The Second

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Amy's P.O.V

Both Sally and I were at a hospital. She went into one of the rooms with Ciara since she went into labor a few hours ago. I'm nervous about this. Hopefully, everything would be okay.

I was nervous for her at least. She's using all her strength to bring a baby into this world. A baby that she's giving to us... I can't imagine how hard it is for her. She was worried something might go wrong while she was in there by herself with Sally and the others. I would be too if I was doing something that I'd never done before. There were only a certain amount of people allowed in the room so Sally went in with her so Ciara would be more comfortable.

There were many things that were on my mind right now. What would our baby look like? How were we going to manage to juggle all of this on our own? Would we be able to manage everything? I mean... a baby is a huge responsibility.

As I sat there anxiously going over things, an older lady sat down next to me, taking out what looked like a sewing kit.

"You seem anxious." she smirked, beginning to sew from the place she left off. "O-Oh? Is... Is it that obvious?" I asked, somewhat embarrassed someone noticed. "Don't worry, I've had similar feelings!" she reassured, giving me a playful glace. I smiled and looked back in the direction of the room. "Someone dying? Getting surgery? New baby? Husband needs a new organ? Trust me sweety I've heard it all. What are you here for?" she asked, not skipping a beat on her work. "New baby, actually! My wife's in the room over there," I began, pointing to the door. "We have a mom who wanted to give her baby for adoption... so here I am!" I finished.

She smiled and looked at me. "Ah! So you must be Queen Sally's betrothed?" she asked. "Y-Yeah I am! It's hard for me to believe sometimes." I sighed. "It's a very good thing we have good pupils on the throne. You seem like a wonderful Queen yourself!" she smiled. "T-Thank you! I'm surprised I can keep up. Having this baby... it's going to be a major challenge." I added, before looking down.

"What's the matter? Got the baby nerves?" she asked before chuckling. At first, I was a little defensive. But- she was right. "Yeah! I am! How do I know that this isn't hurting the birth mom? Or the baby? What do I do when I have to explain everything? I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm scared to do the wrong thing!" I cried. "Feeling better?" she asked.

You know- after letting all my worries out, I felt a little bit at ease. "A little!" I sighed, hiding my smile. "You will find that sharing your thoughts helps everything seem a little bit better. No matter how bad it is." she replied. "Well, I must say, being a mother and an adoptive child myself, it'll be okay. Things are a little rocky at first, I will admit. You have no idea what you're doing at first. Sometimes you get so stressed you cry your eyes out. That's usually when they've pooped out one too many diapers." she explained.

"Except, in the end, you find that everything happened for a reason. That you did wonderful if they turned out great! Don't stress yourself out princess. I know whatever you plan to do, it'll be wonderful!" she reassured, finishing the piece she was working on.

It was a beautiful quilt. "Wow, you are really talented! I love the designs you put in!" I complimented. "Oh! Thank you! I've been working on it for a while. I'm not sure what to do with it!" she replied. I smiled and looked back down in the direction of the room. Wondering how things were back there. Now I felt less stressed and I tried to be more excited. "Here," I heard her say, then I turned around and saw she was handing me the quilt she just finished.

Oh wow! She's so kind! But I couldn't possibly take that right away! I mean- I don't have anything to give back. "You're so sweet! But... I couldn't possibly take that! You worked so hard and I'm sure there's someone else you'd want to give it to!" I said.

"Please, dear! I've made so many of these my family could tell you I act like I don't make enough. Take it, it'll give you something special for baby!" she said. She was so sweet about everything! I took her quilt and thanked her a hundred times. "No worries! I hope it'll help bring many memories soon!" she replied.

We sat there and talked some more. I really did enjoy her company! "Um, Mrs. Fisher is it?" a doctor asked as he came up to us. "Yes sir, that's me! Is it my time?" she asked. "Yes ma'am! We've got everything ready!" he replied. 

"Wish me luck, I'm having surgery!" she said before walking off. It caught me off guard. However, I wished her the best.

Now I was alone again. Waiting for whatever might happen next. I knew I had to stay positive.

Sally's P.O.V

"Congratulations! It's a girl!" the nurse said, gently holding the newborn baby's head. Ciara was breathing hard, trying to catch her breath. I was so happy! We finally had a baby girl! "You did wonderful Ciara! She's beautiful!" I gasped. "T-Thank you! I promised you a child after all!" she said, still trying to catch her breath. After they did what they needed for the baby, they walked over towards me. "Here you are! A wonderful baby for the Queen!" the preppy nurse cheered,  happily handing our child over.

I was surprised to see her. She was a gorgeous lioness. I wanted to hold her right then and there! But, I knew I made a promise. "Thank you! I will hold her in a minute! Allow the birth mother to hold her!" I said. The nurses agreed and let Ciara hold her which she had a huge smile on her face. "Thank you, Sally. I know you didn't have to go through the trouble of this!" she replied. "I'd do it all over again." I sighed.

We all stood there, the cub still with her eyes closed. "She's lovely, Ciara." I reassured. "I know... I'm glad she's going to be yours." she sighed, a small tear falling down her cheek.

This must be so hard for her... "No matter what happens in this world. I won't let anything happen to her. This baby is our priority!" I told Ciara who still smiled. "Trust me, I know you will! Um... I know this is unprecedented but... would it be possible to name her?" she asked.

I wouldn't know what to name her anyway. "Sure, you should have the right to anyway!" I smiled.

She laid there, holding the baby, wondering what to name her.

"Spirit. I want Spirit. Please?" she asked, pleading me with her bright blue eyes. "Of course! It actually fits perfectly." I reassured. She smiled at me.

Ciara kissed her daughter's head one last time and handed Spirit over to me. 

"I love you both so much." she sighed, then quickly looked away. I felt bad. I wanted to hug her. But I knew I'd be making things harder than they already were. "I'll keep in touch." I sighed, then walked out the door. I took a deep breath, looking down at my daughter, who was now looking at me with open eyes. "Hey, kiddo! Oh wow... you're more adorable than I realized!" I said, gently wiping a tear away.

Her eyes were also bright blue, she had birthmark prints all on her forehead, and she sneezed cutely as she got used to her surroundings. "I'm the luckiest person alive." I said to her, as she fell asleep in my arms. "C'mon, you've got a mom who wants to meet you!" We both walked down the halls, looking for Amy wherever she may be. 

I finally found her sitting in a waiting room all by herself. "Amy!" I shouted excitedly. Her head turned at my call and she looked at me in shock. "Oh my gosh!" she gasped as she walked up to me. "Oh wow!" she sighed. I handed Spirit over and let Amy cry her eyes out. "Best day ever!"

Best day ever indeed. I pulled her in and kissed her. Whatever came next, I knew I would have a family to support me.

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