Good News Bad News

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Shadow's P.O.V

We were expecting our friends to come over today. I was wondering why so many people were coming, but I didn't mind. Considering we haven't seen anyone for a while. I finished off a glass of water and put it in the sink. "Hey, Shads! There's a bun in the oven!" Sonic told me. Strange. But I guess if he wants me to take it out, I will. I opened up the oven and pulled out what looked like a single bean bun. "Here," I told him.

He continued to stare at me, letting me continue to hold it. "Um, don't you want it?" I asked. "Didn't you just hear me?" he asked. What in the world was he talking about? "Yeah, I did! You said there's a bun in the oven!" I replied. He kept giving me a look.

But nothing was making sense. "Say out loud, slowly." he replied. I started silently mumbling under my breath. "You're not making sense!" I complained. "Ugh! Say it out loud, slowly, to me!" he snapped. "What? What about it! All you've been saying is that there's a fricking bun in the oven-" I shouted, then I started to think about it more. "There's a bun in the oven... A bun... in the oven... A bun in..." It was all making sense.

"Sonic are you...?" I asked. He was a little shy, but he took out something from his sweatshirt pocket and handed it over to me. His pregnancy test was positive. "What...?" I asked, I felt tears well up in my eyes, as a smile formed on my mouth.

"So you're... not disappointed?" he asked. "What?! NO! I'm not at all! In fact, I'm more than happy! I'm gonna be a dad?" I cried. "Yes! I was so nervous to tell you!" he grinned, allowing me to hold him. I sighed and held his head. 

I kissed him passionately, excited about the joy that would soon be coming into our lives.

"C-Cream! Come in here!" I shouted. She came in, wondering what was going on. "You'll never believe this! Sonic and I are going-" "To be dads? I know!" she replied. "Wait? You knew?" "Cream was the one who showed me how I should tell you. You're going to do great!" Sonic explained to me. We kissed again, Cream joining our little hug. Before I could say anything else, we heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Cream said, skipping off to the door. We weren't too far behind her. Right as we approached the door, we saw Rouge and Knuckles standing there. "Hey hun! How's it going!" Rouge asked me, reaching out for a hug. "Hey Sonic! It's been too long!" Knuckles said cheerily. "Agreed!" Sonic said, hugging his best friend. "How've you been?" Rouge asked us. "We've been good! Come in! I know it's a long trip to get here!" I told them, allowing them to come into the house.

After taking time to talk and greet each other, we had Amy and Sally finally come to the door. They were more than happy to see us. Soon Vector, Espio, Charmy, and Tails showed up. They brought some sort of box. It was strange but I didn't question them. Most of us were here. Only Blaze and Silver were missing.

"So, we've got some news! Rouge and I have been wanting to tell u for a while!" Knuckles told us. Rouge also seemed excited about this. "A few hours after the reception, I surprised Knuckie here with something special! And don't think anything awful! Some of you guys can have dirty minds! But... for us it was special. Because well," she explained, standing up. I didn't realize until now, but one of her wings was covering up her upper body. "We're expecting!" they cheered, her wing uncovering her belly that barely stuck out.

"OMG! ROUGE! THAT'S AWESOME!" Amy shouted as she rushed over to hug her. I was more than happy for her, so was everyone else. I was so happy I was going to be an uncle to her kid! 

"Well, we've got some similar news! And we're so pleased about it!" Sally told. "We're adopting!" Amy squealed. Was there a baby boom happening? "We thought about adopting, but then!" Espio began saying, then Vector pushed over the weird box. Once they opened up the bin, there were two perfectly shaped eggs inside. "Oh wow! That's so cute! Oh, they're so small!" Cream geeked getting up close to them.

"I tried to get him to leave them at home, but he's so paranoid that someones' going to hurt them." Espio said. "Hey! Can you blame me!? Anything could happen and we would never know it!" Vector replied. "I can't help it if I'm doing such a good job!" he added before putting the eggs back in their bin.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and snuggle closer to Sonic knowing my instincts were going to pop in soon. "So what about you Sonic? Are you pregnant now?" Knuckles asked, before erupting into laughter. "W-Well, actually, I am!" he told him gently rubbing his stomach. "OMG! SONIC WE'RE TWINSIES!" Rouge geeked. "I know it's so cool!" he replied. "I can't believe all of this is happening so fast! I'm so excited for them to be here! They're going to get along so great!" Amy told us.

"We're all happy for you, but all four of us refuse to change any diapers!" Charmy said. "I'll feed them!" Cream told me. "Do you think it'll take long for them to come? I mean you guys are different animals." Tails asked us. "It will be spread out all over the place. But it shouldn't be a problem." I reassured.

The doorbell rang which made me stand up and walk to the door to answer it. "Oh, Silver, Blaze, nice to see you. Um, are you okay?" 

They seemed so upset. Tears were coming down Blaze's face as I helped them carry in a bunch of stuff inside the house. "We've been better!" Silver replied, holding Blaze close to his side. Now I knew something was going on.

Everyone in our house figured it out too. "So, are you guys going to say something? We can't avoid whatever problem there is." Sally asked.

"Heh, sorry. I guess we're still in shock." he sighed. "In our time... Mephiles' has emerged... again." he replied. "WHAT! Didn't we destroy him and make sure he was trapped?" Sonic asked shocked. "That's what we thought. Lately, I've been exploring our home a bit more because I knew there was always a risk of danger returning. But... I've sensed his energy more. I checked on some stuff... and he was able to wake up." Silver went on. "Well, we're here to help! What do you need from us?" Knuckles questioned, determined to help.

That's when Blaze teared up more, hugging her husband tightly. I thought it was odd but then it suddenly made more sense. "I need you to look after Blaze. While she's plenty capable of taking care of herself, I don't want her in the line of fire." he replied. "Is there some reason you can't fight Blaze?" Amy asked her concerned. "Yes... crazy enough, I'm expecting our child! I understand why I can't be out... however, I know it's for the best..." she sighed.

"Look, we're here for you okay? We'll take care of you. Silver, just tell me if you need me to come over there. Trust me I know he's a challenge." I reassured him. "Thanks. I'll try my best!" he told us. "I should try to head back, who knows if he's coming back while I'm away," he told us. We each took turns hugging him and wishing him well. 

Knowing how powerful Mephiles was, I was wondering how this was going to turn out. "Please contact us if you need anything. We're all here." I told him. "I will. I love you, Blaze, just stay safe for me okay?" Silver replied, looking to Blaze. "I love you too. Do the same for me!" she sobbed, hugging him tightly one last time.

With that, he walked out the door and teleported back home. Right when he disappeared, Blaze broke down right then and there in front of us. She couldn't stop. I felt terrible for her. It must've been painful seeing him go. I didn't realize how lucky I was with Sonic.

She still sobbed on the ground trying to catch her breath. Rouge and Amy walked over to her side to comfort her. "It'll be okay hun. We're all here for you. Silver's stronger than Mephiles thinks." Rouge reassured. I stood there, thinking about everything, then felt something around my leg. "Mr. Shadow, are they going to be okay?" Cream asked me. "I sure hope so Cream... I hope so..." I sighed, picking her off of the ground.

Last thing I needed was to lose anyone close to me in this home.

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