Not yours

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—Never have I delt with anything more difficult than my soul—
Y/n POV:

We ran down the hall and past multiple doors. I turned left and right and Miles followed. He seamed annoyed and not scared.

"Y/n! WHAT THE HELL!" Miles yelled as he stopped mid-run. I stopped and turned around to face him. He walked up to me.

"What?!" I replied over dramatically!

"Don't use that tone with me!" Miles raised his voice as he put his hand on my cheeks and squeezed them. He tilted my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "I'm not your pet anymore! You had your fun! You kidnapped me, tortured me, played with my feelings, and dragged me into your mess!" Miles ranted. He then squeezed my cheeks really hard again before letting go of them.

"Don't fuck with me! I'm not your bitch anymore! I control myself!" I fired back as I lunged at Miles.

"Your cute when your pissed. The problem is I think your forgetting how much I broke you, and how I can just as easily do it again." Miles rolled his eyes.

"I fucking hate you!" I yelled. He shook his head as he looked down at me. We then heard footsteps coming right at us, so I opened the door on our right and Miles and I both rushed into the room and closed the door behind us.

A/n: Maybe Miles misses being in control🤔 also sorry really short chapter, I'm sad that I'm having to do school in the morning, it's online, but I still can't handle the amount of work they assign! Well good night! I love you!-Ry💖

Miles My kidnapper Where stories live. Discover now