Darkness Lingers

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Silver's P.O.V

I've been searching the lands where I knew Mephiles must've been staying. The only bad thing... it was in the new village where citizens were living. I wish Blaze was here, she could help me sort out things better. Oh well, I could handle this on my own.

As I walked into town, I saw children walk up to me and stare. "Wow! You're King Silver!" one said to me. "So cool!" another said. They ran in another direction, happy to see me.

If only Blaze was here to see all this. Our child will have the best place to grow up! That is if I can find Mephiles and get rid of him. But I had to be careful about finding him, I didn't want to put the whole city into a panic. His trail of darkness was definitely nearby, staying as close as possible to this area. I wondered if he was here looking for me or someone else. Either way, I knew I couldn't ignore it.

Getting used to a new area wasn't easy either. I kept getting lost in every direction I was going in. Despite living here for a long time, everything was on fire. So this isn't really familiar yet. I walked behind the village to check the darkest parts of the town. It's clearly not your friendly relaxing place.

There was something in the distance, something... glowing. It creeped me out. But maybe it would lead me to find Mephiles.

Cautiously, I walked towards it, preparing myself for whatever might happen.

The closer I got, the bright it became. I wasn't sure what to think about it. Hopefully, this wasn't anything dangerous. Right before I could get to its spot, it suddenly disappeared. "What the heck..." I whispered to myself. I turned around to walk away. 

"Well, isn't this a surprise?"

Crap. Mephiles.

"I was wondering when I'd see you again. Too bad you couldn't get the job right the last time we met." he said, gently walking around me. "You don't scare me. We defeated you once, we can do it again." I snapped. "Oh. Yes, I know. But that's the thing. You're all alone aren't you?" he asked, his eye shining from the light that barely poured into the alley. "No... I'm not." I said, trying to be brave in front of him.

He rolled his eyes while shaking his head. "If there's one thing I've learned about all of you, it's that your terrible liars." So what if I was caught? I wasn't going to let him get the better of me.

"Tell me, is that purple friend of yours hiding somewhere, waiting to attack? How about the Iblis Trigger? Oh, wait. He's dead. Too bad you're all alone now. Sad life really." he said, continuing to walk around. "We've learned about ourselves. About what it took to get to this world today. Fear might be your thing... but it's not going to work this time!" I snapped.

Suddenly, he just stopped walking. His back to me. It was so random. I wasn't expecting this to happen. "Oh, Silver, Silver. If only you knew." he sighed. I was so confused. What was up with him? Then, I got hit in the face. "AHAH!" he cackled. I grunted as I hit the ground hard from the hit. 

That'll leave a mark. It's time to show him how I've changed.

I stood up and summoned any loose objects to my side. "So, we're going to do this the hard way?!" I snapped. "Apparently it's the only thing you know." he growled. "UGH!" I shouted, lunging right at him.

Whatever happened to me, I didn't care. The safety of the Kingdom was my priority.  "You're weaker than the last time." he chuckled. "Oh yeah? I'll show you!" I cried, throwing huge objects his way. After throwing so many his way, I tried taking a breath, watching the dust disappear. He continued to stand there, staring at me. That's when he tapped something tied around his neck. "The Stone of Chaos. Nothing you do can harm me." he said, drawing his own powers.

Darkness surrounded me, I couldn't see anything. "Such a shame you came alone." he snarled, suddenly shoving me against a wall. I tried to get free, but something was holding me tight. A hand was around my throat. I let a whine escape as I tried scratching him to release his grip. "Ha! You're weaker than last time!" he laughed. Angrily, I spat in his face. Causing to flinch and wipe it away. "Brat."

"What do you want this time?" I growled. "Simple enough. I want the kingdom."

"Good luck with that one. I'm not giving it up."

"You might want to, I'd hate for anything bad to happen to your neck."

"Urgh! It's not mine! And even if it was, I wouldn't ever give it up to someone as horrible, as terrible, and as monstrous as you!"

We just stood there in silence. He continued to squeeze my neck as tightly as he could. I was just praying to myself that my friends would take care of Blaze. I could suffer a terrible death and I wouldn't care. My friends have each other.

"You know what. I've decided that I'm not going to kill you right now. Why would I kill you when I have the chance to toy with you first?" I felt myself panic! This isn't what I thought would happen! "Y-You won't get away with this!" I cried, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. "Oh, but I already have! No one's here to save you. So why waste time?" With that, he waved his hand, and we disappeared from the spot we were at. 

There was no escape from this now.

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