Goodbye For Now

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Sonic's P.O.V

Well, Shadow and Rouge are definitely leaving for their mission. As much as I hated that they were leaving, I knew they were doing this for a reason. "Please be safe." I begged Shadow who held me tightly. "I'll try my best. Just take care of yourself and Cream okay?" he reassured. I nodded my head and kissed his cheek. We both turned around and looked over at Cream and Cheese who were looking at us sadly. "Hey, I'll be back! Don't you worry!"

I understood why Cream and Cheese were so upset. He was their main guardian. "I'm just scared!" Cream sobbed, holding onto him. "Chew chew!" Cheese added. "You two have nothing to worry about. Sonic and the others are still going to be here and I'll be back before you know it! You'll take care of him for me right?" he replied.

After a minute Cream wiped her eyes and hugged him goodbye. "I will, I promise." she said. "Chew chew." Getting their support meant the world to me. I only hoped we could manage.

"Okay then. I have to get going. Rouge and Knuckles are expecting me and we've got to get to the planes in less than an hour." he said. I kissed him one final time, knowing things could go terribly wrong for him. "I love you Shads." "I love you too Azure. Keep our baby safe and warm."

I nodded my head and looked over at Cream. He picked her up and hugged her one last time. "Don't go doing crazy stuff without me!" he joked. "I won't!" With that, he walked out the door.

"He'll be back... right Mr. Sonic?" she asked. I hope so... I really hope so... "He'll come back Cream... he'll be okay. Come on, we should get ready to see Eggman in a couple of hours." I instructed. She gladly took my hand and we headed back inside another part of the house.

Shadow's P.O.V

I hated walking out the door like that. I promise to come back to you... I promise. I took a deep breath as I tried to come to grips with everything. After a few minutes, I walked to Angel Island to pick up Rouge. I was wondering how Knuckles was dealing with all of this. When I made it to the door, I had my answer. "O-Oh, h-hey Shadow. Rouge is coming, she's just getting the last of her stuff!" he said, wiping his face.

This must be just as hard for him. "It's gonna be okay. She knows what she's doing." I reassured. He glanced away for a moment and then suddenly, he just let more tears fall. "Trust me, I-I know shes' smart! I know that I shouldn't be acting like this but it's hard!" he cried.

"I've finally got something just for me and now I could lose it!" I walked over and gently hugged him. I know we've never really seen eye to eye but I hoped this could help us get close as friends. "Look at it this way... I'll be there the entire time. No harm will come to her while we're over there. This is for a good cause. I wouldn't have let her go if it wasn't for the fact that this is for children. Not anything stupid or worthless. You're going to have that baby and you and Rouge will be able to start a life together. I promise you that much Knuckles." I reassured, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He seemed to be better now. That's when Rouge came to the door, carrying two bags of stuff. I walked over to help her carry them.

"I'll give you both a moment." I said, then walked over to another section to wait for Rouge to come. I didn't hear much between the two, however, I knew they needed a moment before they said their final goodbyes. I sat there, wondering what might happen if I'm not there for Sonic if something were to happen. Or for Cream and Cheese if they needed something from me. Then I heard feet walking towards me.

Both of them had walked over. "Good luck you two!" he said, trying his best to smile and stay strong. I gave him a warm smiled and looked at Rouge who was somewhat nervous. "Well, are you ready?" she asked. "I guess so." I decided to carry her bags since she was starting to become more sensitive to things.

She began walking but I knew I had to tell Knuckles something or I'd regret it. "Hey, Knuckles. I'm the same way you are about everything. I'm scared my family might get hurt or lost without me. You'll look after them for me right?" I begged. "Of course! They a part of my family too." he reassured. "Thank you." I replied, before following her right along.

We finally made it to the planes where Topaz and the pilot were already waiting. "You guys ready for this?" she asked. "We didn't have much of  a choice." I answered, letting the pilot take our bags. After a minute, all of us three hoped into the plane where we were just waiting to take off. I was preparing myself and Topaz seemed to be lost in her thoughts as we waited. But Rouge was frantically fidgeting with her wedding ring.

She's scared. Can't exactly blame her. I sat up and shuffled over to her side to sit next to her. "You gonna be okay?" I asked. "I-I think so... I'm just scared for whatever might happen on this trip. I promised Knuckles I'd stay safe... but what if I can't keep you safe?" I asked. I put my hand on hers, giving her a nod. 

"Don't worry about me or Topaz. We're going to be just fine. We're going to get those ingredients and bring them back. It'll be all worth it Rouge. I promise you that much." I reassured. We both held onto each other as the plane took off into the air. Whatever came our way, we'd get through it together.

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