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—Damaged people are the most dangerous. They know how to make hell feel like home—
Miles POV:

I woke up in y/ns bed, It had been about two weeks since Y/n kidnapped me. She's chilled out a lot now. I honestly think she still loves me, but she won't admit it. She sometimes will kiss me on the cheek, but I know it's mainly so she can play with my feelings.

Y/n gets angry easily. The other day we were making eggs and I burned one. She slapped me and locked me in the basement for a whole day without food and water. I honestly think she is loosing her mind!

The issue is that she has her moments. The time when she is happy and kind, these are the moments that make me fall in love with her. When we cuddle to watch a dvd, or when we throw popcorn at eachother. Y/n also gets scared in storms, well at least she used to me. The issue is when I'm in love with y/n, I'm weak. Love has a special power over you!

"You awake?" I whispered in her ear. Y/n rubbed her eyes and turned to face me.

"Now I am." She answers sarcastically. I kissed her on the forehead and she wiped away my kiss!

"Don't wipe away my love!" I told her with annoyance.

"Stop being whinny!" She raised her voice as she sat up. "I'm gonna make pancakes." She smiled.

"Want help?" I asked.

"Sure." She replied. We both got out of bed. We were still in our pjs as we walked down the white ladder. We walked past the living room and into the kitchen. I sat down at the barstool and n/n began putting flour into a bowl.

_______Time Jump_______

The day dragged on slowly. Each day felt longer and longer. I loved being with y/n, but hated being locked up in this cabin. Not being able to leave, and not being to do what I want. We just watched movies and baked all day. It was starting to get old, especially, because y/n didn't ever want to par take in intercourse. She didn't even want to make out!

I was watching Wall-E while y/n was upstairs taking a nap. I thought about trying to escape, but I figured she'd find me. The movies was funny and I was wrapped up in a fuzzy dark red blanket. It was all good until I heard a loud bang.

"What the hell was that sound!?" Y/n yelled as she climbed off the ladder. I figured the sound awoke her.

"I don't know." I replied. We looked around and I got a little over protective of y/n. I made her walk behind me as we walked into the kitchen. She was annoyed, but I didn't care.

"What the hell!?" Y/n said aloud. A girl with platinum blond hair was in the kitchen part of the cabin. The window was shattered and the girl had a gun. The girl rolled her eyes then bam! Everything went black and my ears rang. I thought about if this is how y/n felt when I had Jax hit her on the back of the head with a metal rod, when I kidnapped her a year ago.

A/n: we set up our Christmas tree and now I'm really in the spirit! Mind you I had my tree, that's in my room up since November 1st, but still! Lmao

Miles My kidnapper Where stories live. Discover now