In all black

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—You didn't even try to stop me, that's cause I don't care—
Y/n POV:

Once I got all changed into pjs and my face was washed. I took a minute to look in the mirror. I didn't know if I liked what I saw. I saw two lightly faded pink hand prints on my face, which made me want to cry. I saw a skinny body that wasn't tan but it wasn't pale. I then looked over at Kobi who was in my arms. He had my mother's eyes and smile, but he had my step dads nose.

I stopped looking in the mirror when I heard my mother calling me down stairs. I came down the stairs and my mother looked at me. She saw the hand marks, they weren't hard to miss even though they were faded. She then looked back at the tv.

"What do you want to watch hun?" She asked me. I looked down at the floor feeling upset that she knew my step dad was hurting me, but never said anything.

"I don't know." I said with a sad tone.

"What if we watch Lilo and stitch?" My mother asked. It was her favorite movie so we all agreed. My mom held Kobi while she watched the movie and my step father fell asleep halfway into the film. After the movie was finished it was 11:30 pm, so my mother told me to get to bed. I agreed, and hugged her good night.

"Night mom! I love you!" I said with a smile. I loved that she was home.

"I love you too dear! I missed you so much!" She blew me a kiss then I walked up stairs. I walked through the hallways and into my bedroom. I was so tired I couldn't wait to get into bed. It was dark so I clicked on the light switch.

Then I saw something horrifying! A slim person was sitting on my bed with a gun pointing at me! They had black Converse with black ripped jeans. They also had a black ski mask covering there face and a black zip up jacket.

The person stood up and walked towards me. I froze in fear. The person then grabbed my arm tight and pulled me near the window!

"Make a sound and I'll shoot you and your family!" The boys voice threatened me. I listened because I didn't want to harm my mother or half brother. He pulled me out of the window and onto the roof. He then helped me down off the roof.

"W-where are you taking me?" I asked but got no response. "Hello?" I questioned.

"Jesus! Do you ever shut the fuck up!?" The boy raised his voice. Then I felt something heavy hit the back of my head hard. My ears began to ring and the night sky that was filled with stars vanished. Everything was black and I couldn't move or hear anything!

Author note: sorry cliff hanger! Well I'm gonna focus on my OG book but I'm going to post this one again soon :)

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