Stop lying

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—We are humans with masks, that hide our pain—
Y/n POV:

Miles and I layed down for like an hour. We didn't talk we just relaxed. Miles played with my hair and kissed me a lot. I was actually happy, I hadn't felt true happiness in forever. It was nice to feel loved.

"Leslie?" Miles asked. I sat up and looked at him. "What?" He asked confused.

"Who is Leslie?" I questioned. He looked at me and his eyes went wide.

"I don't know." Miles was clearly lieing.

"Then why did you say her name?" I snapped at him.

"I said y/n...." Miles trialed off.

"No you didn't!" I yelled at him. I don't know why I was mad, was it because he called me another girls name, or was it because he was lieing?

"I would never call you that name!" Miles said shaking his head.

"But you just did!" I got annoyed and got off Miles bed. I walked over to the door and began opening it.

"Where are you going?" Miles called out. I turned around to face him.

"For a walk." I told him. I then walked away from his door and went to the closet. I put on a black t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I decided to wear a pair of Miles's black converse, because why not. I walked back over to his door and opened it. Miles shook his head in annoyance. I left his room and began walking down the hall and down the stairs.

Miles pov:

Shit! Did I really call her Leslie? I wondered. I felt like shit. If I really did call her that I needed a serious reality check. Leslie is dead and I just called my girlfriend the name of me ex!

I decided to get out of bed and get dressed. I went over to my closet and picked out a pair of jeans. I decide to wear high socks and cuff my jeans. I wore a grey soft sweater since it was cold outside. I looked around for my black classic converse and realized y/n must of took them. I put on a pair of white converse and left my room. I ran down the hall and rushed down the stairs. Y/n must of went outside, but it was raining.

I swear women are psychotic! She didn't even take the umbrella! I thought as I grabbed the umbrella by the front door and grabbed a coat that was on a hook by the front door. I rushed outside and opened the umbrella. I began walking around and looking for y/n.

Y/n POV:

I was walking alone around the property in the rain. I was freezing since it was cold rain. I kept walking around the premises. I wondered who Leslie was. I sat down in the grass and let the heavy rain pour on me.

"Are you fucking out of your mind!?" I heard a voice spring out from behind me. I turned around to see Miles standing behind me. He had a rain coat on and his white converse. I figured he was mad about me stealing his shoes. He had a black Umbrella protecting him from the cold heavy rain.

"What?" I asked.

"It's freezing out here and you have no coat and no umbrella. Your gonna get sick!" Miles scolded me. Was he fucking serious? I thought. Miles walked over to me and took off the rain coat. He put it on my soaking wet body. He put the umbrella over me and it felt nice to not be getting anymore wet.

"T-t-thanks." My teeth chattered.

"Come let's go home." Miles said trying to walk home. I shook my head no.

"Not until you tell me who Leslie is!" I told him.

"She is no one." Miles told me annoyed.

"Then if she is no one it will be easy to tell me about her." I said with confidence.

"Ugh. Fine, I'll tell you when we get inside." Miles told me.

"Deal." I agreed. We both walked under the black umbrella. It was a long walk back to the house. Miles didn't say anything to me the whole walk. It was quite, besides the sound of rain.

Once we got to the house I we got inside and Miles locked the door behind us. He closed the wet umbrella and hung it by it's string to one of the hooks. Then I took off the rain coat and put it on another hook. We both took of the shoes we were wearing. Miles seamed annoyed that his black converse were covered in mud. Oops.

"Now begin explaining." I told Miles. He nodded and grabbed my hand. We walked over into the vintage looking living room. We both sat on the couch and Miles gave me a serious look.

"Leslie is my ex." Miles said.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked. I was clearly confused on why he felt the need to lie.

"I didn't want to scare you." He tried to explain.

"Scare me. Scare me how?" I questioned.

"Leslie is dead." Miles said calmly. He didn't seam sad, which scared me a little. I hugged him to comfort him.

"I'm sor-" I tried to apologize.

"Don't be. It's my fault for falling for her. She was gonna die no matter what." Miles said coldly. He then got up and towered over me. "Want some soup?" He asked.

"Sure." I told him and I stood up from the couch. We both then walked into the kitchen and the maid was no where to be found. So we decided to make the soup ourselves. Miles had never made soup before, so it was challenging for him.

A/n: Thank you for all the love and support! I love you!

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