Beyond Sad

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Sonic's P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed with Cooper in his crib on one side of the bed. He was just calm in the crib, looking up at me peacefully. I picked him up at one point, holding him close to my chest as he reached out for me. "Hey, buddy. I'm sorry... I'm trying to feel happy. I promise. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me along with your father. I... I just don't understand what's wrong with me..." I sighed.

Tears formed in my eyes as I held him. It didn't make sense. I got sleep, I made sure I ate enough, I asked for help when I needed it, I even asked Eggman for medicine. Nothing changed how I was feeling.

Was this bad? Suddenly, he starting crying. "Waahhhhh!" he wailed, looking up at me. I looked at the time, realizing it was about his time to eat. "Shh. It's okay. I promise I'm going to get you some food." I reassured, cradling him and gently patting his back. I went into the kitchen and opened up the fridge to get a bottle of formula.

After shaking it a few times, I began to feed him. He was more than happy as he began to slurp down the formula faster than I thought he would.

This isn't fair to you... Why'd you get stuck with me? I'm a terrible parent. I can't even smile at the arrival of a newborn. I'm trying to get better! But this doesn't make sense!

He finally finished the bottle. I put him against my shoulder and began to pat his back until he gave me a small burp. Once back in my protective hold, he reached out for my nose. "I love you too buddy." I smiled, trying to feel the love that he was giving me.

"Mr. Sonic!" I gasped and wiped away my tears. "Hey! Cream! You doing okay?" I asked cheerily. Hopefully, she didn't hear my trembles in between. "I'm fine. But... you look like you've been crying..." she realized. "W-What? Pfft! No! I've just been... tired! I mean, new baby you know? It happens to everyone!" I told her. But if I was being honest... I didn't feel like I was convincing myself either. "Are you sure? You've been like this for a few days." she replied. "I'm sure! Just getting used to having a new baby!" I reassured.

Cream's P.O.V

He's lying. He knows I can tell. But... why? "Mr. Sonic, you know you can talk to me too right? I wouldn't be mad. I'm actually really worried. Did someone say something to you? Or do something?" I asked.

"N-No... It's not that..." he replied. I knew he was still upset. But it didn't make much sense to me either. "Mr. Sonic... has something been bothering you for a while?" I asked.

Whatever he felt, I knew it was bothering him so much. "C-Could you hold him?" he asked me, handing over Cooper to me. I nodded and held Cooper the way everyone told me how to hold babies. Cooper reached over and tried to touch the blue ribbon that I wore around my neck. He was still really tiny. But cute! "Cream... do you think I'm a bad dad? I barely even smile at him. I don't want to be with him. I'm always upset... Even though I get sleep, it doesn't feel like I do. I'm scared that he'd be better off without me!" he cried.

Then he started crying. I felt bad that he felt this way about his situation. I walked over to hug him and he held onto me. Which I didn't mind. He was hurt and I knew he didn't want to feel this way anymore. "It'll be okay Mr. Sonic. I promise you. Just trust me okay?" I reassured him. He still looked upset. "Do you think Shadow won't want me anymore?" he asked sadly. "No! He loves you! Try not to stress too much." I told him.

Even without my necklace, I could feel the pain Mr. Sonic felt inside. "I think... I think you should go find some help. Someone who can understand what you're going through. Otherwise... it might only get worse." I said. "Y-You'll still be here for me though right?" "Of course I will. But... please get help. I want you to be happy too."

That's when I handed him, Cooper, back. "Cooper needs you too." I told him. Carefully, Mr. Sonic took him out of my arms and looked at him.

For the first time in a while, his smile seemed to be genuine. "I'll be here if you need me okay? I promise it'll get better. You've just gotta stay strong for yourself and Cooper!"

Hopefully, he could get the help he needed. I hoped Mr. Shadow wouldn't be so hard on him for being this way. Whatever this sadness was, he didn't deserve it.

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