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Blaze's P.O.V

I looked at the clock on Amy's wall. It was a quarter past 8:00. Silver said he was going to see me a while back. But he hasn't even shown up. Did something bad happen already? Or was he just running behind? I wasn't sure. But every tick of that clock was making me more and more worried.

"Blaze?" The sudden mention of my name snapped me out of my faze. I turned around to see Amy holding a tray of food. "I thought you might be hungry! Nothing crazy but I was sure to give you ice cream on the side!" she said.

No matter what was going on, I knew she was one person I could count on.

"Thanks! I was starting to get hungry!" I said, picking up a plate to begin eating the pasta she made.

She took a seat next to me, giving me a worried look. "Are you holding up okay?" she asked. Was it really the obvious? "I'm trying to be... but... it's hard not to think about him." I sighed.

"I understand. With Sally going back and forth from the kingdom, I'm surprised I get anywhere!" she reassured. I just sat there, feeling my baby kick me gently. Letting me know they were safe and sound. "What do you think will happen if something goes wrong with Silver's mission?" I asked her. Amy seemed a little surprised by the question. "Well... I'm not sure. Maybe there would be more work to prepare for the future. After all, Mephiles is unpredictable!"

The thought of harm coming to Silver hurt me inside. As much as I didn't need stress right, that's all I can do. "Blaze, don't worry! If there's anything we shouldn't be doing, is that we shouldn't be stressing. Especially you. I don't know too much about babies and stuff, but I know it's not good for your kid." she told me.

"Yeah... I know. I'm trying my best. It's a little hard though."

We both looked at the fireplace where it was crackling and we just sat there in silence. "No matter what comes our way, we can do it together." Amy reassured.

I smiled and nodded my head. I felt another kick in my stomach which sort of made me flinch.

"What's it like carrying a baby?" she asked me. "It's... not bad to be honest. It takes some getting used to that's for sure! But otherwise, it's almost like having someone barely tap you every ten minutes. That doesn't mean I don't like it though! For me... the kicks let me know they're okay.  I'm so excited to see what he, or she, resembles! If they'll look similar to me or Silver. Either way, my time with this baby has been something... unique."

I sighed, gently rubbing my stomach, wondering what emotions or thoughts they had. "How about you? What's waiting for a baby to be born by someone else like?" I ask, smiling that something else was distracting me. "Oh boy! Well, a little stressful! But, in the end, I'm delighted! I've done everything to plan for the baby. Except, I wonder if it'll be enough. The birth mother... she's very timid about all of this. I don't blame her. If I was in her shoes I'd wanna know if I was making the right decision." she sighed.

"We're going to be just fine. I know we are." 

We leaned on each other for support, staring at the fire that continued to crackle. Crackling and popping. How peaceful the sound could be when the whole world seemed to be against us.

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