We'll Be Careful

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~ 4 weeks later ~

Rouge's P.O.V

Since I was pregnant, G.U.N had banished me to desk duty. It wasn't too bad, just a ton of paperwork that needs to be finished. "Agent Rouge, the Captain needs you in his office." a soldier told me, coming into my desk space. "Okay, thanks for letting me know! I'll be there." I replied, then carefully got up to walk.

When I got to the office, I saw the Topaz and Shadow were already there. I wonder what this is about. Must be important if he called all three of us here. "Ah, Agent Rouge. Please, take a seat with your fellow comrades." he instructed and I took my seat next to Shadow. I looked at him, giving him a confused look. All I got was a shrug in response. Clearly, he didn't know either. Topaz was a little confused to be here too, only because she didn't go on missions with us anymore.

"So, you're all probably wondering why I called you all here into my office," he began. "Well, it's nothing serious on your behalf. However, it's a task that me and my soldiers can't handle on our own. So that's why I called all three of you in." he went on, standing up to turn on his projector. "Here's an island where there are special ingredients that are needed by scientists to help to create a cure to help the local children with leukemia to get better," he explained.

"Well, that means going there to collect all the ingredients. That's the easy part! The only twist about going there is... well..." he explained, then he changed a picture on the screen.

It was changed where they had recorded attacks and different situations. They seemed to be like me and my other friends. Except... they were almost... feral. The screams and screeches of the previous soldiers who had been there sounded so... scary. Chills were sent down my spine. Even Shadow was taken back.

Topaz shook her head, knowing some of her friends and coworkers had gone out on that mission. "As awful as these circumstances are, we need that cure to help our children. It's one thing that matters to us." he explained. I was scared. 

But as much as I frightened, it was the right thing. After all... Vanilla would've wanted someone to do something. She loved children and didn't ever want to see them suffer.  "Alright, what do you want us to do?" I asked, willing to help with this mission. "Glad you asked. What I need, is for the three of you to go to the island, retrieve the ingredients, and then bring them back here. Easiest task ever!" he explained. "Maybe we understood, but captain, you do realize Agent Rouge is expecting a kid very soon? It's probably a bad idea to bring her along." Topaz said. "Irresponsible too. You wouldn't want anything to happen to the kid." Shadow added.

The whole idea of me going made me anxious knowing this would be difficult. Not to mention that Knuckles would go into a rage if he knew I was being forced to do this. "No. That's exactly my plan. According to our research, there are certain types of smells that repelled away these mysterious creatures. One of these smells was a sweeter one that was similar to one of a pregnant female. So Rouge, you will be there to protect them." he explained further.

So... I'd have to go to protect them? I looked down at my bump that really stuck out more than ever. "Let us plan this out. But we'll take on the mission." I told him. Both Shadow and Topaz wanted to protest. I lifted my hand, preventing them, then looked to my captain. "Very well. All resources will be distributed to you soon. Dismissed!" he replied.

With that, we walked out of the office and I headed back towards my desk to try to finish a few things. Except, Shadow immediately slammed his hand on the table.

"Do you realize what you just put yourself into?" he asked angrily. "Of course I do! Why do you think I agreed to the mission?" I snapped. "Knuckles is gonna flip when he finds out." he growled. "Look, I can handle Knuckles. No matter what anyone says, I'm going to that island." "What about your kid? Don't you want their safety?!" "Yes! But if what the captain is saying is true, then I need to be there for you and Topaz!"

Frustrated, Shadow rubbed his face. He just wasn't sure what to say to me. But I knew he wasn't going to argue with me too much. "I just... I don't think this is a good idea..." he replied at last. "You don't think I didn't think about that? Trust me Shadow, I know something could go wrong. I wouldn't want anything to happen either but... what about those kids?"

His expression softened. I hoped he wasn't too mad. "Besides, it has to be me. I know very well Blaze has too much on her mind with Silver. Sonic could go but I know you would die before you would let that happen." I added. "You aren't wrong." he grumbled. "So then we won't have to argue about it anymore?" I asked, wondering how much longer I'd have to listen to this. A minute went by before he gave a huge sigh. "Good luck with Knuckles." he sighed and then walked away from my desk.

I smiled to myself. Now all I had to do was talk to Knuckles about this. He's not gonna be happy about it.

~ A few hours later ~

Knuckles' P.O.V

"What?" I couldn't believe what she had just told me. "Look, I know it's crazy to do. But this is important!" she cried. "Absolutely not! Rouge, I love you. I do! Most things I wouldn't be able to stop you since there's nothing else in the way. But don't you realize that you are carrying our child? Yes, you're carrying our baby! But I want both of you alive! How could I just allow you to go into danger?" I cried.

She came close to my side, hugging me. I didn't want to let her go. "It's not just about me, Knuckles. This is about getting ingredients for the kids that need help. Please Knuckles... it'd mean so much to me." she begged.

The look in her eyes showed me how much she cared about doing this. I thought back to Cream and her mother.

If it meant standing up for something... if it meant that much to her. Then I had to be supportive.

Even if it meant that I could lose the one thing that made my life better.

"Alright. Fine, you win Rouge. Just... please promise me you'll be safe? I need you in my life still. I want a life with you and our baby. Please Rouge." I pleaded, holding her tightly, a tear falling down my cheek. I felt her snuggled into me, getting as close as possible. "You have nothing to worry about Knuckles. I'll be fine. I have Shadow and Topaz and they've never failed me before. We'll be careful. We'll be okay. I promise."

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