Chapter 1

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—Accepting yourself is the most important—
Y/n POV:

It was another normal day. I was walking home from school, even though my step dad was supposed to pick me up (never did tho). Once I reached the house I took a deap breath. Preparing myself for what ever mood my step dad (Jason) was in. Honestly me and Jason never got along, but my mom claimed to love him, and I want her to be happy. Even though I couldn't think of any reason why to love that man.

I opened the front door and walked into the large  house. It was quiet until I heard crying. I ran upstairs to see my baby brother in his crib. His room stunk and I realized he must of been in his crib almost all day. I looked around his room for some diapers.

After I changed my baby brother, Kobie I held him on my hip. I walked down stairs to look around the house. No one was here expect me and my brother.

"Wow! What a great step father! He left you here alone crying for who knows how long." I said to Kobie. I didn't understand why my mom and step dad even had Kobie, honestly. My step dad hates kids and has made that very clear. And my mom well she's never home. Basically I take care of Kobi and myself, which was kind of hard because I shouldn't be raising a kid at the age of 15.

I then took Kobi to my room and put him in his car seat so I didn't have to hold him. I turned on my computer and started doing school work. I liked school because it was honestly better than home. I didn't mind all the assignments that took hours and I tended to work ahead of my class.

I was ahead by two weeks so I decided to work even more ahead of my class. After a few hours I noticed it was getting dark and it was almost Kobies bed time. I picked Kobi up out of his car seat. Then I carried him down stairs. I buckled him into his high chair and began to microwave his baby food.

I fed him all his sweet potatoes and peas. He didn't like the peas and began spitting them up...gross! After that I cleaned him up and changed him into his blue feetie pjs. Then I layed him down in in his crib and turned on the baby monitor and brought it to the kitchen.

I started making myself some ramen since I was hungry and the last time I ate was at lunch. After I finished making my dinner, I sat down at the barstool that was at the end of the kitchen island, and began eating. My mother and step father still were not home, which was weird.

After I ate I went upstairs to the bathroom and got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and hair. Then I changed into a pair of sweatpants and an oversized vans shirt. I crawled into bed and Flicked off my light.

A/n: I hope you like this book! Also as I've already said there are mentions of abuse in this book, to make the plot make more sense :)

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