The Twins (5th & 6th)

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Charmy's P.O.V

We were thinking of all the ways that we could try and get Espio and Vector's attention. I knew they had their cellphones. Would we be able to reach them?

"Just try it out! Sally has good connection all the way out here! Surprisingly." Tails replied. "Are you sure about this?" I asked. "We don't have time! Their eggs are hatching!" Cream said, shaking me out. "Okay okay! Let me try to call them!" I cried. I dialed the number and waited.

Vector's P.O.V

We were trying to get back home through all this rain. We finished the mission but at the worst time horribly. I tried my best to not slide and crash through this water. "Vector! Be careful!" Espio snapped at me. "I'm trying! It's not easy in this rain!" I cried.

After a couple of minutes, I could see our house in the distance. I was more than relieved. "We made it!" I sighed in relief. "Oh my gosh, I hope Charmy's okay!" Espio replied. It scared me too. What if he was hurt? We both hopped out and tried our best to walk through the wind and rain that blinded us. As we walked, I noticed there was a huge tree fallen. At first, I thought nothing of it. But then... the thought crossed my mind.

Our eggs! I didn't know what happened. But I had to do see if it was okay! "Vector! We've gotta get out of here!" Espio shouted. I ignored him and kept moving towards the direction of the shed.

When I got there... my whole heart stopped. 

The tree... had fallen... in the exact spot of the shed. Right over the spot where our eggs would've been. I could only stand there and stare.

"Vector! Why would you go all the way out and-" Espio asked, but, he figured out why I was standing there. I looked over to see him beginning to panic. He raced over to the tree and tried lifting it. "Help me!" he shouted. "Espio..." I said softly. "Vector we can't just leave them! You don't know!" he snapped, trying to lift the tree up. "Espio." I said a little more firmly, walking a little closer to him.

"You're no help! I'm not leaving! They have to be okay! THEY HAVE TO!" he cried continuing to try and lift it. "Espio," I cried, feeling my emotions build up. "SHUT UP AND HELP ME!" he snapped. "Espio!" I said, now putting my hands on his shoulders. "They're gone..." I said, feeling my heart break in half. A part of us was gone forever.

After the reality sunk in, Espio stopped and looked at me. He walked towards me and I held him in my arms. He began sobbing. It was just us in the rain. The shed was broken. Our eggs were smashed underneath a tree. And it was just us.

All we could do was go to the house. When we got back, the whole place was trashed. Where was Charmy? I looked all over the place... he wasn't here. "Charmy's not here." I said aloud.

There were only two things I could think of. He ran away and left the eggs... or he got smashed by that tree too...

"SO HE JUST LEFT!?" Espio snapped. Stay calm Vector... he's sad. "HOW COULD HE! AFTER EVERYTHING WE'VE DONE?!!!" "Espio!" I snapped. "He's a kid! He could've gotten spooked! Besides that... how do you know he didn't get crushed too?" I said, trying to calm him down. Espio eyes were filled with pain as he covered his mouth with a hand. I was crying too. He sobbed in my arms and we didn't let go of each other. We sat on the couch trying to comfort the other.

I've never seen either of us like this. "We'll get through this..." I promised. Espio still cried as he hid his face in my chest. I didn't want him to be sad but... I couldn't blame him.

For what felt like days we sat there. In shock. In grief.

Then I felt a vibration in my jacket pocket. I reached in my pockets and pulled out my phone. It was  Charmy. He's alive! That's some good news... I decided to answer it.

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