Little Changes

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Cream's P.O.V

After we had all the baby reveals the other day, there's been a lot of changes. For one, the extra guest bedroom has been renovated. There's a crib, a changing table, and a bunch of other stuff for a baby. It was coming along nicely! I was excited to paint the room! I was working on one part with Cheese when I heard Mr. Shadow come in. "You did a nice job on this one!" he told me. I looked at the one he pointed at and smiled.

"I'm trying my best for you and Mr. Sonic! I'm excited to see the baby when they come!" I told him. "I'm excited too. I'm surprised we're even having one. To be honest, before I even met or fell in love with Sonic, I wasn't sure if I needed a family. Let alone kids. But then you came along and made my whole perspective change." he explained. "Is that a good thing?"

He chuckled and smiled. "Yeah, it is." he smiled. "Why don't you take a break? I've made grilled cheese." he said. "With tomato soup?" I asked. "As always." he added happily.

Quickly I jumped up and ran into the kitchen. Nothing could beat the Grilled Cheese combo!

I took my seat and grabbed the sandwich the minute Mr. Shadow put the plate on the table. "Hey, Cream! I saw the room you're painting, it's coming along great!" Mr. Sonic told me. "Thank you! It's been fun to do it! Cheese has been a big help too!" I replied, happily eating my lunch. "Chew chew!" The rest of them came over to eat with us. I was happily eating when suddenly I remembered the question I've been meaning to ask them for a long time.

"Mr. Sonic, Mr. Shadow," I told them. "Yes?" They asked. "Where do babies come from?" Right after I asked that, Mr. Sonic kept looking at Mr. Shadow who had spit out his coffee all over the place. "U-Uh C-Cream, is there a reason you need to know?" Mr. Sonic asked concerned. "Well, yeah! I wanna know why God just chucked us out into the world without a parachute! How did I even get in my mom's belly? How did your baby get in your belly?" I asked. "What? Who told you God chucked you into the sky without a parachute?" Mr. Shadow asked. "Grandpa Eggman."

Both of them looked like they didn't believe me. Mr. Shadow rubbed his face and looked a little tired. "Uh, well, Cream... it's- it's a long, complicated, boring story." "Yeah! I've heard it and it's just terrible! Absolutely terrible!" 

"But if it's so terrible, why won't anyone tell me?" All I wanted to know was why it was so terrible. If it's so boring, I bet it won't hurt. Can't you just tell me! Pleaseeeee!" I begged.

Finally, they seemed to relent and decided they might as well tell me. "She's going to learn one day. Might as well tell her now." Mr. Sonic said to Mr. Shadow. "I know, I know." They took deep breaths and looked at me.

"Okay so... Cream... when someone loves someone... they often get all... lovey on each other... and they... welllllll..."

Tails' P.O.V

Knuckles had called me over to help him with fixing up things in his house to get ready for the new baby that was coming. Right as I screwed the last bolt, I heard him walk in. "Hey Tails, you want some sweet tea?" he asked. "Yeah, sure! I didn't realize how much work was going into this room!" I told him. The drink was nice and cold, refreshing after a long time of work.

"Wow! You did good in here!" he said, taking note of the room. "Thanks! I just finished that bookshelf Rouge wanted in here!" I thanked, motioning to the huge shelf. "We both really appreciate what you're doing. It's been hard with Rouge since she's trying to get used to carrying a living being all the time!" he added. 

"It's no problem Knuckles! After all, you are one of my best friends! Plus I understand that you're trying to take care of Rouge. Speaking of which, where is she?"

Before he could answer my question, we heard the door open up and she walked in. "Hey hun! Hey Tails! Oh boy, I'm exhausted." she sighed. Knuckles came to her side, trying to help her steady herself. "You okay?" "I'm fine Knuckie! Really I am! G.U.N agencies have needed me a lot more for desk duties since I can't go into any danger yet. It's a lot more than I thought it would be." she told us.

"Don't stress yourself too much! We don't want you or the baby to get hurt!" I said. "I won't! G.U.N agencies can do a lot of things but they won't hurt us!" she reassured. "You're going to get leave when our baby's here right?" Knuckles asked frantically. "Of course! Trust me, you've got nothing to worry about!" Rouge reassured him.

"Man you act more worried than she does!" I giggled, laughing at them. "Yeah, he is! He's constantly trying to be big and macho! But he's all plushy on the inside!" Rouge teased, pinching a small part of his cheek. "Only cause I care about you!" Knuckles cried flustered.

I smiled at their bond. I wonder if that's how my future would be with someone I cared about. I hope it is at least. "C'mon, I'll make you boys some popcorn!"

Charmy's P.O.V

Well, Espio and Vector ended up changing the whole shed. But in one of the rooms for our house has been completely remodeled my old room that was changed.

It was still hard to believe! They were going to be my little cousins! They set up a crib, a rocker, a changing table, and a small bin. I thought it was strange that there was only one bed for them to sleep in. Then again, they could be very small when they're born. I went back out to the shed where Vector was still sitting in the shed. "Hey, Vector! How are the eggs?" I asked him.

"Oh, hey there Charm! Whatcha doing?" he asked. "Just checking out the new bedroom! I like having your room now!" I told him. "Yeah well, since me and Espio don't need separate rooms anymore, it worked out great! I'm so happy to see all of this coming together!" he replied. "Well, Espio's making cupcakes, you want to come to get some?" I asked him. "I... I would... but I don't want anything to happen." I said. "But Espio really wants to see you." I cried.

Even with that plea, he wouldn't budge. "J-Just... tell him to come out here! I don't want to go..." he sighed. Seeing he wasn't going to change, I just flew back to the house. When I walked in, I saw Espio putting cupcakes on a platter. "Hey Charmy! Is Vector coming?" he asked me. "No, he's not. He wanted to stay inside the shed." I said. "Ugh... of course, he is..." Espio sighed. He sadly handed me a cupcake and put the rest on the counter. "I'll be in our room." he sighed. The door slammed and I just sat there in the kitchen with a blue frosted cupcake. It's been like this for the past few days.

"I wish you guys could get along..." I said to myself. I decided to grab another cupcake and head outside into the shed where he was still looking over the eggs. "Hey, Vector..." I sighed. "Hey! Oh, thanks for bringing me one!" I sighed. "No worries." I added before taking a seat next to him.

"Is everything okay?" he asked me. "Not really... Espio looked really upset..." I spoke.

That's when Vector's face changed. He seemed so upset. "Gosh... that bad?" "Mhm." I shoved the whole cupcake in my mouth and ate it. Vector gave me his and headed towards the door. "Charmy, don't you dare move from the seat! I'll be back soon! Watch my eggs! Espio needs me!" he replied, then headed out the door. 

For once, I didn't mind that he was ditching me!

Plus I got a free cupcake out of it!

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