Mood Swings, Cravings, and Answers

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Shadow's P.O.V

We finally came back from our vacation and were more than happy to be at our house. Everything seemed to be fine. I was carrying a few bags into our place and tried my best to unpack when I heard crying.

It surprised me and I went into the living to see Sonic a little moody. "Shadow, do I look fat?" he asked me. "What? No! Why do you say that?" I asked worriedly.

He motioned to a certain part of his stomach as he looked in a mirror. "Sonic, I don't anything wrong." I said, rubbing his back. "Of course you don't! You're just saying that! But it's so noticeable!" he whimpered, then buried his face in my chest and sobbed.

I was a bit confused why he was acting like this. "S-Sonic, I think you're overreacting. You look fine!" I reassured.

"Ugh! What do you know! You're just a big jerk! I can't stand it! You smell like cheese and I need my sleep!" he snapped, shoving his face into my chest before he sobbed.

Huh? He wasn't making any sense. "Go lay down, you seem a little cranky." I told him, kissing his forehead. "Okay... you're right! Love you!" he said, kissing me back. He really did a 180. He went into the bedroom and I heard the door close. I sat down on the couch and looked at my phone. I told Eggman I'd pick Cream up around 3:00. It was an hour from now. 

Might as well get going since there were a couple of things I needed to do while I was out. I grabbed my bike keys and headed out the door.

Espio's P.O.V

The day before we were supposed to come back, I had really bad stomach pains. I wasn't sure what to think. They were so painful that I couldn't move. Vector of course was worried. But I tried to look better. 

On our way home, I tried to hold my cries of pain so he wouldn't worry. "I'm glad you're feeling better! Must've been the calamari you ate last night!" he said.

I bit my tongue and tried to hold it all in. "Yes, so am I! Remind me not to eat too much seafood next time!" I chuckled nervously. I held my stomach a bit tighter, trying to forget about the pain that I felt inside. The whole car ride I was trying to laugh and smile or close my eyes to look like I was sleeping the whole time.

"We've made it back!" he told me. I was more than relieved! I helped him get the bags out of the car and drag them inside. I went into the bathroom to see if I could find some pain relief. But to my despair, I couldn't.

"Hey Espio, I'm going out to pick up Charmy! Do you need anything?" he shouted to me. "Uh, can I get some pain relief? I've had a headache after yesterday!" I told him. "Yeah, sure! I'll be back soon!" he shouted back and I heard him leave the house.

Right when he left, I collapsed to the bathroom floor and began to cry. It was so painful that I wasn't sure how I stayed quiet for that long. "AHH!" I cried, trying to deal with it. I limped over into our bedroom and collapsed on the bed. I sobbed into a pillow trying to muffle my cries in case someone heard me.

I just went under the covers and tried to sleep. Eventually, I napped for what felt like a couple of minutes. But it must've been a while since I saw Vector by my side, he had tears in his eyes. "Hey! You okay?" he asked me.

"I'm... I'm surprisingly better." I said as I sat up. That's when realized all the pain had gone away for the first time in a while. "Gosh, don't lie to me like that! You scared me!" he cried and hugged me tightly. "Sorry... I just didn't want you to worry about me." I sighed hugging him back. "It's okay... I guess I would've felt some sort of way myself. But... I'm glad you're feeling better!" he reassured.

He let me cuddle up to him and try to relax. "I wish I knew what it was. It seemed more intense than a stomach bug." I told him. "Well, I think I have the answer." he murmured. I was a bit confused.

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