Help Is Here

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Charmy's P.O.V


Another round of thunder. I was really scared. I hid under a blanket and shook. It was dark and scary! Usually, Vector and Espio would be here to comfort me. But they had gone on their mission! What if they never made it back!?


I hid again. It was just me, this house with no power, and the- "The eggs!" I cried, realizing what I had done. They were all alone outside! Probably really scared! I knew I had to go back outside to get them and bring them back inside the house. I opened up the door and saw it was still a crazy storm outside. I quickly shut the door again and began hyperventilating. I can't do it! How am I going to them to safety??!!?

For a while I stood there, crying because I was scared. No! I can't be a baby anymore! Vector and Espio are counting on me to keep them safe! So I can't let them down! I took one last deep breath and bravely walked out the door.

There was so much rain flying in my face and I almost couldn't see. The shed wasn't far from our house so that was good news!

When I made it to the shed, I opened the door which then tried slamming shut. But I got inside and the eggs were still there! I raced over and carried the eggs in their basket so I could take them to the house. Except this wind was strong! I had to push against everything to get inside the house. Making it back to our house was a relief. I put the eggs down on the ground before shutting the door right away. "Phew! Aw, thank goodness you're okay!" I sighed, completely out of breath.

Now what? Well, I do remember Espio telling me they had to stay warm. So, blankets? I grabbed all the ones I could find and put them all around the eggs so that they were cozy in their little basket. Is that warm enough for them though? I did remember Vector telling me they needed a lot of light. But our power was out. Flashlights maybe?

Ever since they got paid, they stocked up on batteries and lightbulbs for the eggs to stay warm. I got a flashlight from a huge bin and dumped out the thing to try to get all the batteries I needed. Hopefully, they didn't mind the mess! I then sat down on the couch with the eggs and put the flashlight directly over their shells. Now they should have enough heat! My only thing was, how long were we going to last?

We had no communication, no electricity, and no one to come and help us if we needed. "Oh well... at least I've got you two!" I smiled. Holding the light was making me tired. So tired that I laid back and fell asleep.


Sally's P.O.V

Well, I guess I can see why Amy was so worried. The roads were very slippery now, I could barely see without the lights, and the wind would push the car around a little more than I liked.

Please let their house be around here! I begged myself as I looked for any sign of friends' house. In the distance, I saw a house in the field and felt so relieved. I tried my best to park the car and hopped out. The rain was strong and wild. I could barely stand in one place. I held a hand over my face and began walking forward. When I made it to the door, I knocked as hard as I could.

"CHARMY! CHARMY PLEASE!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. No one came to the door. "CHARMY! IF YOU'RE IN THERE, PLEASE! IT'S ME SALLY! AMY'S WIFE! FRIEND OF CREAM'S!"

I heard a click of the lock and it opened up. "Hey! Come in!" he said casually. "NO TIME! WE'VE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!" I shouted. "OKAY!" he said, then went back inside the house. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I asked. That's when he came with a basket in hand. I already knew why. "I PROMISED THEM! I PROMISED THEY'D BE SAFE!" he cried. Even through the chaos, I smiled. He was going to make the best big brother.

Together we ran to my car and hopped in. I started up the car as Charmy buckled himself and the eggs in tight. I smiled and hit the gas. We headed straight back to the castle where everyone else would be more than happy to see us.


After a long time of driving, we made it back to the castle. My guards came out and carried both Charmy and the eggs inside the house. "Princess Sally, is everything okay?" one asked. "Yes, it's all good. Where is my family?" I asked. "They're in the room you assigned them in." "And my friends?" "Healing still. The black one's ribs are healing perfectly."

"Thank you. Really. Make sure that kid and those eggs stick together. They should be united with my family. I will be on my way." I told him. He nodded before running off. I gave a sigh of relief and went to the room where they were held. Charmy was already there with the others and Amy was watching over them as Cream had Spirit cradled in her arms. I laughed with all of them for the longest time.

Finally, I didn't have to be a princess. I could just be...

A mom.

A Friend.

A Wife.

Nothing would ever change how I felt for this family.

Charmy's P.O.V

After a while, Sally said I could set up in a room with the eggs and stay with them. I was all by myself with them. Looking at them the entire time. It was peaceful sitting there. I hoped I could find out if Vector and Espio were okay so they could see their eggs. Then I heard the door open up. "Chew chew!" Cheese said coming into the room. "Hey, Charmy!" Tails said. I felt my cheeks turn red as he walked in, but I relaxed as Cream walked in too.

"Ooh! The eggs are here!" Cream awed. "Yeah! I couldn't bring myself to leave them by themselves. So I brought them here." I explained. They joined my side and stared at them with me. "I can see why Mr. Espio and Mr. Vector liked staying in the shed all the time." Cream said. "Me too. But I wish they would hatch already!" I complained.

"I'm sure they will! Just be patient!" Tails promised.

We weren't sure what time it was anymore. It was still just as stormy and as dark as before. I could tell some of us were falling asleep.

Eventually, I think we passed out. But when I small shuffle, I snapped awake. I didn't know if it was something I heard but, it startled me. I looked around wondering if it was something else. But then I heard it again. I turned around and saw the basket shake a little. That's when I noticed, the eggs were moving!

"Guys! Guys wake up!" I urged, shaking all three of them awake. "W-What? What's going on?" Cream asked. "The eggs! I think they're hatching!" I said. They all got up and looked at it closely. In fact, they were moving a little bit more than usual.

"What do we do now?" Tails asked.

"We've gotta try to get in touch with Vector and Espio!"

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