Loose papers

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—Loose papers are like loose lips, they give away your secrets—
Y/n POV:

I woke up and realized Miles wasn't in the room. I sat up then looked around. Where was he I wondered. I noticed that on his desk was many papers. I wanted to go look at them but I didn't know when miles would be back. I looked around the room then headed towards the bathroom door. I leaned my ear close to the door and I heard the shower was on. I then tip toed over to Miles desk and rummaged around through the paper work. I tried hard to not mess up where anything was, so it looked like I never touched it.

The paper work talked a lot about a deal and a man who owed money to Miles. There were no names or pictures of the man the only thing the paper work said was that he borrowed money from Miles a year ago and that he was a school teacher.

I heard the water turn off so I ran back to the bed and made it look like I just woke up. I rubbed my eyes quickly and hard so it seamed more believable. Miles then opened the bathroom door with only a towel on wrapped around his waist. I saw his whole upper body. He was fit and very pale, with little muscle.

"Just wake up?" Miles asked me.

"Yes." I said faking a yawn. It sounded believable.

"Ok, well get up and get dressed for breakfast. We have things that need to get done before Kate and Flora get home." Miles said throwing clothes at me.

"I don't do dresses." Told miles after I noticed the clothes were a long sleeve red dress that would only reach my knees.

"Well then you will learn to do dresses." Miles sounded unfazed.

"I'm not your pet!" I yelled as I threw the dress on the floor.

"Stop being a bitch and wear the damn dress!" He raised his voice lightly.

"No!" I was fuming. He doesn't control me, and I honestly don't know where I got this confidence.

"Y/n! Do you want to go back to the basement!?" Miles gave me a questioning look. "Cause I can make that happen!" He was now angry. Shit I fucked up.

"No." I backed down. "I'll wear the damn dress." I realized that it wasn't the time to test Miles power. I then took the dress and went over to the corner of the room. I put the Lacey red dress on and wanted to die. You could see my legs were beat up from a mile away. I gazed into the mirror hating the dress on my thin body.

Miles looked me up and down before taking a deep breath.

"Looks like your gonna need black tights." He said with a kind voice. He then handed me some back tights and a pair of black buckles shoes. "You look great." A wide smile covered his face as he stared at me all dressed. "Come. Let's go eat." He instructed me.

We walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. The food was sitting in our usual spots. Todays breakfast was waffles and sausage. Miles put peanutbutter on his waffle and syrup, while I put butter and syrup. We ate our food then Miles went upstairs to prepare for tonight.

Author note: in sorry it's been a few days since I last updated this book? Idk how long lol. Sorry I've been busy with school and my other books! I hope your doing well! I love you so much! -Ry💕

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