Growing Up

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~ Roughly 10 years later~

(So all the babies are now 10 years old, Cream is 16, Charmy is 17, Tails is 18, and all the others are in their late 30's, I think. Don't ask me how old Cheese is cuz Idk! But I guess he still has the mindset he usually does)

Cream's P.O.V

So life moves on. I'm sixteen now! I can't believe it either. Shadow, er, I guess I should say, dad, is more than happy with his life with Sonic. Little Cooper has gotten so big! He had most of their powers combined so he's become almost faster than them! I had trouble keeping up with him when we grew up! But we're as close as siblings will get! All four of us (yes even Cheese) are about to graduate high school!

Yes, I know, I sound too young to graduate. But I've worked hard to finish early! So have Tails and Charmy! Speaking of which, they haven't made it official, but I think they're beginning to become more than just friends!

Which makes me happy because now my two best friends are in love! And we all know how I am over all the ships!

But either way, it's been fun! And I'm ready to start the next part of my journey! College! It's... It's making me nervous but all four of us are gonna be there together! But for right now, we were having fun just watching over all six of the kids at the park! "Cream! Crystal won't stop teasing me!" Bella whined. "Am not! I poked you that's it!" she argued.

"Why can't we be grown like you? You guys can do whatever you want!" Cooper whined. "Trust us, it's not all that you think it is!" Tails chuckled. "At least you guys don't have to school! You guys don't have to go to college!" Finn sighed. "Maybe it's what they want to do." Hunter replied. "Both of you are right! We didn't have to. But we're going to so we can have a better future!" Charmy replied.

"Besides, it's not the end of the world! You guys are going to have so much fun! It's a whole new year!" I promised. "But you guys won't be here this year!" Spirit frowned. "We'll be back home pretty often! We're not going to be too far!" I reassured them.

"Promise?" Cooper pleaded. "I promise we'll come back!" I smiled, reaching over to hug him warmly. "We're going to miss you!" Finn cried. They were so adorable!

We walked away from the spot we were at and walked down. Charmy carried little Hunted on his shoulders to help us keep walking forward. "Hey Cream, I finally learned that trick you taught!" Bella smiled. She quickly did a cartwheel across the ground. Wow! I knew you could do it!" I cheered. "Well, I can do a backflip!" Spirit bragged. Spirit jumped up before flying backward, but she didn't exactly stick the landing.

She winced in pain and looked up. "Well, almost!" she giggled. "Here, I'll show you!" I said, preparing myself to do my own backflip. "Ready?" I asked. All of them were ready and Tails even pulled out his cellphone to record. me. "Okay! Go ahead!" Tails told me. I readied myself and was prepared to make a move. After leaping off the ground, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the air as I was lost in my thoughts.

"Cream watch out!" I heard Charmy shout. Just as I landed, something crashed into me. I fell down hard and looked to my side. I heard another groaned to my side and realized I hit someone by accident. "Chew chew!" Cheese cried. "I'm okay! But, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. He got up on his own and looked at me.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry I should've known better than to walk right behind you!" he said and reached out to help me up. "No no, I should've looked too before I jumped! Are you okay?" I asked.

The minute our eyes met, I didn't know what to think. He was... different. I couldn't believe I had run into someone like him. "I... I'm so sorry." I said at last. "It's fine. As long as your okay!" he said.  "Yeah... I'm fine!" I said smiling. I could feel my cheeks heat up. But this was a guy I randomly bumped into! Get yourself together Cream! "Uh well, anyway, I should get back to my friends! Bye!" I said bashfully before walking away.

"W-Wait! What's your name?" he asked. "Oh um- I'm Cream! Cream the Rabbit!" I replied cheerily. "I'm... I'm Kai. Kai the Wolf!" he replied nervously. I flashed him one more smile and waved goodbye. I walked back over to my friends who were giving me looks.

Oh boy please don't tell me they heard all that! "Oooh! Looks like someone has a crush~!" Charmy teased. "And it looks like someone else has the hots for you!" Tails teased.

I felt my face turn red. 

"Haha! Cream and a stranger sitting in a tree~ K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" the kids sang as I tried to keep it together for myself. "Woah Woah Woah! I barely even know him! Besides, you can't be talking Tails~" I smirked, giving him a look. Soon his cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

I giggled as Cheese landed on my shoulder laughing. "S-Shut up Cream." he said. "What does she mean by that?" Charmy asked. "Why don't you ask Tails!" I suggested. "I mean you guys act like more than friends!" I giggled again. "Chew chew!" Cheese added. Then both of them were blushing. Which made me happy knowing I got them back for teasing me. "Alright, let's start heading back. Dad wants me back home before night and I wanna make sure we get Spirit, Crystal, and Bella home!" I told them.

Both of them nodded happily as they followed me. All three of us dropped off the kids off at different places. Charmy had to head home with Hunter and Finn so it was just me, Cheese and Tails, and Cooper. Dad and Sonic both turned their attention to Cooper so we both headed up on the roof to gave at the stars. There was so much on my mind.

College is going to be so... new. How do I now I can do it? If I mess up once... it's all over. Dad will kill me if I do. I... I just want everything to turn out okay.

"I'm guessing you're just as nervous as I am?" Tails asked me. I looked up from the ground and turned to Tails. "Yeah, I guess you could say that! I mean... it's college Tails! What if we mess up? I mean, Shadow isn't gonna kill you... but he'll be furious at me." I explained sadly. "Tell me about it... I'm not sure if I could handle Sonic's disappointment." Tails added.

"Chew chew!" Cheese said. "Don't worry, we're not leaving you alone!" I promised as I nuzzled him.

"So, you ready for this anyway?" he asked. "The future is unpredictable. But... at least I have you guys!"

The rest of the night, we gazed at the stars, hoping for the best. I knew this was a new journey just waiting for us to explore. I hope my mom is proud of who I am.


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