The past is still healing

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—We live in a world so fake, I lost the real me—
(n/n- nickname)
Y/n POV:

I woke up in Miles bed. Miles had his arms wrapped around me tightly. He was drooling, but it was cute. His curls were messy and all over the place. I could smell turkey and ham. Today was Thanksgiving, and I was upset I couldn't spend it with my family. Honestly it is nice to not have to deal with my step father this year.

*flashback to last thanksgiving*

I woke up to the usual morning holiday feeling. My step father was angry and my mother was shushing her one month old. I came down stairs, but regretted it instantly. My mother was cooking and she had tears running down her eyes.

"Momma, you ok?" I asked her worried. She nodded her head yes as she put the potatoes in the oven. Kobi was only one month at the time but he had a really runny nose.

My step dad walked into the kitchen in a bad mood as always. He picked up Kobi from the high chair and handed him to me.

"Go lay him down." He instructed.

"But didn't he just get up?" I asked concerned.

"Why does it matter he is sick!" My step dad raised his voice.

"But I just thought I-" I began to stammer. My step father got annoyed and slapped me. My mother watched the scene in front of her, but acted like nothing happened. I could feel the hot tears running down my face. I then took Kobi up to bed and let him cry in his crib.

I went to my room and saw the new mark on my face. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it! I can't take this anymore! Tears began to fill my eyes and my face got hot.

I stayed in my room until I was called down for dinner. I finally made myself feel happy again. I watched Netflix and read books all day. When I got down stairs I saw my mother had cleaned herself up and was dishing out food on everyone's plates.

"Where is Kobi?" I asked as I sat down.

"We're going to have a quiet dinner." My step dad told me. My mom didn't seam ok with this.

"Let's eat." My mother said with sad eyes. I tried to eat, but couldn't. I could see my mother's pain.

"Did you hit my mom?" I raised my voice. My mother's eyes went wide with fear.

"I wouldn't ever hit your mother." Jason replied. "Now sit down and eat!" He spat.

"I'm not hungry." I told him as I got up from my chair. He stood up as well and pointed to my chair. I shook my head no and tried to walk upstairs.

Jason was pissed off and he reeked of alcohol. Shit I fucked up! He dragged me by my hair up to my room. He then started screaming at me all kinds of things and called me a bitch a lot! He began to hit me and threw me on the floor. Once I was on the floor he kicked me a few times then slammed my door.

My noses was bleeding and I had cuts all over my face. I cleaned up my face witch hurt really badly. Then I changed into clothes that weren't staid with blood. I had a black eye and a fat lip.

I sat in my room and cried for about two hours. Then I went down stairs. My mother and Jason were passed out on the couch. I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of Vodka.

I went back to my room and drank all of the vodka. I was hammered. I could barely walk and after awhile I blacked out.

I woke up feeling completely sick the next afternoon. I began vomiting in the toilet and I didn't leave my room all day.

*end of flashback*

Miles began to squirm a little and he opened his eyes. Once he realized where is hands were he moved them. He kissed me on the lips lightly.

"Good morning." Miles said with a smile.

"Morning." I replied. It was still raining outside and was still really windy. I could hear the tree that was in front of Miles window beating on the house.

"We have Thanksgiving dinner tonight, so we should pick out our outfits." Miles told me as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

Miles got out of bed and walked over to his closet. He threw clothes around then turned his head to his bed. I was sitting on his bed and we made eye contact.

"Here. Wear this and I'll take you to a store and we can buy you a dress for tonight." Miles told me as he looked back to his closet. "Maybe we will get you a few outfits too." He said with a smile.

Miles tossed me a light grey sweater and some black ripped jeans. Miles changed in front of me. He wore light blue jeans with a red sweater. He look really cute. When he went to the bathroom I got dressed.

After we both were ready we went down stairs and saw the maid cooking turkey and we saw cinnamon rolls on a plate that was in the middle of the table. Kate and Flora were both eating and reading books.

"Good morning." Miles told Kate and Flora with kind voice.

"Morning." They said in unison.

"We're going to the store to get n/n a dress and some more clothes." Miles said as he blushed a little.

"Oh ok. Well hurry back in time for dinner." Kate instructed us with a smile.

We left the house and Miles had a limo drive us away from the house and to a small town. We went to a dress shop first. Before we got out of the limo Miles made direct eye contact with me.

"No funny business, ok babe?" He said with a stern harsh glare.

"Of course not." I said with a smile as I kissed Miles cheek. He turned bright red. We then got out of the limo and Miles held my hand as we walked into the dress shop.

A/n: well I hope you liked this chapter sorry it was a little dark

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