chapter nine: realization

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She stared at them, "No, no please," Gally said, "I-i don't wanna go in there please y/n." "I'm sorry Gally, come on." "NO! I'm not going in there!" Newt stood up and said, "He doesn't wanna bloody go alright?" "Well, Newt he doesn't have a choice! I'm sorry okay! It wasn't my decision.." "No! No! Please! I'm begging you!". Tears started to fall from y/n's eyes as the guards ran in and grabbed him, he struggled and tried to get out of their grip but it was no use. You could hear his screams the whole way down the corridor, y/n couldn't move. Stuck in the same position beside the door, "How could you?" Newt said upset, and turned around and sat down. Y/n simply said, "I'm sorry." and left, leaving Newt there alone.

Y/n cried the whole way back to her station, she had been gone an hour and she saw that Gally had just came up in the box. He as all the other people, were confused and scared. They had already built everything they needed so they were doing good. Their brains were being monitered closely constantly, testing them in different ways. Y/n couldn't take seeing Gally like that, knowing how scared he was to get there, without warning, she just stood up and left. Ava didn't bother chasing after her, she knew she was hurt. She ran back to her room and thought things over. 'This isn't right, we shouldn't be doing this. How horrible can they get! Poor Gally didn't want to go anywhere near the maze and they didn't even care. Am I a horrible person? I shouldn't be helping them, WCKD isn't good. I have to do something to stop them.'

enemies to lovers (y/n and newt) book one.Where stories live. Discover now