Too Crazy To Explain

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Cream's P.O.V

After the wedding, Me, Cheese, Charmy, and Tails were told we'd have to go with Grandpa Eggman for the night. I wasn't complaining though! I liked how the robots were all lined up at night! "Grandpa Eggman, what's a honeymoon?" I asked as he settled us inside a bedroom he had set up.

"U-Um well, it's when loved ones get together to have some special time all to themselves! To relax before they get in touch with the family again!" he explained.

"A vacation? Why would they need a vacation?" I asked. "Because the wedding was so stressful! I mean you saw how everyone was a wreck that day! So, this is their chance to talk everything out and decide what's next for their life. You know, to decide if they want kids, if they want to go to another part of the world if something's conquering the world and they only had a couple of minutes to get married and have a honeymoon. That sort of stuff! You'll see better when you're older!" he explained.

 I thought it was interesting. I had no idea my mom went on a honeymoon before she had me!

"Well, I have a question too! You know how kids seem to pop out of nowhere or they come out of eggs or their mom's belly, where does the baby come from?" Charmy asked.

All four of us were intrigued now. "Yeah! Where do babies come from?" Tails asked. We all looked at him intently. "Chew chew!" Cheese added.

But while we were waiting for Grandpa Eggman to answer, all he did was stare. "S-Shouldn't you wait for Shadow or Sonic, or any of the others to tell you that?" he asked, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. "But we really want to know!" I cried. "Yeah! Why can't you just tell us?" Tails asked him.

Grandpa Eggman still struggled for answers. "Alright... you see... in Heaven, you've got God right? Okay so, he's like a really smart scientist so he knows how to handle all of this. So in the clouds, he takes a little bit of that cloud he's got and mushes all that he can into a machine. You know, the ones that look like washing machines?" he explained. We were all intrigued now! Who knew we came from clouds!

"After he makes you into the shape he feels like you should be, he takes you out of that machine and chucks you out into the open!" he explained.

"Wait, he just threw us out there with no parachute?" Charmy asked him. "Yes! Because you won't die when you get chucked out there! Soon you'll be able to find the family you were supposed to be with!" he finished. "But what if it's the wrong family?" Tails asked him. "Well then, you just get shipped off to another family!"

I had so many questions about God's delivery process. "But wait, how does the baby get into the mom's tummy?" I asked him. "Chew chew?" Cheeses added. "U-Uh- OH! Would you look at that! It's so late! You guys should probably go to bed! Don't want to be cranky in the morning right?" he said. "Eggman, it's only seven." Tails told him.

"R-Right! Early bird gets the worm!" he added as he headed to the door. "If you're all real good tonight, I'll let you eat ice cream for breakfast!" he said. That was good enough for me and everyone else! We settled down and tried to look as sleepy as possible. "Goodnight! See you in the morning!" he told us and quickly left our bedroom.

The minute he left, we all shot up to look at each other. "So... this whole time... we were made out of clouds?" Charmy asked us. "With no parachute?" I thought.

Maybe he just thought we'd find out own way out. "I'll ask Mr. Shadow about it when he comes back!" I told them. "I'll ask Sonic! He knows more stuff than me!" Tails added. "I don't trust Vector and Espio, they're going to tell me something very different than this I bet." Charmy chimed. "Chew chew!" Cheese added.

"Oh, that's right! We gotta be good to get that ice cream for breakfast!" I told them. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that! Well, goodnight guys!" Tails said and got under the blankets. "Night!" Charmy said, going to sleep. "Chew chew." Cheese whispered and nuzzled next to me.

I gave a huge yawn before wrapping myself in the blankets and going to sleep.


Huh? Flowers? That could only mean- "Cream! Welcome back!" "Mom!" I cheered and raced into her arms where she waited for me. 

"Oh, it's so good to see you bean! How was the wedding?" she asked me. "It was wonderful! Everything went just how it was supposed to happen!" I told her. "Of course it did! You were there after all." she smiled, bopping my nose. "Well, everyone, including Mr. Shadow was really nervous, but I told them they had nothing to worry about!" I said.

She smiled, holding me close, and handed me a flower. "You'll still look after them for me, won't you?" she asked. "I will! It's not so hard to do!" I reassured. "Oh boy, when I was still alive, it was hard looking after you on my own! I'm so proud of you though!"

We sat there, just talking like we used to each night. I missed her so much. I only wish she didn't have to leave the world so early.

But, I did promise her I would take care of everyone and I'm not going anywhere either.

"Hey mom, I meant to ask you, where do babies come from?" I asked her. Her face completely went white and she started chuckling nervously. "U-Uh, sweetheart, didn't Grandpa Eggman already explain that to you?" she asked, smiling nervously. "He did, but I've still got questions! Like, how did I get in your belly? Or, did I just show up at your door? I didn't know God chucked me out in the clouds! But how come out of the belly?" I asked.

"Uh well- Cream, the thing is- well it's just too crazy to explain! Even I'm not sure how to tell you!"

Momma seemed to be getting more and more nervous about this. Right after she said that I could feel the sun on my face. "Oh look! There's the sun! Gotta go! I love you!" she said and she vanished from my view. 


When I woke up, I realized it was a little bit later in the morning. About the time I'm awake anyway. But everything felt so different after everything she tried to tell me. Oh well! Better go get that ice cream I've been wanting for a while now!

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