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—Don't they give you happy pills in this place?—
Y/n POV:

A few weeks had passed since I went ballistic. I was starting to wonder if this place was making me crazier. It only made sense, being locked away and drugged up would do that to a person. I heard a nurse talking to security about how it was probably the pills I was on that caused a breakdown like that. Last night I heard her say they may change my medication.

I felt lonely seeing as how no one visited me. My mother and step brother probably wouldn't ever want anything to do with me ever again. I get that I traumatized my mother with the whole bat situation, but my step father had it coming. In all honesty I think of myself as a hero for it. I protected my brother from being abused more.

I wondered if that's why I was in here, or maybe if it was because how I tortured my ex fake boyfriend. Honestly he had it coming, the thing that scares me was how much I liked to hurt him. I wondered if that's how he felt with me. Did he enjoy hurting me? The question circled my head until my thoughts were interrupted. A new nurse entered my room and gave me a blue and white pill capsule. It was different from my other pills from a few days ago, those were red. The thing was ever since I stopped taking the medication I felt like I had more energy. Also I was able to think normally again, and things weren't as tense for me. I wanted to see if the new pills would help though so I took all three the nurse gave me.

The medication made me tired and weak. I felt as if they were horse tranquilizers. I could barely move and see. Everything was blurred and when I woke up I had a roommate.

"You best be nice to Raya, Y/n. We think you two being roommates will help each other over come your traumas and heal." A different nurse than before said. She then walked out of the door. I turned to face the once before empty bed that was now occupying Raya.

"Are you gonna kill me in my sleep?" I asked raising an eye brow.

"I thought about it. I could always suffocate you with a pillow, but no. That's too easy." Raya paused. "I'm gonan make you pay for everything you've done. I'm gonna torture you, by taking your freedom. I'm gonna make them think you have to stay here forever." Raya chuckled.

"But- wait how are you functioning so we'll? What pills are you on?" I questioned.

"I stopped taking those ages ago. They fuck with your head." She scoffed.

Oh fuck! I thought to myself. She's not drugged up at all so it will be easy for her to come up with plans and all that shit. I had no idea how I was gonna stop taking all these pills without getting caught. The nurses would randomly give me shots that knocked me out if I seamed too energetic during the past week. They still have been on my ass about all the medications because my breakdown. I new I needed a plan to figure a way out of here.

"Well welcome home roomie." I smirked at Raya.

A/n: I'm back!  (Not proof read sorry it's currently 4am)

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