after us as he took Sonic to another room. We heard Sonic cry and panic inside the other room. We weren't sure what to think. I was so worried about him. Would he be okay? I didn't want him to be in pain. I started crying while thinking about it.

"Don't be scared Tails. It'll be okay. He'll be okay." Cream reassured. Thank goodness for her.

After a few minutes, Eggman came back out and looked at him. "We're trapped here. I can't open the doors manually because the power is out. So we can't go anywhere until we can get power back into this place." he explained. "W-Wait why w-would we need to l-leave?" I asked, my voice cracking. "Well, for starters, I need to access stuff from the outside. Second, Sonic's in labor. He's having this baby whether we can help it or not." he added. A loud cry was heard from the other room, which sounded painful. I was really worried now!

What were we gonna do? "Orbot, I need you in the room with me. Sonic is gonna need all the help he can get. Cubot, do everything you can to get in touch with Knuckles!" he ordered.

"Right away sir!" they shouted and went onto their tasks.

While Cubot was trying to contact Knuckles, I thought back to my watch that was in my backpack. I began digging through it and finally found it underneath my stuff. My watch! Please Knuckles... we need your help! So badly!

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