Tortured Soul

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Silver's P.O.V

Everything hurt. I barely could move at all. Not that it mattered or anything. I was chained up to the post behind me. I had bruises and cuts all over my body. There was a small burn on the lower half of my body when Mephiles poked me with a hot rod. He had left for a little bit but he would come back soon. 

It had been like this for what felt like years... I was tired, injured, hungry, and scared. Why was he continuing to haunt me? Or at least continue to be a tyrant.

All I was concerned about right now... was Blaze... and our kid. I knew she had been there trying to cope with me not being there. How would she feel if she saw me now? Pretty pathetic if you ask me... Blaze wouldn't want to be caught dead with me after this. I thought. I pulled on the chains the held onto my wrist. It was a little bit sore but it's been worse throughout my time being here. I wanted to leave and go see Blaze... she must've been so worried about me. I didn't need her to stress though.

That's when I heard the door open up. I looked to see that Mephiles coming straight towards me with something in his hand. "I hope you weren't too lonely without me." he sneered. As if I could be... "Well, since you've been good. I'll let your restraints loosen for a bit." he said, waving his hand. My chains released me and I fell forward, catching myself with my hands. Once I regained my balance, I saw something slide in front of me.

"Eat. You look terrible." he ordered. I opened up the bag to see a bit of food in there. It wasn't much but I was starving terribly. I gulped down the bottle of water, scarfed down the sandwich, and finished off the apple, only leaving the seeds behind.

While it wasn't a lot of food, it was the best meal I've had in my life. Mephiles would laugh and let me go days without food. But I'd often get water. He chuckled and I looked up at him. "You're a sight for sore eyes." he growled. "I hate you..." I snapped. "Who doesn't? Can't say that I blame you either. After all, I did take you away from the only family you have ever had in your lifetime!" he said. "But who am I to judge you too hard. Your parents did abandon you... didn't they?" he added, before getting up in my face.

Wait... how did he know? "N-No... I was just... given up." I sighed. Even that didn't sound convincing. "You're trying to be a hero when you can't even save yourself. Pathetic soul really tried to reunite with his parents. But they didn't want him back now did they?" "Shut up Mephiles." "If you really think about it, they never wanted you to begin with. The only reason they kept you alive was that they thought there would be a chance that you wouldn't be a complete failure."

"Will shut up about that!" "Why are you so willing to continue to try and thrive when the rest of the world wanted nothing to do with you? Your job is done Silver. No one needs you. In fact, the only reason that purple cat said yes to you was that she felt sorry for a pathetic soul such as yourself." "That's not true! Don't you dare bring her into this!"

"You should've destroyed the Iblis trigger and the ebony when you were told to. Now... you're stuck here." He walked away from me again. I was worried about what else he might have planned this time he wanted to torture me. The mental and emotional stuff was already starting to get to me. But I wasn't about to let him win this time. "This time around... I've decided I'm not going to do anything to you physically. At least... for now. But... I've decided that I'm bored with only having one soul to torture. I've been thinking over the past few days that I'm going to try to find someone else... someone... very special."

I looked up, seeing him approach me again. "That little purple cat... She seems very concerned about everything going on. Why don't I pay her and the soon-to-be baby a visit?" he replied. My heart stopped. He was going to hurt... Blaze? "NO! DON'T YOU DARE!" I shouted angrily. "And why not? I thought you'd be excited about the arrival of a newborn! Oh well, I tell her you tried to come anyways!" he said. "Good luck getting out of here alive." he added before leaving the shed.

NO! I tried to get up but pain screamed through my body as I tried to sit up. I crawled slowly and painfully towards the door. When I reached it, I waited for a minute to regain more strength before reaching the door's handle.


I groaned in defeat, laying back down on the ground, and then I just stared up at the ceiling. Should've stayed back... Can't even escape... Who knew the end of all life would come like this...

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