Hopeful Adoption

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Sally's P.O.V

I was so nervous! I kept fiddling with my wedding band as I waited at a cafe table. Amy had gone to pick a few things. I was here at the cafe waiting for Ciara to come and see me. Even though Amy wanted to meet her, Ciara wanted to talk to me personally before anything was finalized. I told her it was okay, that I understood, and so did Amy. So she decided to run errands and go check in with her friends.

As I looked on my phone, I was only growing more and more nervous. I just didn't want to leave a bad impression.

But I supposed it wouldn't be too bad considering we've known each other forever.

"Sally?" I looked up and there she was. "Oh! Ciara! It's nice to see you!" I greeted, then stood up. "Same to you! It's so good to finally see you again!" she replied. I hugged her gently and looked down at her stomach. "You holding up okay?" She nodded her head, rubbing her stomach. "I'm glad we're here! I was worried that you wouldn't help me." she sighed.

"Of course I'll help you! You're my friend! And I know you just want what's best for your baby." I reassured. "I'm glad you will! It's just... I've been so nervous. I'm expecting this baby very soon and I'm so nervous!" she told me. "You've got nothing to worry about! I'll do whatever is needed to help you okay?" I told her. She smiled, still holding her stomach. I could tell this was challenging for her. But whatever she wanted or needed was going to be taken care of. "So, is there anything else I need to know?" I asked.

Ciara's mood changed as her tail wrapped around her leg. "I... I haven't exactly told the father about this baby. I was too scared. I'm hoping he won't be a problem though, I really don't want to put you guys under a lot of pressure!" she told me. "It'll be okay! Honestly, he can't cause too much damage now. He's still in prison." I reassured.

"That's good to hear! I'm just glad that you were willing to do this!" she replied. I smiled and dipped my head. "We're here for you! I'm just glad you gave us this opportunity!" I replied. After a couple of minutes of talking and signing papers, she seemed a little upset. "Hey, is something wrong?" I asked. Ciara kept rubbing her stomach, trying to relax. But something was obviously off. 

"It's just that... I know that I'm doing the right thing. I'm not proper to take care of this baby. I already knew that. After my relationship, I knew I needed to get myself together to have a proper life. Let alone to give someone else a proper life. I'm just... I'm scared and a little upset to do so. I was so happy to have kids one day... and knowing that I need to give them away... brings emotions that I've never thought I had. You're going to going to be a great mother! Along with your wife! That's not at all what I'm trying to say. If there's one thing I want from all of this... is to hold my baby before they're yours forever. If you'll let me."

Hearing that, I knew I didn't want to hurt her or do anything to make this any harder for her. "Of course! This baby wouldn't be here if not for you. Anything that makes you comfortable."

She smiled and stood up to stretch. "Thank you, Sally. I know this is asking a lot from you." she thanked me. "No worries. I promise you that your baby will be in wonderful hands! This has been our dream. I have to thank you much more than ever!" I reassured.

Ciara was all smiles. She walked over to my side and gave me a huge hug.

Getting that gave me a sign that everything was going to be okay. Our dreams were coming true.

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