Not Your Vacation Island

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Rouge's P.O.V

We approached the island. It looked much bigger than it did on the screens and maps that I looked at. Who knew what we were to come across on this weird barren island. If there was anything I felt, it was anxiety.

"Alright you three, be ready for landing, we're about to make a landing." the pilot said to us and we braced for impact. He landed on an open part of the island, giving us a clear view of just how creepy it was. Shadow and Topaz unloaded their stuff as I grabbed smaller bags to carry on this journey. "I wish you luck on this mission. I heard a lot of the OG members never made it back." the pilot said and took off in the plane.

"Well that was reassuring." Topaz said sarcastically. I held back a giggle and decided to take a better look in these jungles.

There was an awful that reminded me of moldy brussels sprouts. 

Ugh... as if things couldn't get worse...

I looked at the other two who were coming to my side. "You guys ready?" Shadow asked. 

I slowly nodded my head as Topaz prepared her gun.

Just grab and go. Easy! "Stay close." I said before we walked into the unknown. Nothing bad really. Just a lot of swamp and... leaves. A ton of leaves. To be honest, once you get used to it, it's not so bad! Ha! He said this was supposed to be hard! This is like stealing the Master Emerald from Knuckles! Not that I would do that too often anymore!

But seriously, what were the other guards worried about? "I haven't seen anything dangerous lately. I thought this was a "dangerous mission"!" I asked as we kept walking around.

"Keep your guard up anyway. Something could pop up at any minute." Shadow replied. I shrugged my shoulders and we continued to search the jungle for whatever these ingredients are. The farther we walked, the more creepy everything seemed. We stumbled onto an abandoned camp where supplies were scattered everywhere. "Damn... this place is torn." Shadow sighed.

He wasn't wrong. It was a camp alright. But things were broken, supplies looked old, and then the eeriest thing of all... a pile of broken glass. It had red and blue stains on them. I picked one up and looked at it carefully. It was just a sticky ooze. "Keep an eye out. Something must be out here for all this to happen." I said.

Both nodded in agreement as we kept walking. We walked towards a large garden of what looked like exotic flowers. "We found one of the ingredients. It's a wild plant. You can't find it anywhere else but here." Topaz replied as she reached into her pocket pulling out a tube.

"I have to be careful about getting these samples. Scientists need the sap and nectar from these plants. However, if you're not careful about it, the liquid could poison the skin." she explained as she peeled it open. We waited as she tried her best to extract whatever she needed for the sample. As we waited, I pulled out a nail file and began to fix my crooked nails while I didn't have anything to do. Shadow sat there on the ground, waiting as well.

Topaz was doing her thing for a while. I understood why she was taking so long, but really, a girl could pass out in this weather!

As I sat on the ground, I thought I heard something in the jungles. However, there was a breeze so didn't think much of it. But then I heard a click of Shadow's gun. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head and still held up his gun. I was a bit more alert and looked over at Topaz who carefully secured the sample. "I don't hear anything..." she replied. "You wouldn't. Things are hard to catch out here. But... I think I heard something towards there. So just keep your guard up." he explained. Nothing for a while. It was quiet.

Grrr... Hisss...Rrrrrr... Ssssss

Something was out there. And I could hear it now. Shadow cocked his gun again and pointed it out in the open field. Topaz followed his lead, pointed her own weapon, and waited. Randomly, I felt a kick in my stomach. The baby must know I'm worried... Don't worry... we'll be okay sugar. I felt like I was lying. I'm not sure what else I could've done though. The tall grass started moving more rapidly, something was coming towards us.

"Stay close and stay behind us." Shadow instructed. That's when something crawled out of the bushes. They looked... dead. Lost... "S-Shadow..." I gasped startled. "AGHHH!" it growled, before leaping out at us. Topaz fired at it, trying to scare it away. Another jumped out from behind us and Shadow fired right at it. More kept crawling out of different areas. "I'm running low!" Topaz shouted.

No! Not now! One of them was coming right up to me. Shadow pointed his pistol right at it and tried to fire. "Damn! It's jammed!" he snapped. The thing was coming at us much faster. I didn't see another way out of this. I pushed him aside and got in the line of fire. "Rouge!" he cried. "Don't you dare move me!" I snapped.

Whatever this thing was, it slowed down the closer it got to me. I stayed in front of about ten of them. Topaz was even afraid. I stood there, breathing slowly. I swallowed nervously as I watched one come so close to my space. Please work, please work, please work. After a couple of sniffs, they turned away from me, growling and hissing fiercely. Despite being so relieved, I couldn't help but find it so strange. Shadow and Topaz couldn't be more relieved than ever. I sighed and looked at them happily.

"You're lucky we have what we need now!" Topaz replied. "So, now where to?" I asked. After all, the plane did leave us here. "We still need to find one more thing. But it shouldn't be too far. Let's just hope we don't run into those creatures again." she replied. "You still feeling okay?" Shadow asked. "Yeah! Thankfully. I guess they feel a little bit anxious!" I smiled, gently rubbing my bump. "Okay, just tell us if you need rest." he added.

I nodded my head and that's when we continued our journey. It felt like forever that we were walking. That's when we came across something that looked very much like a temple. "Woah. Never in a lifetime would I thought I'd bump into these." Topaz gasped. "I can't relate!" I teased. "Should we explore it?" Shadow asked. "Not like we have anything better to do." I replied.

Carefully we walked inside, wondering what else we could find. It was broken for the most part. Yet, it seemed like a nice place! "Oh! I found the other ingredient we were looking for! Apparently, the moss was against all this temple stuff." Topaz said, scraping moss from between the cracks in the walls. We checked out one room where it seemed to be like a royal bedroom or something.

Even though it was old and beaten, it wasn't too bad to try and relax for a bit. As I sat down, I felt myself get a little bit tenser. Maybe it was because we walked for too long. But I wasn't sure.

"Hey, you okay?" Shadow asked me as he came over. "I'm fine! Really, I am. Probably still trying to relax after that exchange we had." I replied. But then the tension became a little bit more aggressive. "Rouge, I really think something's going on!" Topaz said. For once, I couldn't disagree with her. "Ah! Yeah, I know!" I cried. "Can you help me stand up?" Both of them nodded and helped balance me as I walked.

One step at a time... One little step! You'll be okay!

Just then, I felt something hit the ground. It was like water being splashed.

I already knew what this meant...

"Rouge?" Shadow asked. I took a deep breath and looked at both of them.

I laughed nervously and looked back up. "Baby's coming."

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