No More Worries

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Espio's P.O.V

I sat out in the shed by myself for the first time in forever. I was able to convince Vector to go out for a little bit. These eggs were still warm underneath the lamp we had set up and I promised Vector that I'd keep us stocked with lightbulbs. They were both very beautiful. They were going to be here before we knew it!

Twins! Twins of all things. How were we going to juggle everything else in our life with two little kids running around all the time? It was going to be a struggle. But everything we do has been that way. I wasn't too worried. But I wished I had answers.

We had everything we needed for our kids. But... did we have enough? After all... Vector, Charmy, and I aren't exactly the richest of everyone out. Charmy still depended on us to look after him.

Which wasn't his fault. He was too young to go out there on his own yet. I gave a huge sigh while looking at my eggs. I don't understand why things seemed so easy as a kid but they're so much harder now. Our eggs barely tilted. I stood up and tried to readjust them. That's when I heard the shed door open up. "Oh! Vector!" I smiled, walking up to him. He dropped a few bags and hugged me tightly.

"Oh, Espio. I've never needed you more than ever have today." he sighed then kissed my forehead. "Oh? You've finally admitted that you need me for stuff?" I asked playfully. "Yes, I know! Hard to believe!" he chuckled, rubbing my back. "How're my eggs?" "Same as always! Just sitting there peacefully!"

Both he and I decided to snuggle up on a small bed we had set up in the shed. I couldn't keep my eyes off the eggs. Now I understood why Vector was so protective all the time. "Espio... I'm sorry that... I've neglected you throughout this new journey... I didn't want to hurt you but so much has been on my mind with our babies on the way. All I can worry about is worrying about messing up everything." he said, giving me piles of kisses. "I understand Vector. I really do. Please don't worry about me too much." I reassured.

"We wanted to be parents so badly. I guess we didn't think of everything that could come with it." I sighed, nuzzling him more. Both of us continued to sit there in silence. Everything was perfect.

As I gave a small little sigh, I felt Vector gently rubs my thighs, which were making my cheeks red from the embarrassment. "What do you think our kids will be like?" he asked.

"Hmm. I see one of them being just like you. But they would obviously be like me personality-wise. Then also one who looks like me. However, they got stuck with your goofball brains!" I teased, gently bumping his arm. "Ha! Bet. I wouldn't be too surprised. You've hardly been wrong before." "Hey... Vector..." "Yes?" "You... You might... not want to talk about it but... have you ever thought about how we're going to be able to survive? Financially? I know you hate talking about it..." The minute I asked, I felt him gently push me off and looked at me happily.

The emotion confused me so I wasn't sure what I was supposed to think or say. "Um... should I be worried?" I asked. "No! Which I'm glad you asked about it. We'll... We'll never have to worry about it again. Never." he sighed. "What? Why do you say that?" I asked, knowing how much we had been suffering already.

"Welllll... I bought a lottery ticket. And... I won a huge prize."

My whole mind raced, replaying what he had said to me. I wasn't dreaming at all. "Y-You mean it?" I asked. "Yep! I promise I'm not playing around with you Espio. I would never joke about something like this. I was even able to get my first check!" he replied, handing me a piece of paper.

It was a check. For $900,000. "V-Vector. T-This is amazing! We can use this to pay off our debts! A-And use it for our house! We could use it for a bunch of other stuff that'll help us pay off the stuff we've been struggling to-" before I could keep going on, he put a finger to my lips.

"Espio, love. This money is for our babies. This is only a fraction of the money I won from the lottery. There's much more coming where that came from! I've already taken care of our debts and the house! Now all we've gotta do is take care of the rest of those baby details we were missing!" he explained, smiling at me sweetly. "Wow... Vector... I don't even know what to say. I love you so much!" I cheered, jumping into his arms. "Woah! I love you too!" he chuckled and he held me tighter in my arms. We kissed each other passionately knowing it wouldn't be long they'd be here to make our family a little bigger.

The door opened up to the shed and we both looked out. "Uh, did I miss something?" Charmy asked us, coming into the room. Vector smiled at him and helped me up from the ground

"Why don't we all go into the living room, I'll explain there!" he replied. "Okay! Sounds good to me!" Charmy said, then flew off into the distance. When they both left, I looked back at our eggs and smiled. "That's your wonderful father right there! We'll always be here for you. I'll be back soon!" I reassured and gently tapped them before rushing over to get to my family.

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