Fucked up

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—No one makes sense, but you do—
Y/n POV:

Night time rolled around quickly and it was getting dark. It was only five o clock, but due to changing the time it caused the sky to get darker earlier. It was the fall season even though it was only September. I started to wonder if I would get to see my family for the holidays. Honestly were they even looking for me? I've been missing for about two maybe three days.

I missed my mother and Kobi. The thought of never seeing them broke me. I didn't care if I never saw my step father again. I wouldn't miss his abuse. I didn't know how to feel about Miles and I kept thinking about the papers I read this morning. Did any of them have to do with the reason I was here? I thought to myself.

"Y/n?" Miles yelled at me causing me to snap back to reality. "You ready for dinner? The maid cooked for us. Also Flora and Kate will be walking in through the front door any moment now. Come wait for them in the entrance hall." Miles then offered out his hand for me to hold. I shook my head no.

"Ok, but I'm not holding your hand." I rolled my eyes as I began to walk out of Miles bedroom and towards the stairs. I got to the doorway and Miles stopped me.

"Your my girlfriend, remember?" Miles asked raising an eyebrow. I shook my head yes. "You have to make it look believable. Now stop being a pussy and hold my hand." Miles yelled whispered, as he placed his hand out again. I got angry and slapped his hand!

"I'm not a pussy!" I yelled then crossed my arms. He eyed my up and down. He then grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the stairs. He then opened up the basement door and pushed me down the basement stairs.

"Ill let you out when you decide to not be a BITCH!" Miles yelled through the door. He emphasized the word bitch. I heard the lock click and I was stuck in the dark basement. I looked around for a light switch, but there was none. I sat down on the bed and waited. I knew Miles would have to let me out soon. I mean I was supposed to meet Kate and Flora, right?

I thought to myself about how much I fucked this up. I had officially screwed myself. Miles probably was gonna treat me like shit the rest of the time I was stuck here. I knew the only reason why I slapped his hand was cause he called me a pussy. My step dad would call me a pussy when I was younger. He would get mad at me for crying.

I was upset that I let my step dad get the best of me. Like come on, he wasn't even here! Yet I slapped Miles hand for calling me something my step dad would call me.

After hours passed I wondered if I was gonna see Miles at all tonight. I had no watch or any way to tell time, but I had been down here for a long time. It sucked that the basement was sound proof and I couldn't hear anything that was happening above me. I sat on the bed and waited.

I was starting to get annoyed now. The constant waiting in the dark and cold. I was stuck in an uncomfy dress and tights. The lace on the dress was itchy and I wanted to take it off, but I only had undergarments and a pair of tights under it. I felt like banging on the ceiling, but Miles had a gun and Probably would shoot me.

After so long of being stuck down her I took off the black buckled up shoes and layed down on the bed. I closed my eyes and began to drift off.


"Get up!" I heard someone whisper in my ear causing me to jump up! "Calm down! It's just me!" Miles said grabbing my wrist, and helping me off the bed.

"I-I'm sorry." I pleaded to Miles. I wanted out of the basement, and I was willing to kiss his ass to get out.

"I know you are. Now come." He had a smirk on, I could tell by his tone.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"To my room. And I swear you make a sound I'll fucking put a bullet in your head! Flora and Kate are asleep so tip-toe." Miles told me sternly. I listened to him and tried to not make a sound.

Once we reached Miles room, he quietly turned the door knob. And then closed the door before turning on a light.

"Here. Change into that." Miles said pointing to the clothes on the left side of the bed. It was an oversized t-shirt and a pair of black lacy underwear.

"Thanks." I told him and I quickly changed as he covered his eyes with his hand.

"Now get in bed." Miles instructed me. I realized he was already in pajamas. He was wearing sweatpants with a t-shirt. He was laying on the right side of the bed, the side closest to the door. I layed down on top of the covers, since he was in the covers. I was laying on the left side. The side close to the large window that had multiple locks on it.

"Arnt you gonna get under the covers? It gets cold in here." Miles looked dumbfound as he asked me.

"I-I...." I didn't know what to say to him.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you. Your supposed to be playing the part of my girlfriend tho. If they walk in here in the morning and ask about why you weren't in the covers, it's your funeral." Miles rolled his eyes as he explained this. He was moody and tired. I just nodded then got under the covers so he would shut the fuck up.

"Night." I said turning away from Miles to face the window, as he turned off the lamp.

" y/n. Go to sleep." Miles told me as he turned to face the door. Man, what an ass I thought! Does he have too big of an ego to say night? I was pissed as I questioned this. I wanted to say something, but thought it best to just stay quiet. Then I finally fell asleep.

Author note: we hit 1k reads! I'm so happy! I hope you like this book! Sorry I haven't updated it as often I've been focusing on my other book and I've been really busy! I love you! -Ry💕

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