The Third

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Blaze's P.O.V

I was all by myself at Amy's house. But I didn't know how to get help right now. Which for once I really needed! "AGH!" I cried, gripping onto the counter. I tried calling everyone but no one was answering the phone. There was no way I was calling the hospital. I hated them just as much as anyone else did. But everything was becoming a little too much to handle. Where is everyone when I need them?! I thought angrily.

But I couldn't be too mad at them. I've told them repeatedly that I wanted to be alone. I just didn't want to lash out at them because my emotions were getting the best of me. As I walked carefully through the house I felt everything in my body becoming more painful.

How was I going to get out of this mess? I bit down on my tongue. That's when I heard a crash from the other room.


I didn't mean to let it slip out. If something was there to hurt me, I knew I had to be quiet. A few minutes went by. It was quiet now. Maybe it was just my imagination? I've been a little more paranoid with this baby being a part of my life now. Yeah! I'm paranoid... Nothing scary here! Hopefully.

*Creeeeeek* *CRASH*

"AH!" I cried out, covering my mouth. OK! TIME TO PANIC! There are not many places to hide... Maybe the bedroom? Anything!

Quickly as I could, I rushed into my bedroom where I usually stayed, and hid inside the closet. I heard another crash by the door which made me jump. I covered my mouth still, worried about what could be out there. What the heck is out there?

"Hello... I know you're here..." the voice said. It sounded so familiar. But I couldn't quite make it out. "Blaze. Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I'm only here for one thing after all." the voice reassured. Like I would come out so easily. "C'mon... Don't be a scardy cat. Let me see you." it said again. Suddenly, it was quiet. Dead quiet. A scary quiet. I continued to stand there, wondering what in the world was going on out there. Then, the door to the closet slammed open. "Found you." It was Mephiles. "Stay away from me!" I hissed, shrinking back into the closet. "Relax, cat. I bring no harm to you." he said calmly. "I don't believe you! W-Where's Silver? He said he could stop you!" I snapped.

He tapped his chin and looked at me. "Oh! That hedgehog. Are you sure you want to know?" he asked. My heart stopped. No... he can't be. "Well, since you're already thinking it, I will tell you. Unfortunately, your little hedgehog... is dead. Shame he didn't last long. He was someone worthy of fighting me for a change." he replied.

Out of grief and anger, I felt my power start to get the best of me. This wasn't healthy for our baby but I was done with this guy! I threw flames his way before taking more deep breaths. I thought he would've been dead by now. But when it calmed down... he was still standing.

After rolling his eyes and grabbed my wrist tightly. "I wouldn't waste your breath." he snarled. Then he pointed to my bump. "Especially when you're carrying something so valuable."

Whatever he plans to do to us I won't allow it. That's when I felt another contraction. "Agh." I whimpered, trying not to show it. But to my luck, he already saw the pain on my face. "Oh, so you're little one is already on the way. I feel so honored to be here to witness the birth of the Fire Queen's baby. Too bad the father can't be here to celebrate with us. Only if he had the strength to survive. Oh well, he was always the weak one."

"Why can't you leave us alone!? I just want to live in peace!" I cried. "Trust me, you can. Just give me the child. It's better if it's out of the world." he growled. "You're crazy! I would never!"  I shouted, trying to get out of his grasp. "I wouldn't fight if I were you. You're much too fragile and weak to fight me the way you normally would." he said coldly. He's not wrong but he didn't have to rub it in. "Now, you should lie down on that bed of yours." he added.

As I laid down, the contractions only got worse. I tried not to let him get the best of me though. This baby was mine and I wasn't about to let him have it. "Breathe Blaze. Everything will be fine soon." he urged. I hissed at him and tried my best to breathe. It was only getting worse. Where are you Silver? I know you aren't dead... Please help me! I need you! I don't want to lose to this monster! The fact that I was trapped here in the most vulnerable point ever, scared me to death.

"Why do you hate us so much?" I asked out of breath. "Why wouldn't I? The minute I get free, you and your friends try to put me back in my prison. Not this time. With that baby, I'll make sure I can use it against you." he explained.

"Too bad I won't let you!" I snapped. "Doesn't look like you have much a choice." he added. I didn't care what he said. Please, Silver... I know you're out there somewhere.

After a couple of minutes, I knew it was almost time. "Too bad I can't stay much longer. Don't worry, I won't let your child forget their true parents." he growled. I closed my eyes and waited for anything to happen. I hated Mephiles being here but I knew there was no getting rid of him no matter what I did. This is it... my happy ending was all just a dream. At least it was the best one I've had in my life.

That's when I heard a loud scream. It wasn't me... I looked to my side and... Mephiles was disappearing. His eyes had rolled back which creeped me out completely. But then, he vanished. What the-? As I sat up trying to recover, I saw Silver standing there, holding the staff that we used to capture him before.

I sat up and realized what had just happened. "S-Silver!?" I gasped, tears flowing down my cheeks. "H-Hey Blaze!" he smiled, trying to walk towards me. "Oh my gosh! You're here!" I gasped, hugging him tightly as he sat down next to me. "I told you I'd come back." he sighed, rubbing my head. I held his hand and loved on him gratefully. But then the pains came back to me. "UgH! Too bad the pains are still there!" I cried. "Stay strong okay? I'm right here!" he reassured as he took a seat next to me.

"What happened to you?" I asked fearfully. "Please don't worry about me. I'm okay!" he begged. I didn't believe him. But he held me in a way that made me feel safe and made sure I had all the strength that I needed. "Do your thing, Blaze. I know you can do it!" he reassured me. We both sat there, holding each other's hands. It felt like hours that we were in there. And it might as well have been. It was taking forever.

Finally, after such a long time... our baby was born. I breathed heavily before reaching over to hold our baby. "I knew you had it in you!" Silver sighed, nuzzling me gently. I used one of the sheets to wrap them in and held her in my arms tightly. "Aw... Silver... she has your mark!" I gasped, noting the mark on her arms. She whimpered as I traced my finger along them. When she opened her eyes, they were bright golden. "Oh Blaze! You did beautiful!" Silver gasped.

"Hold her." I urged, handing him our child. He gladly held her, admiring her. "Wow... we're actually parents now!" he chuckled. I smiled and leaned against him. "I'm never leaving you again." he sighed. "I love you." I sighed. "Love you too."

We shared a tender kiss, finally being able to see each other after such a long time. Our baby then squealed. Her bright gray fur shining from the lamp in the room. "Aw, you get kisses too!" I giggled, giving her light kisses. "What do you want to name her?" Silver asked. I smiled and looked at our baby. She was gorgeous. "How about... Bella?" "Bella... I like the name. It has a good ring to it!"

Bella it is. Whoever would've thought this how it would've gone done. "Are you sure he's gone?" I asked. "Don't worry about it. I'm going to burn this thing... and he'll never be an issue again."

I knew I didn't have to worry anymore. Only because I was too tired to do so.

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