Cream's Mind is Ruined 😂😅

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Shadow's P.O.V

So... We finally finished telling her everything. "And... that's how are kids are... really made! A-Any questions?" I asked her. Cream just stared at us, jaw dropped, her eyes filled with shock. "Uh... Cream? Are you okay?" Sonic asked her.

She still sat there, not moving whatsoever. "I... I need a minute!" she said, walking to the nearest bathroom, Cheese not too far behind.

The door shut and I just looked at Sonic who wasn't sure what to say either. 


The scream made us jolt back and hearing how surprised she was. Sonic and I had to cover our ears and tried to block out the noise. I didn't think telling her about the birds and the bees would do this! After a couple of minutes, she came out of the room and looked at us with a relaxed look. I wasn't sure what to think. "Sorry, I had to get that out of my system!" she said happily.

"I'm okay! I'm alright!" she said, trying to keep a straight face. "I'm a big kid, I can handle this!"  I gave her a look and that's when she started taking in deep breaths before fainting. Cheese looked at her and following right along and fainted.

"Yep, we've ruined her." Sonic told me. "You're the one who wanted to tell her!" "Because I thought we could've gotten over with it!" "Well, now you see how that went!" "L-Look we can deal with it properly! Just take her to bed! We'll tell her it was all a bad dream and we never once told her about it!" "That's not going to work!" "Have you tried it yet?" "W-Well... N-No but-" "We better hurry up then!"

I knew I couldn't argue with him. I picked up Cream and Cheese off the ground and carried them to their room and placed them in bed so she could try to recover from all that information.

"Alright, they're asleep." I said, closing her door. "C'mon, let's just go lay down! That way it'll be more convincing!" Sonic told me and gladly, I followed him. We got into bed, trying to relax a little bit from all that stress, eventually falling asleep.


"MR. SHADOW, MR. SONIC! WAKE UP!" I heard a shout. Since I had truly fallen asleep, I was trying to stir and so was Sonic when we heard the shouts from my side of the bed. "Huh, what's wrong Cream?" I asked, sitting up in the bed. "I had the weirdest dream! It was kind of scary too!" she said. "Oh, did you now? Um... how bad was it?" I asked. Sonic had turned on the light trying to get a better view. "Chew chew!" Cheese added. "We thought you told us how babies were really made!" she said.

I knew how badly Sonic wanted to smirk. "Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine! I feel much better! Phew! Glad it was all just one big mistake! I love you! Goodnight!" she said, giving each a hug, and left the room.

Once we knew they had both gone to bed, we gave a huge sigh. "That was almost too close." I sighed, looking over at my husband. Sonic was giving me the biggest smirk, his arms crossed.

"You did good." "And?" "Your idea worked." "And?" "You were right." "And?"  I took in a deep breath and pulled him in close. "I love you." I sighed. "I love you too Faker." he chuckled, nuzzling my chest. I kissed him softly, he kissed me back, both of us trying to be dominant over each other.

Finally, I claimed my dominance, kissing him passionately. "Mm! Fadow." he said, his mouth, full. I broke our kiss, allowing him to breathe. That's when I looked down at his bump that was slowly growing. I smiled and gently put my hand on it. I felt the Chaos energy flowing through. "Oh gosh." I said, not meaning to aloud. "What? Do you think something's wrong? Did I say something? Is there-" "Sonic! Please! It's nothing! I guess it caught me off guard." I said, stroking his quills. "It's just that when I touched you, I felt Chaos energy. Which means we're going to have to ask Tails and Eggman for some inhibitor rings." I said.

He calmed down, knowing I was only expressing my concerns. But he was worried. "Does that mean he, or she, won't be able to control it?" "I'm not sure. But it'll be okay. I'm here for the both of you." I reassured, putting my forehead against his. "Thank you, Shads." he sighed, kissing my cheek. "No worries." I sighed and we snuggled into each other.

Sonic had fallen asleep, trying to get comfortable in my arms. I loved having him this close. I wanted to be careful to not squeeze him too much but I wanted to hold him tighter.

After today, I was hoping there wouldn't be any more stress or trouble. It was something neither of us needed. I also hoped that we hadn't blown Cream's mind completely. Chucked out of heaven without a parachute... huh. I'm gonna have to ask Eggman where he got that one.

Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing well for you guys! I'm just here with a quick announcement. I will be making another ship story very soon. I don't know when I'll publish the first chapter, but hopefully it won't take long. Thanks so much for the support and be sure to check out my other stories! This Stormy Cloud and I'll catcha soon! Peace.

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