Protective Already

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Charmy's P.O.V

After finding out that Espio had eggs, we decided to put them in a safe space inside the shed. It was outside, behind the house where they would have plenty of space. My wings were buzzing excitedly as I looked at them! They were so perfectly oval-shaped as they sat under a warm light to make sure they didn't get cold. I heard the shed door open and it was Vector who walked into the shed. "Hey, Charmy! How're the eggs?" he asked me. "They seem to be happy! You picked out a good light!" I said.

I heard him give a heavy sigh, looking at the eggs happily. He took a seat in a chair and I sat on his lap. "Is Espio doing better?" I asked. "He's still sleepy. He hasn't been sleeping well lately. But as long as I'm here, he'll be okay." he replied.

For a while, we just sat there. I started getting drowsy in his hold and closed my eyes. Out of nowhere, I heard Vector growl and have a tighter grip on me and I felt him stand up and hiss loudly.

"VECTOR!" a shout cried. I opened my eyes and saw Espio backing away with his sword drawn, stopping Vector's attack. "Oh my god... I'm so sorry!" Vector cried. I was confused, so I got down and looked back at the eggs.

They were fine. So what was wrong?

"What the heck Vector!" Espio snapped. "I-I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!" Vector cried.

"Who else would come in here!"

"I don't know! I guess that's why I was so alert! L-Look I'm sorry!"

Suddenly, Espio started crying and hid his face. "E-Espio!" I backed away and sat in Vector's chair to keep an eye on the eggs.

The sniffles were a little quiet but I could hear them. "Shhh. I'm sorry," Vector told him. "I didn't know..." he whispered. "Why'd you attack me? I'm the only other one who lives here!" Espio snapped. "I don't know! I just... it just happened." "But I was only coming in to check on them! I'm the one who had them in the first place!" "Look, I couldn't control it! It's like something came over me to protect the family! Please it was all an accident!"

"But all I did was open the door!" "I know, I'm sorry, but I don't know why it happened! I swear I wasn't trying to hurt you!"

It was crazy, I wasn't expecting any of this to happen. While they talked about everything, I moved the light so I could see what they looked like in a better form. After the light got closer to the eggs, I saw the figures of the babies growing inside the shell. They looked so tiny compared to the eggs themselves!

How long did we have to wait until they hatched?

"So... your instincts kicked in?" Espio asked him. "I... I guess so. I wasn't trying to hurt you or anyone for that matter. I was only thinking about... them." Vector said, motioning to the eggs. "Protective instincts?" I asked them. Both just stared at each other. Not really thinking about the idea earlier.

"Aww... Vector... your momma croc instincts kicked in!" Espio told him. I laughed at that! Vector was becoming more mom-like over his kids! Which wasn't bad! But it was very different for someone like him. "I... never saw that one coming." he sighed. "Charmy, will you give us a moment?" Espio asked.  I nodded and left the shed so they could talk. Now was my chance to get more ice cream!

Espio's P.O.V

As much as he scared me, I realized it wasn't all that I thought it was. "Vector, you're already a wonderful dad." I sighed, putting my forehead against his. "I still feel awful about everything." he said to me. "I'm okay! Look at me, both of our instincts will kick in at some point. We've just got to get used to it." I told him.

"I suppose so." he replied. I rubbed his cheek. If he was this protective and responsible before they were even born, I knew he was going to do a great job at raising them. 

"There's still something I don't understand..." I said aloud. "What is it?" he asked me. "How... How could I lay eggs? It just doesn't make sense..." I sighed. "Miracle I guess! Sure we're males but, that doesn't mean it's not possible!" he replied. "Yeah but... it's more than that..." Vector started rubbing my back and held my hand. "What is it?"

Remembering about it made me feel strange. Yet it wasn't an emotional moment. "When I went to the doctor one time... I was told that I wasn't able to have kids. Because of that major fall off that cliff where you saved me. They told me I damaged so many parts of my body permanently. So ever since that night, I was wondering if it was wrong. Not that it matters. I'm happy with how everything turned out." I explained to him, thinking back to all the information I was told.

"Whether the doctors were wrong or not, I'm happy as long as you're happy!" Vector told me. I smiled and gave him a kiss. "You were also the sweet one." I sighed.

I looked at the time and realized it was getting late. I got up and brushed myself off then headed towards the door. "I'm going to head to bed soon, are you coming?" I asked. "Yeah... maybe. I'll wait a couple of minutes." Vector told me, his attention turning back to our eggs. "Alright then! Just call me if you need something!" I told him and left him to be alone.

Vector's P.O.V

Once Espio left, I felt a little bit more relaxed. I was all alone with our kids that were still growing. I put the light closer to them. I could see the figures of two little guys growing inside the shell. I smiled to myself knowing they would be here soon.

I couldn't believe I attacked Espio though. I was going to have to learn how to control it.

They were so adorable. I couldn't believe we got this lucky! All I could do was imagine was their little faces would look like, or which one would act more like the other, their genders, or what animal would they be. I mean, chameleons and crocodiles aren't exactly the same in case you haven't noticed.

So everything was a mystery. But it was okay. I could wait. I would wait. I looked at the time. I had stayed here longer than a couple of minutes!

Boy, Espio was going to get onto me. I grabbed the jacket that I brought and quickly ran out of the shed. Espio was sound asleep and I snuggled up to him, enjoying his warm presence. Right as I got into bed and got settled, I thought back to the eggs.

What if they get cold? What if something breaks in and steals them? What if someone goes in and breaks everything? How would I know if they need something if I'm not in there? How can I trust Espio or Charmy to get them out of there if something is wrong? What if that light they're sitting under burns out? Oh crap...

The pressure was too much. I kissed Espio's forehead and hopped out of bed. I grabbed a blanket and a pillow and raced back out the door. Out of breath and still worried, I slammed open the door and saw the eggs were still under the light. I gave a sigh of relief. Nothing had happened! But that doesn't mean it could happen.

After I set up my pillow and blankets, I laid down, looking up at the eggs. "Okay... this is much better... I just don't want anything to happen. Espio won't be mad right? Right! Nothing's going to hurt them while I'm here. And I'm talking to myself." I chuckled but looked to the eggs. "I'm sorry you two. You've got a crazy father! Heh. A paranoid one who just wants to look out for you. I'm gonna be honest... we didn't expect this at all. If anything we thought we were adopting.  Not that this isn't better! This... This is going to be a challenge for both me and your dad. But... no matter what happens... I promise that I'll always be here for you!" I told our kids.

"We're excited to see you. You have no idea." I sighed. After a couple of minutes of just sitting there, I felt my eyes get heavy. I wanted to stay awake in case something goes down. Yet, I just didn't drink enough caffeine.

Sorry for the slow updates on this one! I've been on vacation and I'm trying to enjoy some of my freetime from school! I'm trying my best tho! See u guys soon!

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