A Big Ol' Storm

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~3 months later~

Cream's P.O.V

Wellllllll, as you can imagine, everything seemed to be fine! Mr. Sonic went to something called a therapist and was getting much better. Mr. Silver and Blaze had their hands full. He had to go to the doctor a couple of times cause he had big boo boo's but otherwise he was fine! Then Mr. Knuckles and Rouge were also busy with their baby. She had wings so we all knew she could fly soon. As for Mr. Vector and Mr. Espio, their eggs weren't at all hatching.

Which made me confused because I never thought eggs took this long to hatch. "Ugh! Why won't they hatch already!" Charmy whined as we looked at them. "I'm sure they will soon! We've just gotta be patient!" Tails promised.

"But it's been months! How come it's taking forever?" he whined again. "I'm sure there's a reason! Maybe they aren't ready to come out yet?" I thought, looking more closely at the eggs. "I don't know! I'm just worried about them!" Charmy replied. "I'm sure they're fine! Maybe they're just waiting for the perfect moment to come out." Tails said. We shrugged our shoulders and looked behind us after hearing the doors open up from the shed. "Thanks for helping us with our truck! We'll need it in the best condition for today!" Mr. Vector thanked Mr. Shadow. "It's not a problem! I hope it'll all be okay. You anxious about leaving."

Mr. Vector shrugged. "Eh, as long as I've got Espio by my side, I'll be fine! It'll just be Charmy and the eggs for the most part!" he said back.

"Keep an eye on them for me okay?" Mr. Vector said. "I will! Hurry back soon!" Charmy laughed.

That's when Mr. Espio walked inside the shed. "Alright, I think we should get going! We don't wanna be late." Mr. Espio told him. "You're probably right. Okay, cya later guys!" Mr. Vector replied and gave all four of us hugs. "Okay! I'll take care of your eggs!" Charmy reassured. We laughed and Mr. Shadow picked me, Cheese, and Tails off the ground. "I think that's our cue to go too. We've gotta go get Sonic from Sally's and Amy's place." Mr. Shadow told us.

We nodded and decided to head out the door. "Bye Charmy! Good luck with the eggs!" I said and we walked out as he waved. That's when we put on our helmets and rode of Mr. Shadow's bike.

As we zipped and zoomed through the streets, I thought I felt a little raindrop hit my nose. I looked over at Tails who seemed confused. "Did you feel that?" I asked, shouting.

He left his hand and nodded. "It's going to rain!" Tails shouted. "Mr. Shadow, aren't you worried?" I shouted back. "No! Not really! As long as it's light!" he shouted. But it didn't get light. It only got heavier. So heavy, that I think Mr. Shadow was worried. "We're going to have to stop! It's getting a lot more than I can handle!" he shouted to us. We had driven close to the castle that Ms. Sally owned and we felt relieved.

At least, that was before we felt the motorcycle slipping. "Woah!" Tails and I shouted.

"CHEW CHEW!" Cheese yelled scared. We began sliding more, the bike tilted, and then we began falling. "I've got you!" Mr. Shadow shouted, holding us tightly. When the bike crashed, that's when we all fell off. We began rolling and crashing hard into the sidewalk.

For a minute I couldn't feel anything. But then I got up and looked around. I was fine! I looked around and saw Cheese painfully moving. "Here, I've got you!" I told him, gently picking him up. 
"Chew!" he cried, holding his arm in pain. "It'll be okay!" I promised, trying to calm down. I looked over and saw Tails, he was trying his best to get up from the stress. "Tails! Are you okay?" I asked, helping him up. "I think so! Are you?" "Yeah, I'm fine!" "What happened to Cheese?" "He's right here! He's hurt but I think it's minor!"

After checking on each other, that's when all three of us realized; "Where's Mr. Shadow!" I cried, looking around. "I-I don't know! I don't see him!" Tails cried. "Chew chew!" Cheese whimpered. That's when we heard something running towards it. "Hey! Hey kids! You okay?!" someone asked, running over towards us. "W-We think so." I cried. "C'mon, the palace isn't too far from here, you can wait out the storm there!" they said.

They picked us up and began to carry us. "But what about Shadow!" cried Tails. "We already have him in a safe location." they said. We tried to relax but I was still worried about what was going on. The rain poured down harder than ever.

I could barely see in front of me. "We're here!" he shouted. A door opened up and we were brought inside this place. Tails and Cheese were taken to a different place to check their injuries. Apparently, I didn't have to get checked since I seemed to be fine. I sat there by myself in a different room waiting to see if I got anything back about my friends. "Cream!" I heard behind me. When I turned my head around, Amy was by the doorway. I ran up and immediately hugged her where she gave me one back. "Oh my gosh... you scared me. When I heard the news, I wasn't sure what to believe." she cried.

"Don't worry, I'm okay! Where are the others?" I asked worriedly. "Well, Shadow was taken to a different part of the castle for extra care. The fall off his bike caused more damage than we realized. Cheese is getting a cast because he broke his arm. Tails is fine for the most part. He just has bruises. You seem to be fine from what I can tell." she explained to me. I held on tightly and didn't let go. I was so scared something happened, at least now I could relax. "How about some hot chocolate?" she asked.

I jumped down and held her hand. We walked all over this huge castle where she lived. I was able to see Tails and Cheese eventually and they seemed to be happy. We relaxed some and looked out the castle window. "Wow... it really is a big ol' storm."

Tails and Cheese gasped as we watched the rain fall down like buckets. It was insane outside. "It's like this everywhere." Amy said, joining us.

"Wait, everywhere!?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" she asked. "What about Charmy?! And the eggs he's looking after! He's scared of storms!" I cried. "I'll go get him." a voice said. It was Ms. Sally.

Amy seemed scared though. "What! No! Sally it's too dangerous!" she cried. "Well, Cream's right. We shouldn't just leave him! Plus, what if someone needs my help out there? I have to be there to help them!" she replied. "Alright... fine. Just, please be careful!" "Only for you."

They both kissed and Ms. Sally handed their new baby over to Amy. Then she walked off. "Hey, Amy, whatever happened to Shadow?" Tails asked. "Oh, he's laying down to try to get better! I'll take you there! He's with Sonic and their baby!" she said and led us all down the hall. I hoped Charmy was okay through all of this.

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